50 research outputs found

    Magnetic eddy viscosity of mean shear flows in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics

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    Magnetic induction in magnetohydrodynamic fluids at magnetic Reynolds number (Rm) less than~1 has long been known to cause magnetic drag. Here, we show that when Rm≫1\mathrm{Rm} \gg 1 and the fluid is in a hydrodynamic-dominated regime in which the magnetic energy is much smaller than the kinetic energy, induction due to a mean shear flow leads to a magnetic eddy viscosity. The magnetic viscosity is derived from simple physical arguments, where a coherent response due to shear flow builds up in the magnetic field until decorrelated by turbulent motion. The dynamic viscosity coefficient is approximately (Bp2/2μ0)τcorr(B_p^2/2\mu_0) \tau_{\rm corr}, the poloidal magnetic energy density multiplied by the correlation time. We confirm the magnetic eddy viscosity through numerical simulations of two-dimensional incompressible magnetohydrodynamics. We also consider the three-dimensional case, and in cylindrical or spherical geometry, theoretical considerations similarly point to a nonzero viscosity whenever there is differential rotation. Hence, these results serve as a dynamical generalization of Ferraro's law of isorotation. The magnetic eddy viscosity leads to transport of angular momentum and may be of importance to zonal flows in astrophysical domains such as the interior of some gas giants.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Statistical state dynamics of weak jets in barotropic beta-plane turbulence

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    Zonal jets in a barotropic setup emerge out of homogeneous turbulence through a flow-forming instability of the homogeneous turbulent state (`zonostrophic instability') which occurs as the turbulence intensity increases. This has been demonstrated using the statistical state dynamics (SSD) framework with a closure at second order. Furthermore, it was shown that for small supercriticality the flow-forming instability follows Ginzburg-Landau (G-L) dynamics. Here, the SSD framework is used to study the equilibration of this flow-forming instability for small supercriticality. First, we compare the predictions of the weakly nonlinear G-L dynamics to the fully nonlinear SSD dynamics closed at second order for a wide ranges of parameters. A new branch of jet equilibria is revealed that is not contiguously connected with the G-L branch. This new branch at weak supercriticalities involves jets with larger amplitude compared to the ones of the G-L branch. Furthermore, this new branch continues even for subcritical values with respect to the linear flow-forming instability. Thus, a new nonlinear flow-forming instability out of homogeneous turbulence is revealed. Second, we investigate how both the linear flow-forming instability and the novel nonlinear flow-forming instability are equilibrated. We identify the physical processes underlying the jet equilibration as well as the types of eddies that contribute in each process. Third, we propose a modification of the diffusion coefficient of the G-L dynamics that is able to capture the asymmetric evolution for weak jets at scales other than the marginal scale (side-band instabilities) for the linear flow-forming instability.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figure