2,739 research outputs found

    Lagrange-Poincar\'e reduction for optimal control of underactuated mechanical systems

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    We deal with regular Lagrangian constrained systems which are invariant under the action of a symmetry group. Fixing a connection on the higher-order principal bundle where the Lagrangian and the (independent) constraints are defined, the higher-order Lagrange-Poincar\'e equations of classical mechanical systems with higher-order constraints are obtained from classical Lagrangian reduction. Higher-order Lagrange-Poincar\'e operator is introduced to characterize higher-order Lagrange-Poincar\'e equations. Interesting applications are derived as, for instance, the optimal control of an underactuated Elroy's Beanie and a snakeboard seens as an optimization problem with higher-order constraints.Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial erro

    On the Existence and Uniqueness of Poincar\'e Maps for Systems with Impulse Effects

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    The Poincar\'e map is widely used to study the qualitative behavior of dynamical systems. For instance, it can be used to describe the existence of periodic solutions. The Poincar\'e map for dynamical systems with impulse effects was introduced in the last decade and mainly employed to study the existence of limit cycles (periodic gaits) for the locomotion of bipedal robots. We investigate sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of Poincar\'e maps for dynamical systems with impulse effects evolving on a differentiable manifold. We apply the results to show the existence and uniqueness of Poincar\'e maps for systems with multiple domains

    Second-order variational problems on Lie groupoids and optimal control applications

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    In this paper we study, from a variational and geometrical point of view, second-order variational problems on Lie groupoids and the construction of variational integrators for optimal control problems. First, we develop variational techniques for second-order variational problems on Lie groupoids and their applications to the construction of variational integrators for optimal control problems of mechanical systems. Next, we show how Lagrangian submanifolds of a symplectic groupoid gives intrinsically the discrete dynamics for second-order systems, both unconstrained and constrained, and we study the geometric properties of the implicit flow which defines the dynamics in the Lagrangian submanifold. We also study the theory of reduction by symmetries and the corresponding Noether theorem.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure, first version. Comments welcom

    Dynamic interpolation for obstacle avoidance on Riemannian manifolds

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    This work is devoted to studying dynamic interpolation for obstacle avoidance. This is a problem that consists of minimizing a suitable energy functional among a set of admissible curves subject to some interpolation conditions. The given energy functional depends on velocity, covariant acceleration and on artificial potential functions used for avoiding obstacles. We derive first-order necessary conditions for optimality in the proposed problem; that is, given interpolation and boundary conditions we find the set of differential equations describing the evolution of a curve that satisfies the prescribed boundary values, interpolates the given points and is an extremal for the energy functional. We study the problem in different settings including a general one on a Riemannian manifold and a more specific one on a Lie group endowed with a left-invariant metric. We also consider a sub-Riemannian problem. We illustrate the results with examples of rigid bodies, both planar and spatial, and underactuated vehicles including a unicycle and an underactuated unmanned vehicle.Comment: Comments welcom

    Motion Feasibility Conditions for Multi-Agent Control Systems on Lie Groups

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    We study the problem of motion feasibility for multiagent control systems on Lie groups with collision avoidance constraints. We first consider the problem for kinematic left invariant control systems and next, for dynamical control systems given by a left-trivialized Lagrangian function. Solutions of the kinematic problem give rise to linear combinations of the control inputs in a linear subspace annihilating the collision avoidance constraints. In the dynamical problem, motion feasibility conditions are obtained by using techniques from variational calculus on manifolds, given by a set of equations in a vector space, and Lagrange multipliers annihilating the constraint force that prevents deviation of solutions from a constraint submanifold.Comment: L. J. Colombo was partially supported by ACCESS Linnaeus Center (KTH), Ministerio de Econom{\i}a, Industria y Competitividad grant MTM2016-76702-P, i-Link project and La Caixa Foundation (LCF/BQ/PI19/11690016). D. V. Dimarogonas is supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR), Knut och Alice Wallenberg foundation (KAW), the H2020 Project Co4Robots and the H2020 ERC Starting Grant BUCOPHSY

    On the geometry of higher-order variational problems on Lie groups

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    In this paper, we describe a geometric setting for higher-order lagrangian problems on Lie groups. Using left-trivialization of the higher-order tangent bundle of a Lie group and an adaptation of the classical Skinner-Rusk formalism, we deduce an intrinsic framework for this type of dynamical systems. Interesting applications as, for instance, a geometric derivation of the higher-order Euler-Poincar\'e equations, optimal control of underactuated control systems whose configuration space is a Lie group are shown, among others, along the paper.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Variational obstacle avoidance problem on Riemannian manifolds

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    We introduce variational obstacle avoidance problems on Riemannian manifolds and derive necessary conditions for the existence of their normal extremals. The problem consists of minimizing an energy functional depending on the velocity and covariant acceleration, among a set of admissible curves, and also depending on a navigation function used to avoid an obstacle on the workspace, a Riemannian manifold. We study two different scenarios, a general one on a Riemannian manifold and, a sub-Riemannian problem. By introducing a left-invariant metric on a Lie group, we also study the variational obstacle avoidance problem on a Lie group. We apply the results to the obstacle avoidance problem of a planar rigid body and an unicycle.Comment: Paper submitted to IEEE CDC 2017 - Melbourne, Australia. This version contain a slightly modification in the computations for the application given in section 4, part

    Unified formalism for higher-order variational problems and its applications in optimal control

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    In this paper we consider an intrinsic point of view to describe the equations of motion for higher-order variational problems with constraints on higher-order trivial principal bundles. Our techniques are an adaptation of the classical Skinner-Rusk approach for the case of Lagrangian dynamics with higher-order constraints. We study a regular case where it is possible to establish a symplectic framework and, as a consequence, to obtain a unique vector field determining the dynamics. As an interesting application we deduce the equations of motion for optimal control of underactuated mechanical systems defined on principal bundles.Comment: 28 pp. Revised version: Minor corrections don

    Optimal Control of Quantum Purity for n=2n=2 Systems

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    The objective of this work is to study time-minimum and energy-minimum global optimal control for dissipative open quantum systems whose dynamics is governed by the Lindblad equation. The controls appear only in the Hamiltonian. Using recent results regarding the decoupling of such dissipative dynamics into intra- and inter-unitary orbits, we transform the control system into a bi-linear control system on the Bloch ball (the unitary sphere together with its interior). We then design a numerical algorithm to construct an optimal path to achieve a desired point given initial states close to the origin (the singular point) of the Bloch ball. This is done both for the minimum-time and minimum -energy control problems.Comment: Comments welcome! Paper submitted to IEEE CDC 2017 - Melbourne, Australi

    Higher-order discrete variational problems with constraints

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    An interesting family of geometric integrators for Lagrangian systems can be defined using discretizations of the Hamilton's principle of critical action. This family of geometric integrators is called variational integrators. In this paper, we derive new variational integrators for higher-order lagrangian mechanical system subjected to higher-order constraints. From the discretization of the variational principles, we show that our methods are automatically symplectic and, in consequence, with a very good energy behavior. Additionally, the symmetries of the discrete Lagrangian imply that momenta is conserved by the integrator. Moreover, we extend our construction to variational integrators where the lagrangian is explicitly time-dependent. Finally, some motivating applications of higher-order problems are considered; in particular, optimal control problems for explicitly time-dependent underactuated systems and an interpolation problem on Riemannian manifolds.Comment: Comments Welcome
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