32 research outputs found

    Dataset supporting the paper: Truth table invariant cylindrical algebraic decomposition

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    The files in this data set support the following paper: ########################################################################################## Truth table invariant cylindrical algebraic decomposition. Russel Bradford, James H. Davenport, Matthew England, Scott McCallum and David Wilson. http://opus.bath.ac.uk/38146/ ########################################################################################## Please find included the following: ############################## 1a) A Maple worksheet: Section1to7-Maple.mw 1b) A pdf printout of the worksheet: Section1to7-Maple.pdf 1c) A Maple Library file: ProjectionCAD.mpl These files concern the Maple results for the worked examples throughout Sections 1-7 of the paper. To run the Maple worksheet you will need a copy of the commercial computer algebra software Maple. This is currently available from: http://www.maplesoft.com/products/maple/ The examples were run in Maple 16 (released Spring 2012). It is likely that the same results would be obtained in Maple 17, 18, 2015 and future versions, but this cannot be guaranteed. An additional code package, developed at the University of Bath, is required. To use it we need to read the Maple Library file within Maple as follows: >>> read("ProjectionCAD.mpl"): >>> with(ProjectionCAD): More details on this Maple package are available in the technical report at http://opus.bath.ac.uk/43911/ and in the following publication: M. England, D. Wilson, R. Bradford and J.H. Davenport. Using the Regular Chains Library to build cylindrical algebraic decompositions by projecting and lifting. Proc ICMS 2014 (LNCS 8593). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-44199-2_69 If you do not have a copy of Maple you can still read the pdf printout of the worksheet. ############################## 2) A zipped directory WorkedExamples-Qepcad.zip This directory also concerns the worked examples from Sections 1-7 of the paper, this time when studied with Qepcad-B. Qepcad-B is a free piece of software for Linux which can be obtained from: http://www.usna.edu/CS/qepcadweb/B/QEPCAD.html All the files in the zipped directory end in either "-in.txt" or "-out.txt". The former give input for Qepcad and the latter record output. Hence readers without access to Qepcad (e.g. on a Windows system) can still observe the output in the latter files. To verify the output readers should use the following bash command to run a Qepcad input file "Ex-in.txt" and record the output in "Ex-out.txt". >>> qepcad +N500000000 +L200000 Ex-out.txt Windows users without Linux access can still read the existing output files in the folder. ############################## 3a) The text file: Section82-ExampleSet.txt 3b) A Maple worksheet: Section82-ExampleSet.mw 3b) A pdf printout of the worksheet: Section82-ExampleSet.pdf The textfile defines the example set which is the subject of the experiments in Section 8.2, whose results were summarised in Table 2. Within the file the 29 examples are defined in the following syntax: (a) First a line starting with "#" giving the full example name followed in brackets by the shortened name used in Table 2. (b) Then a second line in which the example is defined as a list of two sublists: i) The first sublist defines the polynomials used. They are sorted into further lists, one for each formulae in the example. Each of these has two entries: --- The first is either a polynomial defining an equational constraint (EC); a list of polynomials defining multiple ECs; or an empty list (signalling no ECs). --- The second is a list of any non ECs. ii) The second sublist is the variable ordering from highest (eliminate first in projection) to lowest. Note that Maple algorithms use this order by Qepcad the reverse. This is the syntax used by the TTICAD algorithm that is the subject of the paper. The text file doubles as a Maple function definition. When read into Maple the command GenerateInput is defined which can provide the input in formats suitable for the three Maple algorithms tested. An example is given in the Maple worksheet / pdf. We note that the timings reported in the paper were from running Maple in command line mode. See also the notes for files (1) above. The same example set was tested in Qepcad. Here explicit ECs for a parent formula were entered in dynamically as products of the individual sub-formulae ECs, in cases where an explicit EC exists. See also Qepcad notes for file (2) above. Finally, the example set was also tested in Mathematica. Mathematica's CAD command does not return cell counts - these were obtained upon request to a Mathematica developer. Hence they are not recreatable using the information here (something outside the control of the present authors). ############################## 4a) A Maple worksheet: Section83-Maple.mw 4b) A pdf printout of the worksheet: Section83-Maple.pdf This shows how the numbers in Table 3 from Maple were obtained. See also notes for files (1) above. ############################## 5a) A zipped directory Section83-Qepcad.zipped This shows how the numbers in Table 3 from Qepcad were obtained. See also notes for file (2) above.Cell counts and timings of various CAD algorithms

    Paths Explored, Paths Omitted, Paths Obscured: Decision Points & Selective Reporting in End-to-End Data Analysis

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    Drawing reliable inferences from data involves many, sometimes arbitrary, decisions across phases of data collection, wrangling, and modeling. As different choices can lead to diverging conclusions, understanding how researchers make analytic decisions is important for supporting robust and replicable analysis. In this study, we pore over nine published research studies and conduct semi-structured interviews with their authors. We observe that researchers often base their decisions on methodological or theoretical concerns, but subject to constraints arising from the data, expertise, or perceived interpretability. We confirm that researchers may experiment with choices in search of desirable results, but also identify other reasons why researchers explore alternatives yet omit findings. In concert with our interviews, we also contribute visualizations for communicating decision processes throughout an analysis. Based on our results, we identify design opportunities for strengthening end-to-end analysis, for instance via tracking and meta-analysis of multiple decision paths

    Data set for Optimisation and Experimental Validation of Near-Isotropic 3D Ordered Star Cell Auxetic Structures

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    This data set is a compilation of the information needed to re-create the findings in the study "Optimisation and Experimental Validation of Near-Isotropic 3D Ordered Star Cell Auxetic Structures". The file contains images and Ncorr files for the image analysis of the physical tests and Ansys and data files to run the FEA models for as tested cells, isotropy analysis and the optimisation and setup of the individual cells. The four parts of the data set are: 1) the images and n_corr session data used to assess the Poisson's ratio of the samples with image analysis; 2) the Finite Element models used during the optimisation of the base cells in various stages, with infinite simulation boundary conditions and the output values; 3) the flat angle form of the Finite Element models to allow re-creation of the isotropy tests for each lattice; 4) the as-tested FEA models to allow re-creation of the validation simulations for the physical testing process

    Dataset for "Comparing the Performances of Force Fields in Conformational Searching of Hydrogen Bond-Donating Catalysts"

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    This dataset contains all of the fully optimised structures (from force field conformational searches and DFT) used in the work titled "Comparing the Performances of Force Fields in Conformational Searching of Hydrogen Bond-Donating Catalysts". Twenty organic molecules were conformationally searched with eight force fields (OPLS3e, OPLS-2005, MMFF, MMFFs, AMBER*, OPLS, MM2* and MM3*) and all of the conformer structures were geometry optimised at the M06-2X/6-31G(d) level of theory and single-point energies of the resulting minima were calculated with the M06-2X/def2-TZVPP level of theory. This dataset contains the .mol2 files that correspond to the conformer structures found by the force fields, and the .out files for the DFT-optimised minima and the single-point energies. Also provided are .csv files containing all of the conformer energies according to the force fields and DFT

    Dataset for Quantifier Elimination and CAD examples in Maple

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    This dataset provides the following: - 'QE Example Database.mpl': a file that can be read into Maple that loads an interactive database of QE examples, along with functions to build and print them, - 'CADDatabase.mm': a file that can be read into Maple that loads a table of purely unquantified examples for CAD, 'CADExamples', with no auxillary functions. These examples are of various types, but are compatible with the input semantics of 'CylindricalAlgebraicDecompose' for the package 'QuantifierElimination' for Maple. - 'TarskiFormulaLaTeXTools.mpl': a file that can be read into Maple that allows Maple to better format Tarski formulae (type 'TarskiFormula' arising from the package 'QuantifierElimination') for LaTeX when passed into Maple's inbuilt function 'latex'. - 'Example Database Info.pdf': A pdf documenting reference and origin information about all examples from the databases included. All formulae or otherwise semi-algebraic sets produced by usage of these files are in 'RationalTarskiFormula' or 'TarskiFormula' type, for compatibility with 'QuantifierElimination'. They are amenable to usage with Maple packages 'RegularChains' or 'SyNRAC', after some conversion. - 'QuantifierEliminationConversionTools.mpl': a file that can be read into Maple that loads two functions for conversion of Tarski formulae from 'QuantifierElimination' format, 'convertQEtoRC', 'convertQEtoSyNRAC', and 'convertQEtoQEPCAD' which convert to format amenable to 'RegularChains', 'SyNRAC', or 'QEPCAD' respectively. 'QEPCAD' requires bespoke input, so one can write the produced string to a file before redirection into QEPCAD. More information about each file is in the metadata for each file

    Dataset for Quantifier Elimination and CAD examples in Maple

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    This dataset provides the following: - 'QE Example Database.mpl': a file that can be read into Maple that loads an interactive database of QE examples, along with functions to build and print them, - 'CADDatabase.mm': a file that can be read into Maple that loads a table of purely unquantified examples for CAD, 'CADExamples', with no auxillary functions. These examples are of various types, but are compatible with the input semantics of 'CylindricalAlgebraicDecompose' for the package 'QuantifierElimination' for Maple. - 'TarskiFormulaLaTeXTools.mpl': a file that can be read into Maple that allows Maple to better format Tarski formulae (type 'TarskiFormula' arising from the package 'QuantifierElimination') for LaTeX when passed into Maple's inbuilt function 'latex'. - 'Example Database Info.pdf': A pdf documenting reference and origin information about all examples from the databases included. All formulae or otherwise semi-algebraic sets produced by usage of these files are in 'RationalTarskiFormula' or 'TarskiFormula' type, for compatibility with 'QuantifierElimination'. They are amenable to usage with Maple packages 'RegularChains' or 'SyNRAC', after some conversion. - 'QuantifierEliminationConversionTools.mpl': a file that can be read into Maple that loads two functions for conversion of Tarski formulae from 'QuantifierElimination' format, 'convertQEtoRC', 'convertQEtoSyNRAC', and 'convertQEtoQEPCAD' which convert to format amenable to 'RegularChains', 'SyNRAC', or 'QEPCAD' respectively. 'QEPCAD' requires bespoke input, so one can write the produced string to a file before redirection into QEPCAD. More information about each file is in the metadata for each file

    Data for 'Fast Matrix Operations in Computer Algebra'

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    This data package contains Maple worksheets with code executing algorithms pertaining to fraction-free Bunch-Hopcroft matrix inversion. The worksheets also include timing procedures used to obtain a log-log plot to describe the experimental asymptotic behaviour of the run time of the new fraction free algorithm. The plot and corresponding raw data are also included in the package. More information about these algorithms is available from the corresponding papers, 'Fast Matrix Operations in Computer Algebra' and 'On Fast Matrix Inversion'

    Dataset for "ExMaps: Long-Term Localization in Dynamic Scenes using Exponential Decay"

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    This is the dataset that accompanies our publication "ExMaps: Long-Term Localization in Dynamic Scenes using Exponential Decay”. The data was collected over a period of time using a custom ARCore based android app. It depicts a retail aisle. The images can be found in the sub-folders “only_jpgs”. The rest of the ARCore data such as camera poses can be found in “data_all” subfolders for each day data was collected for. The data can be used to run the benchmarks from the original paper. It can also be used to reconstruct points clouds using SFM (structure from motion) software

    Dataset for chapter "Quality and Bias"

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    Dataset is a MATLAB program, and its output, for the graphs illustrating in Davenport's chapter "Quality and Bias" in the BCS-published book, edited by Adam Leon Smith, on "Artificial Intelligence and Software Testing". They are provided here, and linked from the book, to allow readers to experiment

    Metaphors of Identity: Focus Groups

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    This set of files contain focus groups data collected for the first phase of the Metaphors of Identity research project. Focus groups involved a small group of people (3 to 6 participants) across different age groups: teenagers (15-17 age group), young adults (19-29 age group) and an older age group (50-60 age group). Focus groups took place between the period March 2012 and March 2013. Each group engaged in a metaphoric discussion that largely arose from a projective technique involving themes pertaining to different levels of abstraction and then subjected to the phenomenological process of ‘eidetic’ reduction. A visual representation of the metaphor was produced by the participants