446 research outputs found

    Uniform Sobolev inequality along the Sasaki-Ricci flow

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    We prove a uniform Sobolev inequality along the Sasaki-Ricci flow. In the process, we develop the theory of basic Lebesgue and Sobolev function spaces, and prove some general results about the decomposition of the heat kernel for a class of elliptic operators on a Sasaki manifold.Comment: 13 page

    The Transverse Entropy Functional and the Sasaki-Ricci Flow

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    We introduce two new functionals on Sasaki manifolds, inspired by the work of Perelman, which are monotonic along the Sasaki-Ricci flow. We relate their gradient flow, via diffeomorphisms preserving the foliated structure of the manifold, to the transverse Ricci flow. Finally, when the basic first Chern class is positive, we employ these new functionals to prove a uniform C0C^{0} bound for the transverse scalar curvature, and a uniform C1C^{1} bound for the transverse Ricci potential along the Sasaki-Ricci flow.Comment: 24 pages. Minor changes incorporating the referee's suggestions. Final version, to appear in Trans. of the AM

    C2,αC^{2,\alpha} estimates for nonlinear elliptic equations of twisted type

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    We prove a priori interior C2,αC^{2,\alpha} estimates for solutions of fully nonlinear elliptic equations of twisted type. For example, our estimates apply to equations of the type convex + concave. These results are particularly well suited to equations arising from elliptic regularization. As application, we obtain a new proof of an estimate of Streets-Warren on the twisted real Monge-Ampere equation

    Stability and Convergence of the Sasaki-Ricci Flow

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    We introduce a holomorphic sheaf E on a Sasaki manifold and study two new notions of stability for E along the Sasaki-Ricci flow related to the `jumping up' of the number of global holomorphic sections of E at infinity. First, we show that if the Mabuchi K-energy is bounded below, the transverse Riemann tensor is bounded in C^{0} along the flow, and the C -infinity closure of the Sasaki structure under the diffeomorphism group does not contain a Sasaki structure with strictly more global holomorphic sections of E, then the Sasaki-Ricci flow converges exponentially fast to a Sasaki-Einstein metric. Secondly, we show that if the Futaki invariant vanishes, and the lowest positive eigenvalue of the d-bar Laplacian on global sections of E is bounded away from zero uniformly along the flow, then the Sasaki-Ricci flow converges exponentially fast to a Sasaki-Einstein metric.Comment: 20 page

    Remarks on the Yang-Mills flow on a compact Kahler manifold

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    We study the Yang-Mills flow on a holomorphic vector bundle E over a compact Kahler manifold X. We construct a natural barrier function along the flow, and introduce some techniques to study the blow-up of the curvature along the flow. Making some technical assumptions, we show how our techniques can be used to prove that the curvature of the evolved connection is uniformly bounded away from an analytic subvariety determined by the Harder-Narasimhan-Seshadri filtration of E. We also discuss how our assumptions are related to stability in some simple cases.Comment: We found a mistake in the proof of Proposition 4. The paper has been completely rewritten. The title and abstract have been altered to reflect the changes. 26 page

    A singular Demailly-Paun theorem

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    We give a numerical characterization of the Kahler cone of a possibly singular compact analytic variety which is embedded in a smooth ambient space.Comment: 7 page

    Convergence of the JJ-flow on toric manifolds

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    We show that on a Kahler manifold whether the J-flow converges or not is independent of the chosen background metric in its Kahler class. On toric manifolds we give a numerical characterization of when the J-flow converges, verifying a conjecture of Lejmi and the second author in this case. We also strengthen existing results on more general inverse σk\sigma_{k} equations on Kahler manifolds.Comment: 28 page

    Dimension of the minimum set for the real and complex Monge-Amp\`{e}re equations in critical Sobolev spaces

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    We prove that the zero set of a nonnegative plurisubharmonic function that solves det(u)1\det (\partial \overline{\partial} u) \geq 1 in Cn\mathbb{C}^n and is in W2,n(nk)kW^{2, \frac{n(n-k)}{k}} contains no analytic sub-variety of dimension kk or larger. Along the way we prove an analogous result for the real Monge-Amp\`ere equation, which is also new. These results are sharp in view of well-known examples of Pogorelov and B{\l}ocki. As an application, in the real case we extend interior regularity results to the case that uu lies in a critical Sobolev space (or more generally, certain Sobolev-Orlicz spaces).Comment: 10 page

    K-Semistability for irregular Sasakian manifolds

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    We introduce a notion of K-semistability for Sasakian manifolds. This extends to the irregular case the orbifold K-semistability of Ross-Thomas. Our main result is that a Sasakian manifold with constant scalar curvature is necessarily K-semistable. As an application, we show how one can recover the volume minimization results of Martelli-Sparks-Yau, and the Lichnerowicz obstruction of Gauntlett-Martelli-Sparks-Yau from this point of view.Comment: 25 page

    An extension theorem for K\"ahler currents

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    We prove an extension theorem for Kahler currents with analytic singularities in a Kahler class on a complex submanifold of a compact Kahler manifold.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; corrected typos, final version to appear in Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Mat