27 research outputs found

    Gesprekskwaliteit bij De Kindertelefoon

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    In 2020 is De Kindertelefoon gestart met het project ‘inzicht in kwaliteitsprocessen’, met als doel om inzicht te krijgen in de kwaliteit van het kindcontact bij De Kindertelefoon. Daarnaast wil De Kindertelefoon meer inzicht in hoe dit verbeterd kan worden en hoe de kwaliteit met regelmaat gemeten kan worden. Dit proj ect vormde de aanleiding om in het najaar van 2021 het Kohnstamm Instituut opdracht geven voor een nulmeting van de gesprekskwaliteit bij De Kindertelefoon, aan de hand van de recent vastgestelde kwaliteitscriteria 1 . In het kader van deze nulmeting, voerden we in samenwerking met De Kindertelefoon drie gerelateerde deelonderzoeken uit. In elk deelonderzoek werd een andere groep bevraagd over de kwaliteit van de gesprekken: (1) Kinderen rapporteerden hun tevredenheid o ver het gevoerde gesprek; (2) Werkbegeleiders beoordeelden de kwaliteit van gesprekken tussen kinderen en vrijwilligers; (3) Vrijwilligers beoordeelden de (zelf ingeschatte) kwaliteit van hun eigen gesprekken. In dit onderzoeksrapport doen we verslag van deze drie nulmetingen. De resultaten geven inzicht in de kwaliteit van het kindcontact bij De Kindertelefoon vanuit verschillende gezichtspunten. Ook geeft het onderzoek inzicht in welke factoren voorspellend zi gesprekskwaliteit, en op welke punten de kwaliteit verbeterd zou kunnen worden

    Satisficing in Mental Health Care Patients: The Effect of Cognitive Symptoms on Self-Report Data Quality.

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    Respondents may use satisficing (i.e., nonoptimal) strategies when responding to self-report questionnaires. These satisficing strategies become more likely with decreasing motivation and/or cognitive ability (Krosnick, 1991). Considering that cognitive deficits are characteristic of depressive and anxiety disorders, depressed and anxious patients may be prone to satisficing. Using data from the Netherland's Study of Depression and Anxiety ( N = 2,945), we studied the relationship between depression and anxiety, cognitive symptoms, and satisficing strategies on the NEO Five-Factor Inventory. Results showed that respondents with either an anxiety disorder or a comorbid anxiety and depression disorder used satisficing strategies substantially more often than healthy respondents. Cognitive symptom severity partly mediated the effect of anxiety disorder and comorbid anxiety disorder on satisficing. The results suggest that depressed and anxious patients produce relatively low-quality self-report data-partly due to cognitive symptoms. Future research should investigate the degree of satisficing across different mental health care assessment contexts.Stress and Psychopatholog

    The assessment and impact of careless responding in routine outcome monitoring within mental health care

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    Careless responding by mental health patients on self-report assessments is rarely investigated in routine care despite the potential for serious consequences such as faulty clinical decisions. We investigated validity indices most appropriate for detecting careless responding in routine outcome monitoring (ROM) in mental health-care. First, we reviewed indices proposed in previous research for their suitability in ROM. Next, we evaluated six selected indices using data of the Brief Symptom Inventory and the Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire from 3,483 outpatients. Simulations showed that for typical ROM scales the L max  Lmax index, Mahalanobis distance, and inter-item standard deviation may be too strongly confounded with the latent trait value to compare careless responding across patients with different symptom severity. Application of two different classification methods to the validity indices did not converge in similar prevalence estimates of careless responding. Finally, results suggest that careless responding does not have a substantial biasing effect on scale-score statistics. We recommend the l p z  lzp person-fit index to screen for random careless responding in large ROM data sets. However, additional research should further investigate methods for detecting repetitive responding in typical ROM data and assess whether there are specific circumstances in which simpler validity statistics or direct screening methods perform similarly as the l p z  lzp index.Stress and Psychopatholog

    Mitigating risk of exceeding environmental limits requires ambitious food system interventions

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    Transforming the global food system is necessary to avoid exceeding planetary boundaries. A robust evidence base is crucial to assess the scale and combination of interventions required for a sustainable transformation. We developed a risk assessment framework, underpinned by a meta-regression of 60 global food system modeling studies, to quantify the potential of individual and combined interventions to mitigate the risk of exceeding the boundaries for land-system change, freshwater use, climate change, and biogeochemical flows by 2050. Limiting the risk of exceedance across four key planetary boundaries requires a high but plausible level of ambition in all demand-side (diet, population, waste) and most supply-side interventions. Attaining the required level of ambition for all interventions relies on embracing synergistic actions across the food system

    Identifying person-fit latent classes, and explanation of categorical and continuous person misfit

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    Latent class (LC) cluster analysis of a set of subscale lz person-fit statistics was proposed to explain person misfit on multiscale measures. The proposed explanatory LC person-fit analysis was used to analyze data of students (N = 91,648) on the nine-subscale School Attitude Questionnaire Internet (SAQI). Inspection of the class-specific lz mean and variance structure combined with explanatory analysis of class membership showed that the data included a poor-fit class, a class showing good fit combined with social desirability bias, a good-fit class, and two classes that were more difficult to interpret. A comparison of multinomial logistic regression predicting class membership and multiple regression predicting continuous person fit showed that LC cluster analysis provided information about aberrant responding unattainable by means of linear multiple regression. It was concluded that LC person-fit analysis has added value to common approaches to explaining aberrant responding to multiscale measures. Keywords: aberrant responding, explanatory person-fit analysis, latent class cluster analysis, person-fit statistic lz, response inconsistency, School Attitude Questionnaire Interne