66 research outputs found

    UAV surveying for a complete mapping and documentation of archaeological findings. The early Neolithic site of Portonovo

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    The huge potential of 3D digital acquisition techniques for the documentation of archaeological sites, as well as the related findings, is almost well established. In spite of the variety of available techniques, a sole documentation pipeline cannot be defined a priori because of the diversity of archaeological settings. Stratigraphic archaeological excavations, for example, require a systematic, quick and low cost 3D single-surface documentation because the nature of stratigraphic archaeology compels providing documentary evidence of any excavation phase. Only within a destructive process each single excavation cannot be identified, documented and interpreted and this implies the necessity of a re- examination of the work on field. In this context, this paper describes the methodology, carried out during the last years, to 3D document the Early Neolithic site of Portonovo (Ancona, Italy) and, in particular, its latest step consisting in a photogrammetric aerial survey by means of UAV platform. It completes the previous research delivered in the same site by means of terrestrial laser scanning and close range techniques and sets out different options for further reflection in terms of site coverage, resolution and campaign cost. With the support of a topographic network and a unique reference system, the full documentation of the site is managed in order to detail each excavation phase; besides, the final output proves how the 3D digital methodology can be completely integrated with reasonable costs during the excavation and used to interpret the archaeological context. Further contribution of this work is the comparison between several acquisition techniques (i.e. terrestrial and aerial), which could be useful as decision support system for different archaeological scenarios. The main objectives of the comparison are: i) the evaluation of 3D mapping accuracy from different data sources, ii) the definition of a standard pipeline for different archaeological needs and iii) the provision of different level of detail according to the user need

    L’Open Source per i Musei: il tour virtuale del Museo delle Origini (Sapienza Università di Roma)

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    The project involves the setting up of a virtual tour for the Museum of the Origins, namely the Museum of Prehistory and Protohistory at the Sapienza University of Rome Museum Pole. The virtual tour has been developed through open source technologies: a low-cost approach was pursued to provide a work-flow example for other museum sites wishing to acquire this promotion tool. The final product was designed both for museum use (in-site) and for a web spread (web-site)

    Forme di aggregazione sociale e uso del territorio nel Tavoliere di Puglia

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    Il lavoro tratta dei problemi connessi allo sviluppo e alla crisi del modello insediamentale del villaggio trincerato nel Tavoliere di Pugli

    Misurare la terra. Gli agricoltori preistorici del Tavoliere

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    Contributo alla mostra Misure. Idee per un museo della scienza a cura di Di MAio G. Paleologo Vassallo A., Sebastiani F. Vigna Taglianti A., Università di Roma LA Sapienz

    Scelte tecnologiche e identità culturali: alcune riflessioni

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    Il lavoro si propone di mettere in evidenza l'importanza degli studi tecnologici nell'analisi dei rapporti sociali. Si parte dal presupposto che le tecniche che sono alla base della fabbricazione dei manufatti siano il prodotto di scelte deliberate che rispondono a vincoli materiali e ambientali, ma soprattutto culturali. Le diverse strategie tecnologiche possono riflettere le dinamiche di interazione tra individui e i criteri di identificazione del gruppo. Vengono analizzati alcuni percorsi di indagine dei dati tecnologici relativi alle produzioni litiche, ceramiche e in materia dura animale delle comunità eneolitiche dell'Italia centrale, a partire dalla seconda metà del IV millennio a.c. cal

    The Umm el Grib rockshelter and the exploitation of resources

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    Si pubblicano i risultati dello scavo del riparo sotto roccia di Umm el Grib, Jebel Gharbi, Tripolitania, Libi

    Maccarese e il problema degli abitati rinaldoniani

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