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    In 2005, trichomonosis emerged as a new cause of substantial mortality in United Kingdom (UK) greenfinch (Carduelis chloris) and chaffinch (Fringella coelebs) populations. Similar to the UK, in the summer and fall of 2007–2009 and 2011, mortalities due to trichomonosis occurred in the Canadian Maritime provinces’ purple finch (Carpodacus purpureus) and American goldfinch (Cardeuelis tristis) populations consistent with emergence of trichomonosis in this region. Trichomonosis is caused by Trichomonas gallinae, a protozoan parasite infecting the upper digestive tract of birds. Trichomonosis causes slow death from emaciation and dehydration due to lesions preventing ingestion of food and water. This disease is reported by the public at their backyard feeding and watering stations. Therefore, this study’s goal was to better understand the epidemiology of trichomonosis in this region through collaboration with the Maritime bird feeding public. Through use of molecular tools and field techniques this study was able to conclude that (1) rock pigeons (Columba livia) can act as a reservoir for T. gallinae in the Canadian Maritime provinces, (2) the same T. gallinae strain that caused the United Kingdom epidemic is present in Canadian Maritime wild avifauna, (3) moist birdseed can possibly act as a fomite in the transmission of T. gallinae and (4) climate is a potential contributing factor in the emergence of T. gallinae in the Canadian Maritime provinces. Finally, this study provided the first scientific approach to assess the role of birdfeeders and watering stations as fomites facilitating transmission of trichomonosis. The information obtained from this project resulted in general recommendations on trichomonosis prevention for the concerned bird feeding public, thus protecting the health and welfare of birds frequenting birdfeeders

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    Athletic Trainers and Sport Psychology: Knowledge, Experience and Attitudes

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    titles. Certified athletic trainers (ATCs) play a unique role in sport environments as the primary medical staff available to athletes. Thus, ATCs are well positioned to oversee athletes' physical and psychological well-being. Although sport psychologists (SPs) have been identified as a potential resource for ATCs, previous studies have reported a lack of collaboration between SPs and ATCs. This study aimed to (a) examine ATCs' views regarding professional roles for both ATCs and SPs, (b) explore ATCs' referral behaviors, (c) evaluate ATCs belief in the credibility of sport psychology across demographic (i.e., gender, age) and experiential variables (i.e., access to SPs), and (d) examine ATCs' involvement in sport psychology. Four hundred ninety-six ATCs (265 men, 231 women) completed and returned the questionnaire. ATCs viewed assisting in the psychological recovery of athletes as the most acceptable professional role for fellow ATCs; aiding in the psychological recovery of injured athletes and teach mental skills were identified by ATCs as the most appropriate roles for SPs. In considering an athlete experiencing interpersonal difficulties (e.g., relationship problems), a mixed design ANOVA revealed a ATC sex by referral option interaction; female and male ATCs indicated they would likely refer the athlete to a counselor/therapist, followed by a SP, however, female ATCs reported a greater likelihood of referring to a counselor/therapist than male ATCs whereas male ATCs indicated a greater likelihood of referring to a SP. Further, ATCs' regular access to SPs and completion of formal sport psychology coursework were identified as variables associated with greater belief in the credibility of sport psychology. These results suggest that access and previous experience with SPs remain significant variables associated with ATCs views about, and belief in, the work of SPs. Implications for sport psychology professionals and recommendations for future research are discussed
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