48 research outputs found

    Influence of product placement in children's movies on children's snack choices

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    Background Media exposure affects health, including obesity risk. Children's movies often contain food placements—frequently unhealthy foods. However, it is not known if these cues influence children's food choices or consumption after viewing. We explored whether children's snack choices or consumption differs based on: 1) recent exposure to movies with high versus low product placement of unhealthy foods; and 2) children's weight status. Methods Children ages 9–11 were assigned to watch a high (“Alvin and the Chipmunks,” n = 54) or low (“Stuart Little,” n = 60) product-placement movie. After viewing, participants selected a snack choice from each of five categories, several of which were specifically featured in “Alvin.” Uneaten snacks from each participant were weighed upon completion. Snack choice and amount consumed by movie were compared by t-tests, and differences in snack choices by movie were tested with logistic regression. Results Participants consumed an average of 800.8 kcal; mean kcal eaten did not vary by movie watched. Participants who watched the high product-placement movie had 3.1 times the odds (95% CI 1.3–7.2) of choosing cheese balls (most featured snack) compared to participants who watched the low product-placement movie. Children who were overweight or obese consumed a mean of 857 kcal (95% CI: 789–925) compared to 783 kcal (95% CI: 742–823, p = 0.09) for children who were underweight or healthy weight. Children's weight status did not significantly affect their choice of snack. Conclusions Branding and obesogenic messaging in children's movies influenced some choices that children made about snack foods immediately following viewing, especially food with greatest exposure time in the film, but did not affect total calories consumed. Future studies should examine how the accumulation of these messages affects children's long-term food choices

    Timing of colonoscopy after resection for colorectal cancer: Are we looking too soon?

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    BACKGROUND: Based on current National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines, colonoscopic surveillance after colorectal cancer resection should begin at 1 year

    Social Psychology and the Stimulation of Recycling Behaviors: The Block Leader Approach

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    Recycling has been touted as an important part of the solution to solid waste problems, yet most citizens still do not recycle, even when recycling is made easy by curbside pickups. This field experiment was designed to increase participation in a city-sponsored curbside recycling program. Citizens who consistently recycled with the city program were approached and asked to be recycling block leaders. Those who agreed were instructed to give approximately 10 nonrecycling neighbors a persuasive communication advocating recycling and special recycling bags. A second treatment group (of nonrecycling households) had bags and the communication left at their door. Results indicated that the curbside recycling of the two experimental groups differed significantly from one another (with the block leader group recycling more), and both differed significantly from a control group receiving no treatment. A discussion of past recycling intervention research and its feasibility for community application is included