54 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterization of Mercury vapor Coordination Species Using 1,3-Benzenedioethanethiolate (BDET)

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    Mercury is a major pollutant in the air today. Some possible chelators that have been used are British anti-Lewisite (BAL) 2,3-dimercaptopropanol, dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA). diinercaptopropanesulfonic acid (DMPS). and 1,3-benzenediamidoethanethiolate (BDE\u27I1. All contain two thiol groups, which \u27capture\u27 the heavy mercury element. Due to their structure, they all differ in how well they bind to the mercury atom. BDET is the most recent and efficient chelate used. Statistics show that coal-fired power plants are the nation\u27s largest mercury polluter. Steps have been taken to lower the emission of this toxic metal by the Clean Air Act. However, recently The Bush Administration\u27s Air Pollution Plan undermines the act. It delays the expectations and plans of the Clean Air Act by 10 years [ 1]

    Paint Stripper Composition Having Reduced Volatility Containing Decanolactone, N-methylpyrrolidone and Butyrolactone and Method of Use

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    An improved composition of matter and method of use for removing cured coatings of paint or varnish or other similar coatings from substrates. The composition comrpises chlorinated solvent paint strippers (especially methylene chloride (CH2CI2)), waxes and an additive selected from the group consisting of decanolactone (C10H18O2), N-methylpyrrolidone (CH3NCH2CH2CH2CH2) and butyrolactone (OCH2CH2CH2CO). The additive retards the evaporation of the solvent resulting in a composition that is environmentally less hazardous to a user and also resulting in improved stripping effectiveness

    A Student Response System for Increasing Engagement, Motivation, and Learning in High Enrollment Lectures

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    Student response systems (SRS) are devices that allow students to provide categorical and numerical responses to questions embedded within a lecture, and the responses can be tallied and scored in various ways to provide immediate feedback to the students and/or professors. In the fall of 2004 at the University of Missouri – Rolla, questions were systematically integrated into large general chemistry lecture sections, and students used the response system to answer. In order to evaluate the system, students’ test scores were compared with previous years, and a survey was administered with the aim of evaluating the system at the end of the course when SRS was used. Test scores indicated substantial improvement from previous years. In addition, survey results indicated that a significant majority of the students found that the SRS made the course more engaging, motivational, and increased learning. Qualitative analyses of students’ open-ended responses provided support and additional insights for the quantitative analyses

    1,1′-Diketone and 1,1′-dinitrile Derivatives of 2,2′-biimidazole

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    The crystal structures of 2,2′-biimidazole-1,1′-diacetone, C12H14N4O2, and 2,2′-biimidazole-1,1′-diacetonitrile, C10H8N6, have been determined. Both molecules crystallize with coplanar rings having substituents in a trans disposition with a center of inversion located midway between the bridging C atoms


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    A crystallographic twofold rotation axis passes through the C-C bond joining the imidazole rings of the title compound, C10H10N4O2. the molecule crystallizes in a cis disposition. the planar acetyl group is twisted by 5.0 (3)° with respect to the imidazole ring and the two imidazole rings are tilted by 60.53 (5)° in relation to one another

    Coatings R&D Notebook

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    The uses of nanomaterials for the controlled release of additives in coatings systems are discussed. Nanoparticles have been utilized to encapsulate coating additives in such a way as to allow their sustained time-release after the coating has been applied. The encapsulation process involves the production of hollow microsphere nanoparticles that have open pores through their surfaces. Because the particle and pore sizes can be varied, a significant degree of versality can be exercized with coating-additive release properties

    Coatings R&D Notebook

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    The effects of different kinds of additives on the performance of coatings are discussed. Additives that consist of a complex blend of selected heat-reflecting ceramic microspheres have the appearance of a fine powder and, when stirred into a paint formulation, provide the painted surface with a thermal radiant heat barrier. Grinding resins and dispersing additives aid in the dispersion of pigments during the milling stage of formulating a coating. The inclusion of wax emulsion additives into coating formulations provide significant application advantages

    Coatings R&D Notebook

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    Various issues related to coating techniques are discussed. It is suggested that additives are employed to modify the performance of coatings and enhance specific application and dry-film performance properties. The use of stabilizers in coatings is often essential to improve the long-term service properties of the coatings. The development of high-quality coating systems requires the use of special energy-related chemical-reaction mechanisms to enable the formation of complex network structures

    Coatings R&D Notebook

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    The views of Dr. Harvest L. Collier, University of Missouri-Rolla, on the the implementation of biocidal agents in waterborne coating applications are discussed. The application of biocidal additives in waterborne formulations presents the opportunity for these agents to undergo significant aqueous extraction. The method employed to provide controlled release of these species include encapsulating the additives in the permeable coating film, hosting the additive molecules within a macromolecules framework and bonding the additive molecule to another molecules. The use of silicon additives for UV-cure coatings and waxes for powder coatings is also discussed
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