66 research outputs found

    The Driving Effects of Common Atmospheric Molecules for Formation of Clusters: the Case of Sulfuric Acid, Formic Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Ammonia, and Dimethylamine

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    One of the main sources of uncertainty for understanding global warming is understanding the formation of larger secondary aerosols. The beginning stages start with the formation of prenucleation complexes from precursor monomers of acids, bases, and organic molecules. The detailed interactions responsible for prenucleation and subsequent aerosol formation are difficult to decipher experimentally. We present a computational chemistry study of the interactions between three different acid molecules and two different bases. By combining a comprehensive search routine covering many thousands of configurations at the semiempirical level with high level quantum chemical calculations of approximately 1000 clusters for every possible combination of clusters containing a sulfuric acid molecule, a formic acid molecule, a hydrochloric acid molecule, an ammonia molecule, a dimethylamine molecule, and 0–3 water molecules, we have completed an exhaustive search of the DLPNO-CCSD(T)/CBS//ωB97X-D/6-31++G** Gibbs free energy surface for this system. This first detailed study of HCl interacting with two other acids and two bases reveals the subtleties that exist in the formation of prenucleation complexes for this system. We find that nitric acid forms stronger interactions in dry clusters than hydrochloric acid does. Often as the clusters grow larger with hydration, the sequential energies of clusters containing hydrochloric acid become more favorable than those with nitric acid. The detailed geometries of each minimum free energy cluster are often more important than traditional acid or base strength, which makes a priori prediction of which atmospheric species will be most important for driving prenucleation growth quite difficult. The results presented in this paper add to the conclusions that hydrogen bond topology and the detailed structural interactions that are subtle interplays between enthalpy and entropy are as important as conventional ideas such as acid/base strength

    The driving effects of common atmospheric molecules for formation of clusters: the case of sulfuric acid, formic acid, hydrochloric acid, ammonia, and dimethylamine

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    One of the main sources of uncertainty for understanding global warming is understanding the formation of larger secondary aerosols. The beginning stages start with the formation of prenucleation complexes from precursor monomers of acids, bases, and organic molecules. The detailed interactions responsible for prenucleation and subsequent aerosol formation are difficult to decipher experimentally. We present a computational chemistry study of the interactions between three different acid molecules and two different bases. By combining a comprehensive search routine covering many thousands of configurations at the semiempirical level with high level quantum chemical calculations of approximately 1000 clusters for every possible combination of clusters containing a sulfuric acid molecule, a formic acid molecule, a hydrochloric acid molecule, an ammonia molecule, a dimethylamine molecule, and 0–3 water molecules, we have completed an exhaustive search of the DLPNO-CCSD(T)/CBS//ωB97X-D/6-31++G** Gibbs free energy surface for this system. This first detailed study of HCl interacting with two other acids and two bases reveals the subtleties that exist in the formation of prenucleation complexes for this system. We find that nitric acid forms stronger interactions in dry clusters than hydrochloric acid does. Often as the clusters grow larger with hydration, the sequential energies of clusters containing hydrochloric acid become more favorable than those with nitric acid. The detailed geometries of each minimum free energy cluster are often more important than traditional acid or base strength, which makes a priori prediction of which atmospheric species will be most important for driving prenucleation growth quite difficult. The results presented in this paper add to the conclusions that hydrogen bond topology and the detailed structural interactions that are subtle interplays between enthalpy and entropy are as important as conventional ideas such as acid/base strength

    Amino Acids Compete with Ammonia in Sulfuric Acid-Based Atmospheric Aerosol Prenucleation: The Case of Glycine and Serine

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    We present a computational investigation of the sulfuric acid, glycine, serine, ammonia, and water system to understand if this system can form prenucleation clusters, which are precursors to larger aerosols in the atmosphere. We have performed a comprehensive configurational search of all possible clusters in this system, starting with the four different monomers and zero to five waters. Accurate Gibbs free energies of formation have been calculated with the DLPNOCCSD(T)/complete basis set (CBS) method on ωb97xd/6-31++G** geometries. For the dry dimers of sulfuric acid, the weakest base, serine, is found to form the most stable complex, which is a consequence of the strong di-ionic complex formed between the bisulfate ion and the protonated serine cation. For the dry dimers without sulfuric acid, the glycine−serine complex is more stable than the glycine−ammonia or serine−ammonia complexes, stemming from the detailed structure and not related to base strength. For the larger complexes, sulfuric acid deprotonates and the proton is shifted to glycine, serine, or ammonia. The two amino acids and ammonia are almost nterchangeable and there is no easy way to predict which molecule will be protonated without the calculated results. Assuming reasonable starting concentrations and a closed system of sulfuric acid, glycine, serine, ammonia, and five waters, we predict the concentrations of all possible complexes at two temperatures spanning the troposphere. The most negative ΔG values are a function of the detailed molecular interactions of these clusters. These details are more important than the base strength of ammonia, glycine, and serine

    The driving effects of common atmospheric molecules for formation of clusters: the case of sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, ammonia, and dimethylamine

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    Understanding how secondary aerosols form in the atmosphere is one of the main uncertainties for a better understanding of global warming. Secondary aerosols form from gas-phase molecules that combine to create prenucleation complexes, which can then grow to form aerosols. The study of the formation of prenucleation complexes is difficult from both an experimental and theoretical point of view. Sulfuric acid has been linked to the formation of aerosols, yet the details of interactions are not understood. We have completed an exhaustive study of the formation of prenucleation complexes of three strong acids: sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid, combined with ammonia and dimethylamine bases, and three water molecules. By combining an evolutionary algorithm search routine with density functional geometry optimizations and single-point electronic energy calculations with complete basis set (CBS) extrapolations, we have completed an exhaustive search of the DLPNO-CCSD(T)/CBS//ωB97X-D/6-31++G** Gibbs free energy surface for this system. We have used previous work where the weaker formic acid replaces either nitric acid or hydrochloric acid to explore the details of how three acids combine with two bases and a few water molecules to make prenucleation clusters. As clusters grow, stabilizing effects of nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, and formic acid change in unique ways. This research adds to the body of work that illustrates that, depending on the system being studied, the acid/base strength of the monomers, the charge distribution within the clusters, and the detailed hydrogen bond topology have a subtle interplay that determines which cluster is most stable

    The Driving Effects of Common Atmospheric Molecules for Formation of Prenucleation Clusters: The Case of Sulfuric Acid, Formic Acid, Nitric Acid, Ammonia, and Dimethyl Amine

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    How secondary aerosols form is critical as aerosols\u27 impact on Earth\u27s climate is one of the main sources of uncertainty for understanding global warming. The beginning stages for formation of prenucleation complexes, that lead to larger aerosols, are difficult to decipher experimentally. We present a computational chemistry study of the interactions between three different acid molecules and two different bases. By combining a comprehensive search routine covering many thousands of configurations at the semiempirical level with high level quantum chemical calculations of approximately 1000 clusters for every possible combination of clusters containing a sulfuric acid molecule, a formic acid molecule, a nitric acid molecule, an ammonia molecule, a dimethylamine molecule, and 0–5 water molecules, we have completed an exhaustive search of the DLPNO-CCSD(T)/CBS//ωB97X-D/6-31++G** Gibbs free energy surface for this system. We find that the detailed geometries of each minimum free energy cluster are often more important than traditional acid or base strength. Addition of a water molecule to a dry cluster can enhance stabilization, and we find that the (SA)(NA)(A)(DMA)(W) cluster has special stability. Equilibrium calculations of SA, FA, NA, A, DMA, and water using our quantum chemical ∆G values for cluster formation and realistic estimates of the concentrations of these monomers in the atmosphere reveals that nitric acid can drive early stages of particle formation just as efficiently as sulfuric acid. Our results lead us to believe that particle formation in the atmosphere results from the combination of many different molecules that are able to form highly stable complexes with acid molecules such as SA, NA, and FA

    Near-fatal mucormycosis post-double lung transplant presenting as uncontrolled upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage

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    Invasive fungal infections in immunosuppressed transplant patients are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We present a case of splenic mucormycosis post-double lung transplant, presenting as uncontrolled near-fatal upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage, to remind clinicians of the need to consider pre-transplant invasive fungal infection risk factors if an unexpected fungal infection arises in the post-transplant period. This case also highlights the valuable contribution of molecular technology for fungal identification but also the need for clinical correlation. Keywords: Gastrointestinal mucormycosis, Splenic mucormycosis, Lung transplantation, Haemorrhag

    Hydrogen-Bond Topology is More Important than Acid/Base Strength in Atmospheric Prenucleation Clusters

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    We explored the hypothesis that on the nanoscale level, acids and bases might exhibit different behavior than in bulk solution. Our study system consisted of sulfuric acid, formic acid, ammonia, and water. We calculated highly accurate Domain-based Local pair-Natural Orbital- Coupled-Cluster/Complete Basis Set (DLPNO-CCSD(T)/CBS) energies on DFT geometries and used the resulting Gibbs free energies for cluster formation to compute the overall equilibrium constants for every possible cluster. The equilibrium constants combined with the initial monomer concentrations were used to predict the formation of clusters at the top and the bottom of the troposphere. Our results show that formic acid is as effective as ammonia at forming clusters with sulfuric acid and water. The structure of formic acid is uniquely suited to form hydrogen bonds with sulfuric acid. Additionally, it can partner with water to form bridges from one side of sulfuric acid to the other, hence demonstrating that hydrogen bonding topology is more important than acid/base strength in these atmospheric prenucleation clusters

    Quantum chemical modeling of organic enhanced atmospheric nucleation: A critical review

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    Aerosol particles are important for our global climate, but the mechanisms and especially the relative importance of various vapors for new particles formation (NPF) remain uncertain. Quantum chemical (QC) studies on organic enhanced nucleation has for the past couple of decades attracted immense attention, but very little remains known about the exact organic compounds that potentially are important for NPF. Here we comprehensively review the QC literature on atmospheric cluster formation involving organic compounds. We outline the potential cluster systems that should be further investigated. Cluster formation involving complex multi-functional organic accretion products warrant further investigations, but such systems are out of reach with currently applied methodologies. We suggest a “cluster of functional groups” approach to address this issue, which will allow for the identification of the potential structure of organic compounds that are involved in atmospheric NPF