24 research outputs found

    On questions of Fatou and Eremenko

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    Let ff be a transcendental entire function and let I(f)I(f) be the set of points whose iterates under ff tend to infinity. We show that I(f)I(f) has at least one unbounded component. In the case that ff has a Baker wandering domain, we show that I(f)I(f) is a connected unbounded set


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    Abstract. We show that two rational maps which are K-quasiconformally combinatorially equivalent are K-quasiconformally conjugate. We also study the relationship between the boundary dilatation of a combinatorial equivalence and the dilatation of a conjugacy. The Teichmüller theory is a powerful tool in the study of complex analytic dynamics. In addition to the work of D. Sullivan [Su] and W. Thurston (refer [DH2]), where the classical theory of the Teichmüller spaces plays a crucial role, a beautiful theorem about extremal quasiconformal maps between open Riemann surfaces, due to R. Strebel ([S]), was employed in the work of C. McMullen [Mc2]. In this paper, we give new applications of this theorem and a theorem of H. Ohtake ([Oh]) about lifts of extremal quasiconformal maps. Suppose that f,g are rational maps of degree bigger than one which are quasiconformally combinatorially equivalent, i.e. there exist quasiconformal maps φ and φ1 from Ĉ to itself such that φ is isotopic to φ1 rel P (f) andφf = gφ1. Here P (f) = � f n (Cf) n>0 is the post-critical set of f, where Cf is the set of the critical points of f. It is known that there exists a quasiconformal conjugacy ψ from f to g, whichis isotopic to φ rel P (f) ([Mc3]). In the proof, ψ was constructed by the Douady-Earle extension and hence its maximal dilatation might be bigger than the maximal dilatation of φ. Applying extremal quasiconformal maps, we improve the theorem to show that ψ can be chosen such that its maximal dilatation is less than or equal to the maximal dilatation of φ (Theorem 1) and we give an application (Theorem 2) relating extremal and boundary dilatation. At first, let us recall Strebel’s Theorem. Let φ: R → R ′ be a quasiconformal map between open Riemann surfaces. The Beltrami differential of φ is µφ(z) d¯z ∂¯zφ(z) dz ∂zφ(z) Received by the editors August 21, 1999