4 research outputs found


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    [[abstract]]一、研究目的: 探討秀拉的藝術究竟以什麼樣式完成其「實在」的表現,以及秀拉的藝術中那些足以 成為二十世紀藝術思想的前導﹖本文欲透過對秀拉繪畫藝術和理論之研究,增進對十 九世紀西洋藝術之精神和特質之瞭解,以期有助吾人登進西洋現代藝術的堂奧之門。 同時作為本國藝術精神之參考。 二、資料來源: 所有資料當中,有的自法國託朋友購買寄回,有的自美國購得,有的自師大圖書館電 腦資訊索取獲致,資料當中,包括專著典刊、短評及有關的畫冊,另外,和材料的運 用,多半有賴良師益友們的協助和幫忙。 三、研究方法: 擬定題目及研究大綱,請指導老師磋商,按所涉及之範圍收集論文之內容材料,以圖 文相為應證,互為輔佐的方式進行研究,迥程中不時將閱讀心得記寫在卞片上,分類 儲存作為參考資料,以便按論文章所須取用,依計劃繳交老師批閱,以求如期完成。 四、研究結果: 本論文中,圖片與文章兩者並重,相輔相成,論文之前後章節互為呼應,互有關連。 本研究之結果,發現秀拉的藝術中,乃是結合繪畫和當時的科學理念而成,形對印主 義的一種革命,進而又發展出他觀念的,結構的象徵的藝術,這些理念對於二十世紀 西洋藝術思想有著許多啟示作用,西洋文藝中,注重理性思考的精神,及那種開放包 容的態度,相當有其可貴之處。


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    [[abstract]]明清之際儒家思想的重要性很早就受到學界注意,有些學者更以「文藝復興」或「啟 蒙運動」稱呼它,認為這是中國思想史上由中古邁向近代的關鍵時期。但在另一方面 ,也有部份學者認為這是傳統文化精神步入頹運的開端。甚至有人把明清之際諸大儒 視為舊社會秩序的最後擁護者,他們的改革只是為了延續舊的社會秩序,而且終究挽 不回崩潰的命運。 以上各種說法差異雖大,卻一致突出了明清之際儒家思想的關鍵性地位。而且這種眾 說紛云的現象,也顯示出明清之際儒家思想的豐富性與複雜性,不容許我們以任何簡 單的模式或任何立基於西方標準的預設妄加附會。基於以上的認識,本文遂重新反省 這一階段的儒家思想,并希望能達成以下的目標:一、探討明清之際儒家思想的新趨 向,尤其是特別留意它在那些層面上表現出突破儒家傳統的成就,并說明它的意義。 二、為此一經世學風的興衰因緣尋求切實的解釋,以確定它在中國學術思想史上的地 位。三、透過明清之際儒家思想的表現,反省儒家的再生能力與侷限性,展望儒家思 想的前途。 本論文在研究程序上採取先分論後總論的方式,希望透過分論部份對個別思想家的研 究,使綜論部份的整體性判斷能立基於堅實的基礎。全文並分六章: 第一章:前言。說明寫作動機與預期目、標寫作方法與程序。 第二章:黃宗羲,共四節。重點在敘述梨洲的心性學立場與經世思想,而梨洲思想最 精彩的地方,一是透過對「心」的地位與功能的特殊論釋,重建心學系統,使他的心 學成為融攝歷史文化與經世之學的偉大體系;另一是他在〔明夷待訪錄〕中對傳統政 治制度的反省與批判。 第三章:顧炎武,共四節。分述亭林的心性學立場、世界觀、與經世思想。其中最值 得注意的是亭林的「博學於文」最後落實為「通經致用」,他并且提出以經學取代理 學的主張,與「讀九經自考文始,考文自知音糸」的研究方針,再加上他提供了考文 知音示範性著作與具體的治學方法,清代考證學的基礎就此奠定。 第四章:王夫之,共七節。其中由船山對宋明儒的反省與批評,可以掌握他的思想的 根本方向。另外由他對宇宙觀、天人關係論、論聞見之知與知行關係、歷史觀等問題 的態度,可以了解他在「六經責我開生面」的自我期許下的學術成就。然而;船山在 政治思想上所表現的某些封閉心態也值得我們特別留意。 第五章:顏元及其他儒者,共二節。分別探討顏元、方以智、唐甄、朱之瑜等人的思 想。 第六章:綜論,共三節。分別是:明清之際儒家思想的新趨向、明清之際儒家新思潮 興起背景的檢討、明清之際儒家思想的內在限制與傳統儒學的展望。

    Comparative Study on the Early Stage of Skid Resistance Development between Polyurethane-Bound Porous Mixture and Asphalt Mixture

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    Polyurethane-bound porous mixture (PPM) is a new type of pavement material that has shown some potential for overcoming common asphalt mixtures mechanical failures. However, little research has been done on its skid resistance performance. This work presents a comparative study of the skid resistance development between PPM and asphalt mixtures at their early stage. In this study, the three mixtures were bonded by three type binders. The three type binders were polyurethane, 70# virgin bitumen, and styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) modified asphalt. In order to distinguished the three type mixtures, we named them PPM, BAM, and SAM respectively. A Taber abraser was used to test the polishing property of binders. A third-scale model mobile loading simulator (MMLS3) was used to simulate the traffic loadings on mixtures, and a British pendulum tester was used to measure the skid resistance of the three types of mixtures in the loading process. The binder polishing test results show a good linear relationship between the binder's mass loss and the polishing cycle. The slope of the fitting line of the two parameters was defined as binder coefficient (BC) to characterize the polishing property of the binder. The mixture test results show that the skid resistance development trend of three mixtures is similar, as it first increases, then decreases, then finally flattens. However, the British pendulum number peak value and stable value of PPM are lower than that of SAM. The order of the number of loading times of peak (NLTP) of the three mixtures is SAM>PPM>BAM. Another good linear relationship is found between BC and NLTP, and the R2 of the fitting model is 0.85, which indicates that the polishing property of binder is effective for predicting the moment of occurrence of the mixture skid resistance peak.Accepted Author ManuscriptUrban Studie

    Advances in the understanding of nanomaterial-biomembrane interactions and their mathematical and numerical modeling

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    The widespread application of nanomaterials (NMs), which has accompanied advances in nanotechnology, has increased their chances of entering an organism, for example, via the respiratory system, skin absorption or intravenous injection. Although accumulating experimental evidence has indicated the important role of NM-biomembrane interaction in these processes, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Computational techniques, as an alternative to experimental efforts, are effective tools to simulate complicated biological behaviors. Computer simulations can investigate NM-biomembrane interactions at the nanoscale, providing fundamental insights into dynamic processes that are challenging to experimental observation. This paper reviews the current understanding of NM-biomembrane interactions, and existing mathematical and numerical modeling methods. We highlight the advantages and limitations of each method, and also discuss the future perspectives in this field. Better understanding of NM-biomembrane interactions can benefit various fields, including nanomedicine and diagnosis.The widespread application of nanomaterials (NMs), which has accompanied advances in nanotechnology, has increased their chances of entering an organism, for example, via the respiratory system, skin absorption or intravenous injection. Although accumulating experimental evidence has indicated the important role of NM-biomembrane interaction in these processes, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Computational techniques, as an alternative to experimental efforts, are effective tools to simulate complicated biological behaviors. Computer simulations can investigate NM-biomembrane interactions at the nanoscale, providing fundamental insights into dynamic processes that are challenging to experimental observation. This paper reviews the current understanding of NM-biomembrane interactions, and existing mathematical and numerical modeling methods. We highlight the advantages and limitations of each method, and also discuss the future perspectives in this field. Better understanding of NM-biomembrane interactions can benefit various fields, including nanomedicine and diagnosis