58 research outputs found

    La dieta Mediterranea come stile di vita e rapporto col territorio

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    La dieta mediterranea si basa su un modello di vita salubre: igiene alimentare, attivitĂ  fisica, qualitĂ  dell'ambiente quale presupposto della qualitĂ  alimentare. Il modello della dieta mediterranea costituisce quindi un modello di sviluppo alternativo alla crescita e focalizzato sul benessere, sulla qualitĂ  della vita

    L’AGROALIMENTARE TRA GLOBALE E LOCALE: dall’Italian sounding ai mercati storici di Palermo

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    Il tema dell'italian sounding e della tutela delle tipicità è oggi di grande importanza nel quadro della valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari con valenza territoriale e tipica. L'approvvigionamento alimentare delle città avviene tramite i grandi circuiti globali della distribuzione mentre i mercati storici costituiscono un'attrazione turistica e una manifestazione della cultura mediterranea. Si ipotizza un loro ruolo nel consentire la valorizzazione locale dei prodotti regionali

    Il GIS come strumento di stima delle aree suscettibili alla coltura di Hedysarum coronarium, per la produzione di biodiesel in Sicilia

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    zonizzazione del territorio siciliano suscettibile di rifornire una filiera bioenergetica che utilizza la sulla, Hedysarum coronarium, per la produzione di biodiesel

    L’agricoltura biologica e lo sviluppo del territorio di qualità: un caso studio siciliano

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    Farming grows into an intense relationship with the territory; local products are the expression of local culture and environment. Territory itself is an attribute of the goods; at the same time, the consumer becomes a user of the same territory. It is possible to turn on a strategy that considers the territory a source of competitive advantage. Organic farming is paradigmatic of the relationship between agricultural production and the territory that is based on the pursuit of harmonious interaction between human activities and the environmen

    Wine and Its Legality-A Survey to Know the Consumer Opinions on the Activities of Sicilian Wine Companies Operating on Lands Confiscated from the Mafia

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    The current guidelines of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy face the agricultural sector in the position of the backbone for the economic development of rural areas and regions with difficult economic differentiation. The EU Common Agricultural Policy defines agriculture as “multifunctional” and among the different roles and functions expected, there is also the “social function”, defined as the ability that the farm has to generate services with respect to a population with risk of social exclusion. This paper investigated all the agricultural initiatives with social impacts that were carried in the lands confiscated from the organized crime (called mafia), mainly in the South of Italy and especially in Sicily. Through an Italian law, these lands could be used with social purposes by a particular kind of associations which might exercise an agricultural activity with the aim to produce food products, sell them in the market and offer employment opportunities in the agricultural sector. In particular, in Sicily, the activity of the “Social Cooperative Placido Rizzotto-Libera Terra” and its winery “Cantina Centopassi” which received honors and awards for its production of wine obtained from the earliest harvests and for its social work in that territory were well known. This work, which was part of a much broader study on “wine and legality”, aimed to know the opinion of Sicilian wine consumers and their knowledge about this topic with particular reference to the Cantina Centopassi

    Marsala Wine and Porto Wine, two Important Stories and two Great Wines in Comparison. The Current Market Situation and Opportunities

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    Introduction Marsala wine is the oldest of the Sicilian wines and it takes its name from the little town where it is produced. It is one of the most famous fortified wines in the world thanks to its organoleptic qualities and its incredible versatility. Despite its ancient origin and its fame, which led this wine to be known all over the world, Marsala wine is for several years in a decline phase. Porto wine, has always been a true symbol of Portugal, is also very famous worldwide for centuries, it is obtained from different varieties of grapes grown in the Douro Valley and then it is aged in wooden barrels at the cellars of the Oporto City where it was then shipped to be exported all over the world. As the Marsala wine, also the Porto wine is a fortified and versatile wine, with its several varieties, depending on grapes, maturity and production technique used. Marsala and Porto are then two great wines with very similar stories and destinies, but they have now encountered (especially the Marsala wine) difficulties in holding a good position in the market, this is because of the “younger” sweet wines, their new strong competitors, passito wine, malvasia wine, sauterne, etc.

    Commoning of territorial heritage and tools of participated sustainability for the production and enhancement of agro-environmental public goods

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the commoning heritage processes find application for the production of agro-environmental public goods in contexts of high socio-economic marginality and environmental vulnerability, characterized by abandonment and from the consumption of agricultural land for food use. The purpose is to understand how these processes are able to influence, at local level, the governance processes for the implementation of environmental protection strategies. The survey made it possible to verify how the commoning processes aimed at the production of agro-environmental goods generate territorial resilience, understood as a community competence able to structure specific forms of social learning based on priorities identified and defined by the communities. The followed theoretical framework and the methodological approach have allowed on the one hand to draw up a taxonomy of the different territorial dynamics and on the other to identify a mixed indicator system, applicable and replicable also in other contexts, able to describe its dimensions analytically. The assessment of the cognitive elements related to the territorial fabric carried out through the proposed approach has allowed to demonstrate how the knowledge of the territorial capital contributes to the activation of forms of collective intelligence necessary for decision-making processes

    Consumption of spices and ethnic contamination in the daily diet of Italians - consumers’ preferences and modification of eating habits

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    Currently, consumers appear to have diversified characteristics with regard to food tastes and consumption habits. The globalization of markets and the migration phenomenon contributed to the modification of food preferences of consumers who gradually introduce into their eating habits foods and recipes typical of the tradition of foreign countries. In this scenario, also in Italy, it is going to increase the use of “foreign products” with the consequent fusion of traditional cuisine techniques and recipes with ingredients that are typical of foreign countries and cultures. Foods and ingredients originally consumed in Asian or South American countries are increasingly consumed by Italian people, who have notoriously a strong “food identity,” who generally follow the Mediterranean Diet, and who consume typical products of the country. More particularly, the use of “new” or “novel” spices compared to those traditionally used in the preparation of Italian food has grown in the last 10 years. This study is an exploratory survey on the consumption of spices in Sicily (Southern Italy), which is an Italian Region with a high level of immigrated people and a good level of social integration and progressive inclusion. The objective of this study is to know whether and how Sicilian consumers’ consumption preferences, use, and purchasing behaviors with regard to spices changed in the last few years. The results highlight an increasing use of novel spices for the preparation of the traditional recipes and a good appreciation by consumers. These results are interesting because they provide information about spices’ market development and food product marketing and internationalization. The survey gives interesting inputs for reflections about the relationship between food contaminations and social integration and insight into consumers’ preferences in Italy

    Study of Wine Producers’ Marketing Communication in Extreme Territories–Application of the AGIL Scheme to Wineries’ Website Features

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    This study measures the communication ability of wineries in two extreme territories of Southern Italy, Mount Etna and the island of Pantelleria. The evaluation of four dimensions of web communication was carried out by the AGIL Scheme (i.e., adaptation, goal-attainment, integration, latent pattern maintenance). The study provides a generalizable model to be applied in other similar studies. Additionally, focus groups of experts were carried out. The method proved to be suitable to measure the communication effectiveness of wineries through websites. Extreme territories may add value to the wine, regardless of the brand. The heroic wines may become the symbol of these territories, helping environmentally safeguard and contrast territory abandonment by rural communities. The findings highlight that effective communication of heroic viticulture may be used to reposition these wines and increase their competitive advantage in foreign markets. The study generates new ideas for reflection on new types of web communication
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