35 research outputs found


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    When looking at modern drama the development of African drama in English is one of the most interesting areas. While European dramatists frequently give the impression that they have nothing new to say and that they therefore concentrate on new methods of presentation, the African plays present all the issues confronting Africa today, including the clash of cultures. Especially fascinating in their plays is the fusion of European elements (frequently deplored but inescapable) and indigenous theatrical tradition


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    Terwyl die aantal studente in Grieks en Latyn afneem, is daar nog steeds by die breer publiek groot belangstelling in die beskawing van die Grieke en Romeine. P.W. Rose s~ tereg: "The field of classical literature and thought daily demonstrates its capacity to engage the lively intelligences of an extraordinary range of intellectuals who happen not to know Greek but are conscientious in their efforts to benefit from the works of those who do."' In hierdie behoefte moet voorsien word, ook ter wille van die oorlewing van die KIassieke, en daarom kry kursusse in KIassieke Kultuur al hoe meer aandag. Die opstel van sulke kursusse lewer heelwat probleme op en daarom kan dit baie vrugbaar wees om inligting oor die inhoud van sulke kursusse by Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite uit te ruil. In die Akroterion van Junie 1993 het M. Lambert 'n baie interessante uiteensetting gegee van die inrigting van die kursusse by Pietermaritzburg. In aansluiting daarby word hier iets meegedeel oor die wyse waarop hierdie vak op Stellenbosch ontwikkel het

    Dry Matter Accumulation, Seasonal Uptake and Partitioning of Mineral Nutrients by Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sultanina Grapevines in the Lower Orange River Region of South Africa - A Preliminary Investigation

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    Table grapes are harvested from November until early February in the Orange River Region of SouthAfrica, where a functional leaf canopy is present for up to six months of post-harvest. Seasonal uptakeand partitioning of mineral nutrients by ‘Sultanina’ grapevines in this long-season area were quantifiedin a preliminary investigation. Entire grapevines growing on two different soil types were sampled duringthe growing season. On sandy soil, further from the river, grapevine vigour was not excessive; however,on the fertile alluvial soil vigour was higher with active post-harvest re-growth. At budbreak, reserve Nplayed an important role on the sandy soil, while it was less important on the alluvial one. During the postharvestperiod, 34.3% of the annual N-requirement was absorbed by grapevines cultivated on sandy soilat post-harvest, while only 17.0% was absorbed on the alluvial soil. Approximately 4.0 kg N was utilizedfor the production of one ton of fresh grapes. A major fraction of the annual P-requirement (41.9%) wasabsorbed post-harvest by grapevines on the sandy soil. Grapevines on alluvial soil absorbed more P atpre-harvest; however, P was somehow lost post-harvest. Comparable amounts of K and Mg were absorbedby both selections of grapevines. Sandy soil grapevines absorbed K and Mg at post-harvest, while a netloss occurred for those of alluvial soil. Calcium utilized by sandy soil grapevines was less than half thatutilized by those of alluvial soil. The seasonal absorption pattern of Ca was comparable for both soils.Results suggest that that seasonal uptake and partitioning of mineral nutrients are affected by soil typeand grapevine vigour


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    <p>ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the embracing of neV'( management philosophies or redesigned processes, it is becoming a popular opinion that often the practical problem lies with the implementation of the new concept, rather than with the concept itself. By focussing on certain generic critical actions, chances of successful implementation increases for any new philosophy or re-engineered process. This article discusses such critical success actions, or implementation drivers as experience in a BPR project at Siemens Telecommunications.</p><p>AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Gewilde siening ten opsigte van die bekendstelling van nuwe bestuursfilosofiee, of implementering van herontwerpde prosesse, is dat die probleem gewoonlik Ie by die implementering daarvan, eerder as by die beginsels van die bestuursfilosofie wat geimplementeer word . Deur op generies kritieke faktore te konsentreer, kan die kanse op suksesvolle implementering van bykans enige bestuursfilosofie of herontwerpde proses verbeter word. Hierdie artikel bespreek sulke kritieke sukses aksies, of implementeringsdrywers, aan die hand van 'n gevallestudie soos ervaar in 'n BPR projek by Siemens Telecommunications.</p&gt


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    Ancient Sicily was one of the most interesting countries in the. Greek world. It had a turbulent history, including Greek colonisation, wars between Greeks and Carthaginians and wars between rival city states until they were all finally conquered by Rome. Sicily also made a valuable contribution to Greek literature, and it is amazing how many innovating writers and poets came from this island. I mention only a few of the most colourful personalities


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    Although the Classics are in a beleaguered state all over the world, there are encouraging signs that classical literature still has an enduring appeal. I mention two very different examples which serve to conflrm this statement


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    Die meeste klassici sou geneig wees om enigsins neer te sien op die opera en sou beslis nie reken dat die bestudering van 'n opera tot die beter verstaan van 'n Griekse tragedie sou kon lei nie. Tog het twee klassici in die onlangse verlede in besprekings van Strauss en Hofmannsthal se Elektra juis dit beweer. In 'n artikel "Elektra: Sophokles, Von Hofmannsthal, Strauss"! s~ Michael Evans die volgende: "Hofmannsthal and Strauss, far from travestying Sophokles' play, have responded to its powerful depiction and indictment of the consequences of an amoral obsession with revenge. Their own diagnosis and portrait, in twentieth century terms, of the corruption which the desire for revenge and the aftermath of its fulfillment, can bring a 'reading' of Sophokles at least as important and interesting as any modem book or article about the ancient playwright. • Marianne McDonald kom in haar artikel "Elektra's kleos aphthiton: Sophokles into opera" ,2 tot dieselfde gevolgtrekking: "I maintain that these two emotions - the profound response of the modem audience to the seemingly alien matter of ancient tragedy, and the elevating and universalizing effect of music - make the experience of a modem opera based on a Greek tragedy an extraordinarily demanding and rewarding one. The Elektra by Sophokles can be better understood if read against modern times and in particular against the opera by Strauss and Hofmannsthal.


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    Ancient Sicily was one of the most interesting countries in the. Greek world. It had a turbulent history, including Greek colonisation, wars between Greeks and Carthaginians and wars between rival city states until they were all finally conquered by Rome. Sicily also made a valuable contribution to Greek literature, and it is amazing how many innovating writers and poets came from this island. I mention only a few of the most colourful personalities


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    In the Binh of tragedy, Section 15, Nietzsche gives a remarkable description of the attitude of other nations towards the ancient Greeks: "Nearly every age and stage of culture has at some time or other sought with profound irritation to free itself from the Greeks, because in their presence everything one has achieved, though apparently quite original and sincerely admired, suddenly seemed to lose life and color and shriveled into a poor copy, even a caricature. And so time after time cordial anger erupts against this presumptious little people that made bold for all time to designate everything not native as 'barbaric'. Who are they, one asks, who, though they display only an ephemeral historical splendor, ridiculously restricted institutions, a dubious excellence in their mores, and are marked by ugly vices, yet lay claim to that dignity and pre-eminence among peoples which characterize genius among the masses? Unfortunately one was not lucky enough to find the cup of hemlock with which one could simply dispose of such a character; for all the poison that envy, calumny and rancor. created did not suffice to destroy that self-sufficient splendor" (translation by W. Kaufmann)