319 research outputs found

    How does perceiving eye direction modulate emotion recognition?

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    Niedenthal et al. postulate that eye contact with the expresser of an emotion automatically initiates embodied simulation. Our commentary explores the generality of such an eye contact effect for emotions other than happiness. Based on the appraisal theory of emotion, we propose that embodied simulation may be reinforced by mutual or averted gaze as a function of emotional contex

    Atingimento maxilo-facial na doença de Gorham-Stout

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizA doença de Gorham-Stout, também conhecida como doença do osso fantasma, é uma patologia que leva à osteólise espontânea e progressiva, que ainda é mal compreendida. Uma das áreas principais é a maxilo-facial, que tem as suas próprias implicações específicas de doença para fazer o diagnóstico de exclusão. O diagnóstico é determinado por aspetos histológicos, radiológicos e clínicos. No entanto, possuir certezas na sua realização é complicado, devido a tratar-se de uma patologia rara e por este motivo, os conhecimentos serem limitados. Assim, existe uma falta de consenso na escolha dos tratamentos, que são múltiplos e com maus resultados. Isto faz da sua gestão um desafio, levando a prognósticos altamente variáveis e muitas vezes desfavoráveis.Gorham-Stout disease, also known as phantom bone disease, is a condition that leads to spontaneous and progressive osteolysis, which is still not well known. One of these main areas is the maxillofacial sphere, which has its own disease-specific implications for making the diagnosis of exclusion. The diagnosis is determined by histological, radiological and clinical aspects. However, the diagnosis is complicated due to the rarity of this disease and therefore the limited knowledge. Thus there is a lack of consensus in the choice of treatments, which are multiple and whose results are not very conclusive. This makes its management a challenge. And this leads to highly variable but often unfavorable prognosis.La maladie de Gorham-Stout, aussi connue sous le nom de la maladie de l'os fantôme, est une pathologie qui conduit à une ostéolyse spontanée et progressive, et qui reste encore peu connue. Une de ces principales atteintes est la sphère maxillo-faciale qui a des implications propres à l'instar des maladies spécifiques pour réaliser le diagnostic d'exclusion. Le diagnostic est déterminé grâce aux aspects histologiques, radiologiques et cliniques. Cependant, celui-ci est compliqué dû à la rareté de cette pathologie et donc aux connaissances limitées. Ainsi il existe un manque de consensus dans le choix des traitements, qui sont multiples et dont les résultats sont peu probants. Ce qui fait de sa prise en charge un challenge. Et cela conduit à des pronostics très variables mais souvent défavorables

    Reflexiones de los alumnos de Enfermería sobre el proceso de la muerte

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    One’s attitude toward and fear of death in the nursing field can determine the quality of care that a dying patient receives, which makes this topic an important one to consider and discuss.It is necessary for one to learn to perceive death as a natural process. Healthcare workers treat dying patients, interpreting the phenomenon of death as well as death itself through their own personal lens and breadth of understanding. Training in thanatology and palliative care is scarcely and irregularly included in regular academic curricula.The objective of this study is to analyze the contributions of 3rd-year nursing students on the subject of palliative care upon writing a reflective journal entry about an article that surrounds a nurse’s view on the process of dying.Phenomenology was used as a methodological instrument which intended to inductively draw up a standardized explanation of the phenomenon of death through the students’ expressed thoughts on the matter.Relating to the attitudes that nurses that work with the terminally ill have towards death, the following facts stand out as impactful: lack of preparation, ineffective coping, and personal fears, values, and beliefs. Additionally, uneasiness associated with the use of life support and the care team’s obstinate insistence on saving what cannot be saved is predominant.The results emphasize a very elevated level of the nurse’s emotional involvement in caring for a dying patient. Specific preparation geared toward a better adaptation in working with terminal patients has been identified as a fundamental pillar for nurses in this line of work. Personal interest and emphasis on occupational excellence also stand out as influential factors.It is very important to analyze the problems regarding this “environment of death” and its impact on nursing students. Qualitative research in this field could be a useful tool in detecting worries and uncertainties surrounding this matter.La actitud y el miedo a la muerte en enfermería pueden condicionar la calidad de cuidados del paciente moribundo, por lo que es importante abordar este tema.Es necesario aprender a percibir la muerte como algo natural. Los sanitarios tratan a los moribundos, interpretan el fenómeno de la muerte y la muerte misma bajo su óptica y entendimiento. La formación en tanatología y los cuidados paliativos se trata de forma escasa o al menos de forma irregular en los planes de estudio.El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las aportaciones de los alumnos de tercero de enfermería en la asignatura cuidados paliativos a la hora de escribir una reflexión sobre un artículo que trata la visión de una enfermera del proceso de la muerte.Se empleó la fenomenología como instrumento metodológico, con el que se pretendió elaborar inductivamente un marco explicativo del fenómeno estudiado a partir de las expresiones de los estudiantes.En relación a la actitud hacia el trabajo con enfermos terminales y hacia la muerte se pueden resaltar los siguientes datos: escasa preparación, afrontamiento ineficaz, miedos, valores y creencias. Predomina la inquietud relacionada con el encarnizamiento terapéutico y con la actitud obstinada del equipo de salud por salvar lo insalvable.Los resultados ponen de manifiesto un grado muy elevado de implicación emocional de la enfermera en el cuidado del paciente moribundo. Se considera como pilar fundamental una preparación específica para adaptarse mejor al trabajo con los pacientes terminales. Destaca el interés y la preocupación por la excelencia.Es muy importante el analizar los problemas en “entorno de la muerte” en los estudiantes de enfermería. La investigación cualitativa en este campo podría ser una de las herramientas útiles para detectar inquietudes y preocupacione

    Investigating Eye Contact Effect on People’s Name Retrieval in Normal Aging and in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Difficulty in recalling people’s name is one of the most universally experienced changes in old age and would also constitute one of the earliest symptom of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Direct gaze, i.e., another individual’s gaze directed to the observer that leads to eye contact, has been shown to improve memory for faces and concomitant verbal information. Here, we investigated whether this effect extends to memory for Face-Name association and can thus enhance names’ retrieval in normal aging and in AD, at the early stage of the disease. Twenty AD patients, 20 older adults and 25 young adults participated in our study. Subjects were presented with faces displaying either direct or averted gaze in association with a name presented orally. They were then asked to perform a surprise recognition test for each pair of stimuli, in a sequential fashion (i.e., first categorizing a face as old or new and then associating a name using a forced-choice procedure). Results showed that direct gaze does not improve memory for Face-Name association. Yet, we observed an overall direct gaze memory effect over faces and names independently, across our populations, showing that eye contact enhances the encoding of concomitantly presented stimuli. Our results are the first empirical evidence that eye contact benefits memory throughout the course of aging and lead to better delimit the actual power of eye contact on memory

    Fortbildungskonzept für Fachkonferenzen Mathematik Sek I

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    Lehrerfortbildung bewegt sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen stetig wachsenden An- und Herausforderungen durch bildungspolitische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen und Veränderungen und den subjektiv empfundenen Handlungsnotwendigkeiten und grenzen im pädagogischen Alltag. Kolleginnen und Kollegen erwarten möglichst konkrete unterstützende Angebote für ihren Unterrichtsalltag, der aus unterschiedlichsten allzu bekannten Gründen zunehmend anstrengender wird

    Ko-Labs als kooperatives Coaching in der Lehrkräftebildung: Best-Practice-Beispiel zur Gestaltung von Unterrichtsaufgaben in der beruflichen Fachrichtung Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft

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    Die Lehrkräftebildung der beruflichen Fachrichtung Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft unterliegt zahlreichen Herausforderungen. Zum einem existiert der doppelte Praxisbezug in Form von Schule und Betrieb; zum anderen müssen aktuelle Querschnittsthemen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Digitalisierung und der Umgang mit einer heterogenen Schüler*innenschaft inklusiv berücksichtigt werden. Im Lehr- und Lernprozess von Studierenden nimmt die Entwicklung und Erprobung von Unterrichtsaufgaben zur Anwendung durch ihre späteren Berufsschüler*innen eine wichtige Rolle ein. Diesen Prozess fördert an der Technischen Universität Berlin (TUB) die Implementierung eines neuartigen hochschuldidaktischen Lehr-Lernformats, das als Vorbereitung auf das Praxissemester, welches im dritten Mastersemester vorgesehen ist, seit 2020 erprobt wird. Es nennt sich Kooperationslabor, kurz Ko-Lab. Es hat zum Ziel, die von Studierenden in Befragungen geäußerte wahrgenommene Theorie-Praxis-Diskrepanz zwischen Schule, Universität und den zu unterrichtenden Berufen der Schüler*innen zu überwinden. Dazu nutzt das Ko-Lab-Konzept kooperatives Coaching. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt den Aufbau des entwickelten kooperativen Coaching-Formats und zeigt anhand eines Best-Practice-Beispiels aus einem Bereich der Hauswirtschaft die Berücksichtigung fachspezifischer Qualitätskriterien für die Gestaltung von Unterrichtsaufgaben. Der Beitrag schließt mit einer Diskussion über die Ko-Labs als Verknüpfungsformat von Theorie und doppelter Praxis unter Einbezug aktueller Querschnittsthemen aus Studierendenperspektive ab

    Aplicación de herramientas cuantitativas para el estudio epidemiológico de zoonosis

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    En la presente tesis doctoral se ha explorado la utilidad de la aplicación de técnicas de análisis cuantitativo para el estudio de la epidemiología de enfermedades de relevancia en sanidad animal y salud pública.La mayor parte de estudios epidemiológicos se fundamentan en la clasificación de los individuos de la población en las categorías de infectado y no infectado en función de los resultados de una prueba diagnóstica. No obstante, con frecuencia la fiabilidad de esa prueba no se evalúa previamente, o bien dicha evaluación tiene lugar en unas circunstancias no aplicables posteriormente a la población de interés. En esta tesis se aplicó la estadística Bayesiana en dos escenarios muy diferentes con el fin de estimar la fiabilidad de pruebas diagnósticas ante-mortem. En primer lugar, se evaluó la fiabilidad de las pruebas tradicionales de diagnóstico de la leishmaniosis, la inmunofluorescencia indirecta de anticuerpos (IFAT) y la PCR anidada, en conejos y liebres, recientemente identificados como reservorios competentes del parásito L. infantum y sobre los que no existía información previa..

    Evidence of Leishmania infantum infection in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in a natural area in Madrid, Spain

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    Leishmaniasis is one of most important neglected zoonosis and remains endemic in at least 88 developing countries in the world. In addition, anthropogenic environmental changes in urban areas are leading to its emergency world-wide. Zoonotic leishmaniasis control might only be achieved by an integrated approach targeting both the human host and the animal reservoirs, which in certain sylvatic cycles are yet to be identified. Recently, hares have been pointed out as competent reservoirs of Leishmania infantum in Spain, but the role of other lagomorphs has not been clarified. Here, 69 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) from a natural area in Madrid in which a high density was present were analyzed using indirect (immunofluorescence antibody test, IFAT) and direct (PCR, culture) techniques. Fifty-seven (82.6%) of the animals were positive to at least one technique, with IFAT yielding the highest proportion of positive samples. L. infantum was isolated in 13% animals demonstrating the occurrence of infection in this setting. Our results suggest that rabbits could play a role of competent reservoir of L. infantum and demonstrate that the prevalence of infection is high in the analyzed area

    Improving the nutritional profile of culinary products: oleogel-based bouillon cubes

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    Structured fat phases are the basis of many consumer relevant properties of fat-containing foods. To realise a nutritional improvement – less saturated, more unsaturated fatty acids – edible oleogels could be remedy. The feasibility of traditional fat phases structured by oleogel in culinary products has been evaluated in this study. In this contribution the oleogel application in bouillon cubes as model system for culinary products is discussed. Three different gelators (sunflower wax (SFW), a mixture of β-Sitosterol and γ-Oryzanol (SO) and ethylcellulose (EC)), at two concentration levels (5% and 10% (w/w)) each, were evaluated with respect to their physical properties, in the food matrix and application. The application of pure and structured canola oil (CO) was benchmarked against the reference, palm fat (PO). The assessment of the prototypes covered attempts to correlate the physicochemical analyses and sensory data. Organoleptic and analytical studies covered storage stability (up to 6 months) monitoring texture, color and fat oxidation. The results indicate that the substitution of palm fat by oleogel is essentially possible. The characteristics of the bouillon cubes are tuneable by gelator choice and inclusion level. Most importantly, the data show that the anticipated risk of intolerable effects of oxidation during shelf life is limited if antioxidants are used.BMBF, 01EA1806C, Kompetenzcluster Ernährungsforschung: NutriAct - Ernährungsintervention für gesundes Altern, Technische Universität BerlinTU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 202