26 research outputs found

    The miR-17/92 cluster: a comprehensive update on its genomics, genetics, functions and increasingly important and numerous roles in health and disease.

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    The miR-17/92 cluster is among the best-studied microRNA clusters. Interest in the cluster and its members has been increasing steadily and the number of publications has grown exponentially since its discovery with more than 1000 articles published in 2012 alone. Originally found to be involved in tumorigenesis, research work in recent years has uncovered unexpected roles for its members in a wide variety of settings that include normal development, immune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and aging. In light of its ever-increasing importance and ever-widening regulatory roles, we review here the latest body of knowledge on the cluster\u27s involvement in health and disease as well as provide a novel perspective on the full spectrum of protein-coding and non-coding transcripts that are likely regulated by its members

    UV-C and hyperoxia abiotic stresses to improve healthiness of carrots: study of combined effects

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    Phenolic compounds are phytochemicals with high health-promoting properties. Carrot is a vegetable highly worldwide consumed although its phenolic content is low compared to other plant products. The aim of this work was to evaluate changes in phenolic compounds in carrots caused by abiotic stresses. The phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity, phenolic compounds and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) changes during storage up to 72 h at 15 °C after wounding (shredding), 9 kJ UV-C m−2 pretreatment and hyperoxia (80 kPa) conditions of carrots were studied. Shredding and hyperoxia storage induced the highest phenolic compounds and TAC enhancements. Accumulation of phenolic compounds in shredded carrots could be structured in the following phases: 1st phase (<24 h): unchanged phenolic compounds levels with minimum PAL activity; 2nd phase (24–48 h): moderate phenolic increases (≈600–700 mg CAE kg−1 accumulated in 24 h) concurring with the greatest increase of PAL activity; 3nd phase (48–72 h): high phenolic increases (≈1600–2700 mg CAE kg−1, accumulated in 24 h) while a moderate increment of PAL activity was registered. Although UV-C pretreatment of shreds reduced phenolic accumulation, 600 % increments were still registered in those samples stored under hyperoxia conditions for 72 h. However, the contents of chlorogenic acid at 72 h were 1.4-fold higher in irradiated shreds under hyperoxia compared to the same samples under air conditions.Authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry Economy and Competitiveness (Project AGL2013-48830-C2-1-R) and FEDER for financial support. We are grateful to V. Díaz-López for his skillful technical assistance

    Aspectos da ?drive for muscularity?em estudantes de Educação Física

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    “Drive for muscularity” refere-se ao desejo de alcançar um corpo musculoso idealizado e ao grau de preocupação que o sujeito pode ter a respeito do aumento da sua musculatura e a motivação para se tornar mais musculoso. O propósito deste estudo foi o de contribuir para a compreensão do “drive for muscularity” no cenário brasileiro, procurando identificar crenças, sentimentos e comportamentos a este constructo relacionados, em estudantes de educação física do sexo masculino. Dois grupos focais, com cinco participantes cada, foram realizados para evidenciar elementos de “drive for muscularity”. Através da análise de decomposição temática foram identificados dois temas, nos quais foram distribuídos cinco subtemas: “é importante ser musculoso”; “é importante ser suficientemente musculoso”; “construção do corpo musculoso”; “o peso de estar fora do padrão” e “o preço para atingir o padrão”. Concluiu-se que aparência e a função são importantes, aquele que parece forte também deve ser capaz de fazer força. O corpo suficientemente musculoso, com baixo percentual de gordura é aquele valorizado, inclusive no mercado de trabalho. A forma mais lícita de alcançar o corpo musculoso é através da rotina ascética de treinamento, alimentação balanceada e descanso. Os suplementos alimentares são recursos adicionais aceitos. O uso de esteroides anabolizantes por aqueles com “herança genética” desfavorável é inicialmente “perdoado”, mas o corpo que resulta deste recurso é fonte de sentimentos ambíguos

    Regulation of carotenoid biosynthesis in photosynthetic organs

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    A substantial proportion of the dazzling diversity of colors displayed by living organisms throughout the tree of life is determined by the presence of carotenoids, which most often provide distinctive yellow, orange and red hues. These metabolites play fundamental roles in nature that extend far beyond their importance as pigments. In photosynthetic lineages, carotenoids are essential to sustain life, since they have been exploited to maximize light harvesting and protect the photosynthetic machinery from photooxidative stress. Consequently, photosynthetic organisms have evolved several mechanisms that adjust the carotenoid metabolism to efficiently cope with constantly fluctuating light environments. This chapter will focus on the current knowledge concerning the regulation of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway in leaves, which are the primary photosynthetic organs of most land plants.My research is mainly funded by the EC Marie Curie research project CarotenActors (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IIF 300862) and the MINECO Postdoctoral Grant (FPDI-2013-018882). I also acknowledge the support from grants from MINECO (BIO2011-23680) and CYTED (Ibercarot-112RT0445).Peer reviewe