189 research outputs found

    A proof of the Gutzwiller Semiclassical Trace Formula using Coherent States Decomposition

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    The Gutzwiller semiclassical trace formula links the eigenvalues of the Scrodinger operator ^H with the closed orbits of the corresponding classical mechanical system, associated with the Hamiltonian H, when the Planck constant is small ("semiclassical regime"). Gutzwiller gave a heuristic proof, using the Feynman integral representation for the propagator of ^H. Later on mathematicians gave rigorous proofs of this trace formula, under different settings, using the theory of Fourier Integral Operators and Lagrangian manifolds. Here we want to show how the use of coherent states (or gaussian beams) allows us to give a simple and direct proof.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, available on http://qcd.th.u-psud.f

    Semiclassical wave packet dynamics for Hartree equations

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    We study the propagation of wave packets for nonlinear nonlocal Schrodinger equations in the semi-classical limit. When the kernel is smooth, we construct approximate solutions for the wave functions in subcritical, critical and supercritical cases (in terms of the size of the initial data). The validity of the approximation is proved up to Ehrenfest time. For homogeneous kernels, we establish similar results in subcritical and critical cases. Nonlinear superposition principle for two nonlinear wave packets is also considered.Comment: 28 pages. Some errors fixed in Section 2.

    Structures of Malcev Bialgebras on a simple non-Lie Malcev algebra

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    Lie bialgebras were introduced by Drinfeld in studying the solutions to the classical Yang-Baxter equation. The definition of a bialgebra in the sense of Drinfeld (D-bialgebra), related with any variety of algebras, was given by Zhelyabin. In this work, we consider Malcev bialgebras. We describe all structures of a Malcev bialgebra on a simple non-Lie Malcev algebra

    How do wave packets spread? Time evolution on Ehrenfest time scales

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    We derive an extension of the standard time dependent WKB theory which can be applied to propagate coherent states and other strongly localised states for long times. It allows in particular to give a uniform description of the transformation from a localised coherent state to a delocalised Lagrangian state which takes place at the Ehrenfest time. The main new ingredient is a metaplectic operator which is used to modify the initial state in a way that standard time dependent WKB can then be applied for the propagation. We give a detailed analysis of the phase space geometry underlying this construction and use this to determine the range of validity of the new method. Several examples are used to illustrate and test the scheme and two applications are discussed: (i) For scattering of a wave packet on a barrier near the critical energy we can derive uniform approximations for the transition from reflection to transmission. (ii) A wave packet propagated along a hyperbolic trajectory becomes a Lagrangian state associated with the unstable manifold at the Ehrenfest time, this is illustrated with the kicked harmonic oscillator.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Localization of quantum wave packets

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    We study the semiclassical propagation of squeezed Gau{\ss}ian states. We do so by considering the propagation theorem introduced by Combescure and Robert \cite{CR97} approximating the evolution generated by the Weyl-quantization of symbols HH. We examine the particular case when the Hessian H(Xt)H^{\prime\prime}(X_{t}) evaluated at the corresponding solution XtX_{t} of Hamilton's equations of motion is periodic in time. Under this assumption, we show that the width of the wave packet can remain small up to the Ehrenfest time. We also determine conditions for ``classical revivals'' in that case. More generally, we may define recurrences of the initial width. Some of these results include the case of unbounded classical motion. In the classically unstable case we recover an exponential spreading of the wave packet as in \cite{CR97}

    Reduced Gutzwiller formula with symmetry: case of a finite group

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    We consider a classical Hamiltonian HH on R2d\mathbb{R}^{2d}, invariant by a finite group of symmetry GG, whose Weyl quantization H^\hat{H} is a selfadjoint operator on L2(Rd)L^2(\mathbb{R}^d). If χ\chi is an irreducible character of GG, we investigate the spectrum of its restriction H^_χ\hat{H}\_\chi to the symmetry subspace L2_χ(Rd)L^2\_\chi(\mathbb{R}^d) of L2(Rd)L^2(\mathbb{R}^d) coming from the decomposition of Peter-Weyl. We give reduced semi-classical asymptotics of a regularised spectral density describing the spectrum of H^_χ\hat{H}\_\chi near a non critical energy ERE\in\mathbb{R}. If Σ_E:={H=E}\Sigma\_E:=\{H=E \} is compact, assuming that periodic orbits are non-degenerate in Σ_E/G\Sigma\_E/G, we get a reduced Gutzwiller trace formula which makes periodic orbits of the reduced space Σ_E/G\Sigma\_E/G appear. The method is based upon the use of coherent states, whose propagation was given in the work of M. Combescure and D. Robert.Comment: 20 page

    Nonlinear coherent states and Ehrenfest time for Schrodinger equation

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    We consider the propagation of wave packets for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, in the semi-classical limit. We establish the existence of a critical size for the initial data, in terms of the Planck constant: if the initial data are too small, the nonlinearity is negligible up to the Ehrenfest time. If the initial data have the critical size, then at leading order the wave function propagates like a coherent state whose envelope is given by a nonlinear equation, up to a time of the same order as the Ehrenfest time. We also prove a nonlinear superposition principle for these nonlinear wave packets.Comment: 27 page

    On the Geometry of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanical Systems

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    We consider some simple examples of supersymmetric quantum mechanical systems and explore their possible geometric interpretation with the help of geometric aspects of real Clifford algebras. This leads to natural extensions of the considered systems to higher dimensions and more complicated potentials.Comment: 18 page

    Coherent-State Approach to Two-dimensional Electron Magnetism

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    We study in this paper the possible occurrence of orbital magnetim for two-dimensional electrons confined by a harmonic potential in various regimes of temperature and magnetic field. Standard coherent state families are used for calculating symbols of various involved observables like thermodynamical potential, magnetic moment, or spatialdistribution of current. Their expressions are given in a closed form and the resulting Berezin-Lieb inequalities provide a straightforward way to study magnetism in various limit regimes. In particular, we predict a paramagnetic behaviour in the thermodynamical limit as well as in the quasiclassical limit under a weak field. Eventually, we obtain an exact expression for the magnetic moment which yields a full description of the phase diagram of the magnetization.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR


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    Usually, in supersymmetric theories, it is assumed that the time-evolution of states is determined by the Hamiltonian, through the Schr\"odinger equation. Here we explore the superevolution of states in superspace, in which the supercharges are the principal operators. The superevolution equation is consistent with the Schr\"odinger equation, but it avoids the usual degeneracy between bosonic and fermionic states. We discuss superevolution in supersymmetric quantum mechanics and in a simple supersymmetric field theory.Comment: 23 page