96 research outputs found

    Probing microscopic origins of confined subdiffusion by first-passage observables

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    Subdiffusive motion of tracer particles in complex crowded environments, such as biological cells, has been shown to be widepsread. This deviation from brownian motion is usually characterized by a sublinear time dependence of the mean square displacement (MSD). However, subdiffusive behavior can stem from different microscopic scenarios, which can not be identified solely by the MSD data. In this paper we present a theoretical framework which permits to calculate analytically first-passage observables (mean first-passage times, splitting probabilities and occupation times distributions) in disordered media in any dimensions. This analysis is applied to two representative microscopic models of subdiffusion: continuous-time random walks with heavy tailed waiting times, and diffusion on fractals. Our results show that first-passage observables provide tools to unambiguously discriminate between the two possible microscopic scenarios of subdiffusion. Moreover we suggest experiments based on first-passage observables which could help in determining the origin of subdiffusion in complex media such as living cells, and discuss the implications of anomalous transport to reaction kinetics in cells.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. Submitted versio

    Geometry-controlled kinetics

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    It has long been appreciated that transport properties can control reaction kinetics. This effect can be characterized by the time it takes a diffusing molecule to reach a target -- the first-passage time (FPT). Although essential to quantify the kinetics of reactions on all time scales, determining the FPT distribution was deemed so far intractable. Here, we calculate analytically this FPT distribution and show that transport processes as various as regular diffusion, anomalous diffusion, diffusion in disordered media and in fractals fall into the same universality classes. Beyond this theoretical aspect, this result changes the views on standard reaction kinetics. More precisely, we argue that geometry can become a key parameter so far ignored in this context, and introduce the concept of "geometry-controlled kinetics". These findings could help understand the crucial role of spatial organization of genes in transcription kinetics, and more generally the impact of geometry on diffusion-limited reactions.Comment: Submitted versio

    Diffusion-limited reactions and mortal random walkers in confined geometries

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    Motivated by the diffusion-reaction kinetics on interstellar dust grains, we study a first-passage problem of mortal random walkers in a confined two-dimensional geometry. We provide an exact expression for the encounter probability of two walkers, which is evaluated in limiting cases and checked against extensive kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. We analyze the continuum limit which is approached very slowly, with corrections that vanish logarithmically with the lattice size. We then examine the influence of the shape of the lattice on the first-passage probability, where we focus on the aspect ratio dependence: Distorting the lattice always reduces the encounter probability of two walkers and can exhibit a crossover to the behavior of a genuinely one-dimensional random walk. The nature of this transition is also explained qualitatively.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure

    Occupation times of random walks in confined geometries: From random trap model to diffusion limited reactions

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    We consider a random walk in confined geometry, starting from a site and eventually reaching a target site. We calculate analytically the distribution of the occupation time on a third site, before reaching the target site. The obtained distribution is exact, and completely explicit in the case or parallepipedic confining domains. We discuss implications of these results in two different fields: The mean first passage time for the random trap model is computed in dimensions greater than 1, and is shown to display a non-trivial dependence with the source and target positions ; The probability of reaction with a given imperfect center before being trapped by another one is also explicitly calculated, revealing a complex dependence both in geometrical and chemical parameters

    Geometrical organization of solutions to random linear Boolean equations

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    The random XORSAT problem deals with large random linear systems of Boolean variables. The difficulty of such problems is controlled by the ratio of number of equations to number of variables. It is known that in some range of values of this parameter, the space of solutions breaks into many disconnected clusters. Here we study precisely the corresponding geometrical organization. In particular, the distribution of distances between these clusters is computed by the cavity method. This allows to study the `x-satisfiability' threshold, the critical density of equations where there exist two solutions at a given distance.Comment: 20 page

    Non-Markovian polymer reaction kinetics

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    Describing the kinetics of polymer reactions, such as the formation of loops and hairpins in nucleic acids or polypeptides, is complicated by the structural dynamics of their chains. Although both intramolecular reactions, such as cyclization, and intermolecular reactions have been studied extensively, both experimentally and theoretically, there is to date no exact explicit analytical treatment of transport-limited polymer reaction kinetics, even in the case of the simplest (Rouse) model of monomers connected by linear springs. We introduce a new analytical approach to calculate the mean reaction time of polymer reactions that encompasses the non-Markovian dynamics of monomer motion. This requires that the conformational statistics of the polymer at the very instant of reaction be determined, which provides, as a by-product, new information on the reaction path. We show that the typical reactive conformation of the polymer is more extended than the equilibrium conformation, which leads to reaction times significantly shorter than predicted by the existing classical Markovian theory.Comment: Main text (7 pages, 5 figures) + Supplemantary Information (13 pages, 2 figures

    Mean first-passage times of non-Markovian random walkers in confinement

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    The first-passage time (FPT), defined as the time a random walker takes to reach a target point in a confining domain, is a key quantity in the theory of stochastic processes. Its importance comes from its crucial role to quantify the efficiency of processes as varied as diffusion-limited reactions, target search processes or spreading of diseases. Most methods to determine the FPT properties in confined domains have been limited to Markovian (memoryless) processes. However, as soon as the random walker interacts with its environment, memory effects can not be neglected. Examples of non Markovian dynamics include single-file diffusion in narrow channels or the motion of a tracer particle either attached to a polymeric chain or diffusing in simple or complex fluids such as nematics \cite{turiv2013effect}, dense soft colloids or viscoelastic solution. Here, we introduce an analytical approach to calculate, in the limit of a large confining volume, the mean FPT of a Gaussian non-Markovian random walker to a target point. The non-Markovian features of the dynamics are encompassed by determining the statistical properties of the trajectory of the random walker in the future of the first-passage event, which are shown to govern the FPT kinetics.This analysis is applicable to a broad range of stochastic processes, possibly correlated at long-times. Our theoretical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations for several examples of non-Markovian processes including the emblematic case of the Fractional Brownian Motion in one or higher dimensions. These results show, on the basis of Gaussian processes, the importance of memory effects in first-passage statistics of non-Markovian random walkers in confinement.Comment: Submitted version. Supplementary Information can be found on the Nature website : http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v534/n7607/full/nature18272.htm

    Enhanced reaction kinetics in biological cells

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    The cell cytoskeleton is a striking example of "active" medium driven out-of-equilibrium by ATP hydrolysis. Such activity has been shown recently to have a spectacular impact on the mechanical and rheological properties of the cellular medium, as well as on its transport properties : a generic tracer particle freely diffuses as in a standard equilibrium medium, but also intermittently binds with random interaction times to motor proteins, which perform active ballistic excursions along cytoskeletal filaments. Here, we propose for the first time an analytical model of transport limited reactions in active media, and show quantitatively how active transport can enhance reactivity for large enough tracers like vesicles. We derive analytically the average interaction time with motor proteins which optimizes the reaction rate, and reveal remarkable universal features of the optimal configuration. We discuss why active transport may be beneficial in various biological examples: cell cytoskeleton, membranes and lamellipodia, and tubular structures like axons.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    First-passage times in complex scale-invariant media

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    How long does it take a random walker to reach a given target point? This quantity, known as a first passage time (FPT), has led to a growing number of theoretical investigations over the last decade1. The importance of FPTs originates from the crucial role played by first encounter properties in various real situations, including transport in disordered media, neuron firing dynamics, spreading of diseases or target search processes. Most methods to determine the FPT properties in confining domains have been limited to effective 1D geometries, or for space dimensions larger than one only to homogeneous media1. Here we propose a general theory which allows one to accurately evaluate the mean FPT (MFPT) in complex media. Remarkably, this analytical approach provides a universal scaling dependence of the MFPT on both the volume of the confining domain and the source-target distance. This analysis is applicable to a broad range of stochastic processes characterized by length scale invariant properties. Our theoretical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations for several emblematic models of disordered media, fractals, anomalous diffusion and scale free networks.Comment: Submitted version. Supplementary Informations available on Nature websit

    Kinetics of active surface-mediated diffusion in spherically symmetric domains

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    We present an exact calculation of the mean first-passage time to a target on the surface of a 2D or 3D spherical domain, for a molecule alternating phases of surface diffusion on the domain boundary and phases of bulk diffusion. We generalize the results of [J. Stat. Phys. {\bf 142}, 657 (2011)] and consider a biased diffusion in a general annulus with an arbitrary number of regularly spaced targets on a partially reflecting surface. The presented approach is based on an integral equation which can be solved analytically. Numerically validated approximation schemes, which provide more tractable expressions of the mean first-passage time are also proposed. In the framework of this minimal model of surface-mediated reactions, we show analytically that the mean reaction time can be minimized as a function of the desorption rate from the surface.Comment: Published online in J. Stat. Phy
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