8 research outputs found

    Resilient VAE: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection at the SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source

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    Significant advances in utilizing deep learning for anomaly detection have been made in recent years. However, these methods largely assume the existence of a normal training set (i.e., uncontaminated by anomalies) or even a completely labeled training set. In many complex engineering systems, such as particle accelerators, labels are sparse and expensive; in order to perform anomaly detection in these cases, we must drop these assumptions and utilize a completely unsupervised method. This paper introduces the Resilient Variational Autoencoder (ResVAE), a deep generative model specifically designed for anomaly detection. ResVAE exhibits resilience to anomalies present in the training data and provides feature-level anomaly attribution. During the training process, ResVAE learns the anomaly probability for each sample as well as each individual feature, utilizing these probabilities to effectively disregard anomalous examples in the training data. We apply our proposed method to detect anomalies in the accelerator status at the SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). By utilizing shot-to-shot data from the beam position monitoring system, we demonstrate the exceptional capability of ResVAE in identifying various types of anomalies that are visible in the accelerator

    Multipoint-BAX: A New Approach for Efficiently Tuning Particle Accelerator Emittance via Virtual Objectives

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    Although beam emittance is critical for the performance of high-brightness accelerators, optimization is often time limited as emittance calculations, commonly done via quadrupole scans, are typically slow. Such calculations are a type of multi-point query\textit{multi-point query}, i.e. each query requires multiple secondary measurements. Traditional black-box optimizers such as Bayesian optimization are slow and inefficient when dealing with such objectives as they must acquire the full series of measurements, but return only the emittance, with each query. We propose applying Bayesian Algorithm Execution (BAX) to instead query and model individual beam-size measurements. BAX avoids the slow multi-point query on the accelerator by acquiring points through a virtual objective\textit{virtual objective}, i.e. calculating the emittance objective from a fast learned model rather than directly from the accelerator. Here, we use BAX to minimize emittance at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests II (FACET-II). In simulation, BAX is 20×\times faster and more robust to noise compared to existing methods. In live LCLS and FACET-II tests, BAX performed the first automated emittance tuning, matching the hand-tuned emittance at FACET-II and achieving a 24% lower emittance at LCLS. Our method represents a conceptual shift for optimizing multi-point queries, and we anticipate that it can be readily adapted to similar problems in particle accelerators and other scientific instruments

    Validation of PEP-II Resonantly Excited Turn-by-Turn BPM Data ∗

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    For optics measurement and modeling of the PEP-II electron (HER) and position (LER) storage rings, we have been doing well with MIA [1] which requires analyzing turn-by-turn Beam Position Monitor (BPM) data that are resonantly excited at the horizontal, vertical, and longitudinal tunes. However, in anticipation that certain BPM buttons and even pins in the PEP-II IR region would be missing for the run starting in January 2007, we had been developing a data validation process to reduce the effect due to the reduced BPM data accuracy on PEP-II optics measurement and modeling. Besides the routine process for ranking BPM noise level through data correlation among BPMs with a singular-value decomposition (SVD), we could also check BPM data symplecticity by comparing the invariant ratios. Results from PEP-II measurement will be presented

    Resilient VAE: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection at the SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source

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    Significant advances in utilizing deep learning for anomaly detection have been made in recent years. However, these methods largely assume the existence of a normal training set (i.e., uncontaminated by anomalies) or even a completely labeled training set. In many complex engineering systems, such as particle accelerators, labels are sparse and expensive; in order to perform anomaly detection in these cases, we must drop these assumptions and utilize a completely unsupervised method. This paper introduces the Resilient Variational Autoencoder (ResVAE), a deep generative model specifically designed for anomaly detection. ResVAE exhibits resilience to anomalies present in the training data and provides feature-level anomaly attribution. During the training process, ResVAE learns the anomaly probability for each sample as well as each individual feature, utilizing these probabilities to effectively disregard anomalous examples in the training data. We apply our proposed method to detect anomalies in the accelerator status at the SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). By utilizing shot-to-shot data from the beam position monitoring system, we demonstrate the exceptional capability of ResVAE in identifying various types of anomalies that are visible in the accelerator

    Beam-based RF Station Fault Identification at the Linac Coherent Light Source

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    Accelerators produce too many signals for a small operations team to monitor in real time. In addition, many of these signals are only interpretable by subject matter experts with years of experience. As a result, changes in accelerator performance can require time-intensive consultations with experts to identify the underlying problem. Herein, we focus on a particular anomaly detection task for radio-frequency (RF) stations at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). The existing RF station diagnostics are bandwidth limited, resulting in slow, unreliable signals. As a result, anomaly detection is currently a manual process. We propose a beam-based method, identifying changes in the accelerator status using shot-to-shot data from the beam position monitoring system; by comparing the beam-based anomalies to data from RF stations, we identify the source of the change. We find that our proposed method can be fully automated while identifying more events with fewer false positives than the RF station diagnostics alone. Our automated fault identification system has been used to create a new data set for investigating the interaction between the RF stations and accelerator performance

    The fluctuation–dissipation measurement instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source

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    The development of new modes at x-ray free electron lasers has inspired novel methods for studying fluctuations at different energies and timescales. For closely spaced x-ray pulses that can be varied on ultrafast time scales, we have constructed a pair of advanced instruments to conduct studies targeting quantum materials. We first describe a prototype instrument built to test the proof-of-principle of resonant magnetic scattering using ultrafast pulse pairs. This is followed by a description of a new endstation, the so-called fluctuation–dissipation measurement instrument, which was used to carry out studies with a fast area detector. In addition, we describe various types of diagnostics for single-shot contrast measurements, which can be used to normalize data on a pulse-by-pulse basis and calibrate pulse amplitude ratios, both of which are important for the study of fluctuations in materials. Furthermore, we present some new results using the instrument that demonstrates access to higher momentum resolution

    On Ultrafast X-ray Methods for Magnetism

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    With the introduction of x-ray free electron laser sources around the world, new scientific approaches for visualizing matter at fundamental length and time-scales have become possible. As it relates to magnetism and "magnetic-type" systems, advanced methods are being developed for studying ultrafast magnetic responses on the time-scales at which they occur. We describe three capabilities which have the potential to seed new directions in this area and present original results from each: pump-probe x-ray scattering with low energy excitation, x-ray photon fluctuation spectroscopy, and ultrafast diffuse x-ray scattering. By combining these experimental techniques with advanced modeling together with machine learning, we describe how the combination of these domains allows for a new understanding in the field of magnetism. Finally, we give an outlook for future areas of investigation and the newly developed instruments which will take us there