23 research outputs found

    Certification of Confluence Proofs using CeTA

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    5 pages, International Workshop on Confluence 20145 pages, International Workshop on Confluence 2014CeTA was originally developed as a tool for certifying termination proofs which have to be provided as certificates in the CPF-format. Its soundness is proven as part of IsaFoR, the Isabelle Formalization of Rewriting. By now, CeTA can also be used for certifying confluence and non-confluence proofs. In this system description, we give a short overview on what kind of proofs are supported, and what information has to be given in the certificates. As we will see, only a small amount of information is required and so we hope that CSI will not stay the only confluence tool which can produce certificates

    CoCoWeb - A Convenient Web Interface for Confluence Tools

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    6th International Workshop on Confluence6th International Workshop on ConfluenceWe present a useful web interface for tools that participate in the annual confluence competition

    A Short Mechanized Proof of the Church-Rosser Theorem by the Z-property for the λβ-calculus in Nominal Isabelle

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    5th International Workshop on Confluence5th International Workshop on ConfluenceWe present a short proof of the Church-Rosser property for the lambda-calculus enjoying two distinguishing features: Firstly, it employs the Z-property, resulting in a short and elegant proof; and secondly, it is formalized in the nominal higher-order logic available for the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL

    Critical Peaks Redefined - Φ⊔Ψ=⊤

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    6th International Workshop on Confluence6th International Workshop on ConfluenceLet a cluster be a term with a number of patterns occurring in it. We give two accounts of clusters, a geometric one as sets of (node and edge) positions, and an inductive one as pairs of terms with gaps (2nd order variables) and pattern-substitutions for the gaps. We show both notions of cluster and the corresponding refinement/coarsening orders on them, to be isomorphic. This equips clusters with a lattice structure which we lift to (parallel/multi) steps to yield an alternative account of the notion of critical peak

    Collectif Confluence

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    Le « Collectif Confluence » rassemble des jeunes chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales, lettres et arts gravitant autour du doctorat : masterants, doctorants et post-doctorants, dans toute la France, et même au-delà. Cette association loi 1901 souhaite se situer à la jonction entre le monde de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, et la société ainsi qu’être un lieu d’échanges transdisciplinaires entre jeunes chercheurs. Rassemblant près de 100 membres, le Collectif Confluence ne..

    Collectif Confluence

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    Le « Collectif Confluence » rassemble des jeunes chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales, lettres et arts gravitant autour du doctorat : masterants, doctorants et post-doctorants, dans toute la France, et même au-delà. Cette association loi 1901 souhaite se situer à la jonction entre le monde de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, et la société ainsi qu’être un lieu d’échanges transdisciplinaires entre jeunes chercheurs. Rassemblant près de 100 membres, le Collectif Confluence ne..

    Sense Information for Disambiguation:

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    For SENSEVAL-2,wedisambiguated the lexical sample using two different sense inventories. Official SENSEVAL-2 results were generated using WordNet, and separately using the New Oxford Dictionary of English (NODE). Since our initial submission, we have implemented additional routines and have now examined the differences in the features used for making sense selections. We report here the contribution of default sense selection, idiomatic usage, syntactic and semantic clues, subcategorization patterns, word forms, syntactic usage, context, selectional preferences, and topics or subject fields. We also compare the differences between WordNet and NODE. Finally, we compare these features to those identified as significant in supervised learning approaches