45 research outputs found

    A participatory filmmaking process with children with disabilities in rural India: Working towards inclusive research

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    Children with disabilities often experience exclusion within their communities, and this exclusion can extend into research processes. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, however, emphasizes that children of all abilities need to be involved as decision makers in matters affecting them. This article provides an in-depth description of the process of a participatory action research project carried out with children with disabilities from a rural village in India. It argues for the utility of participatory filmmaking as a research methodology that supports inclusion of children with disabilities as co-researchers in research and action processes. The different phases of the research project, namely the preparatory, participatory research, and the action phase, are made transparent along with the details of activities carried out within each phase. The technical and pragmatic challenges faced within this participatory filmmaking process are pointed out, and strategies used to negotiate challenges and adapt this methodology to fit context-specific needs are shared. This account of the complex, yet flexible and adaptable, participatory filmmaking process is presented as means to support critical and informed uptakes of participatory filmmaking for inclusive research practices with children with disabilities

    Initiating Participatory Action Research with Older Adults: Lessons Learned through Reflexivity*

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    Participatory action research (PAR) is well suited to research that aims to address social exclusion and inclusion in older age. Illustrations of and reflections on PAR with older adults are scarce, particularly the initiation stage, which sets the stage for the cyclical participatory action that follows. In this article, we describe the initiation of a PAR project with older adults and reflect on the alignment of this process with key participatory principles and fit within typical research structures. Findings point to the tensions between developing relationships over time and time-sensitive calls for funding, how traditional conceptions of research can influence creating equitable partnerships, and the need for development of ethical and publishing guidelines that address participatory approaches. These key insights can be applied to help achieve the potential of PAR: to address issues of concern by collaboratively and equitably working with the people most affected

    The Occupational Therapy Examination and Practice Preparation (OTepp) Program: Development, Implementation and Evaluation of an Educational Program for Internationally-Educated Occupational Therapists

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    This paper provides a chronological overview of the development, implementation, and evaluation of an educational initiative aimed at ensuring internationally-educated occupational therapists are prepared to enter practice in their new country, Canada. The three major phases of the programā€™s 12-year evolution are described, to distill the key lessons learned at each phase. Data related to the demographics of participants, program content, results of the national examination, registration, and employment outcomes are included. An enhanced understanding of the transition experience of internationally educated occupational therapists provides a strong foundation from which to support internationally-educated colleagues and strengthen the occupational therapy profession

    Using Participant Observation to Enable Critical Understandings of Disability in Later Life: An Illustration Conducted With Older Adults With Low Vision

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    Research with older adults aging with vision loss has typically been informed by a biomedical theoretical framework. With a growing focus, however, on critical disability perspectives, which locates disability within the environment, new methods of data collection, such as participant observation, are needed. This article, which reports on the findings from a critical ethnographic study conducted with older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL), aims to share those insights gained through participant observation and to demonstrate the utility of this method. Three insights were gained including the adaptive strategies tacitly employed to navigate the physical environment, a grounded understanding of social interactions that transpire in everyday contexts, and negating the presence of older adults with ARVL when accompanied by a perceived caregiver. The study findings unpack how participant observation can be used to understand social constructions of disability and gain a holistic understanding of environmental influences on the disability experience of older adults with ARVL

    ā€˜That\u27s for old so and so\u27s!ā€™: does identity influence older adultsā€™ technology adoption decisions?

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    The role of identity in older adultsā€™ decision-making about assistive technology adoption has been suggested but not fully explored. This scoping review was conducted to understand better how older adultsā€™ self-image and their desire to maintain this influence their decision-making processes regarding assistive technology adoption. Using the five-stage scoping review framework by Arksey and O\u27Malley, a total of 416 search combinations were run across nine databases, resulting in a final yield of 49 articles. From these 49 articles, five themes emerged: (a) resisting the negative reality of an ageing and/or disabled identity; (b) independence and control are key; (c) the aesthetic dimension of usability; (d) assistive technology as a last resort; and (e) privacy versus pragmatics. The findings highlight the importance of older adultsā€™ desire to portray an identity consistent with independence, self-reliance and competence, and how this desire directly impacts their assistive technology decision-making adoption patterns. These findings aim to support the adoption of assistive technologies by older adults to facilitate engagement in meaningful activities, enable social participation within the community, and promote health and wellbeing in later life

    Investigating the enabling factors influencing occupational therapistsā€™ adoption of assisted living technology

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    Method This qualitative study utilized semi-structured interviews and focus groups with 20 occupational therapists in England and Scotland. The goal was to identify those enabling factors necessary for occupational therapists to adopt assisted living technology. Results Five themes emerged regarding the enablers needed to support the adoption of assisted living technology by occupational therapists, including: (1) a positive clientā€“therapist relationship; (2) affordability; (3) time; (4) increased awareness, education, and training; and (5) usability features of the assisted living technology. Conclusion With an aging population and the increasing role that technology is playing globally in older adultsā€™ lives, it has never been more important for occupational therapists to harness the potential of new, developing, and existing technologies to support people to live and age as well as possible. To accomplish this, however, requires that occupational therapists are equipped with the time, training, and education necessary to offer their clients assisted living technologies that are client-centered, usable, and affordable

    \u27I am not disabled. It\u27s my environment that makes me disabled\u27: A critical ethnography of age-related vision loss (ARVL) in older adulthood

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    This thesis aims to deepen understandings of how various aspects of the environment shape how older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL) negotiate and engage in occupation. The thesis further raises critical awareness of the ways in which environmental features, embedded in ageist and ableist assumptions, shape and perpetuate experiences of disability for older adults with ARVL. A critical ethnography was undertaken, informed by theoretical concepts drawn from critical gerontology, environmental gerontology, a critical occupational perspective, and critical disability theory. A total of ten older adults with ARVL participated in three data generation sessions consisting of a narrative interview, semi-structured in-depth interview, and participant observation session. Seven community organization representatives participated in a semi-structured in-depth interview and sixteen relevant documents were critically reviewed. This work is comprised of five integrated manuscripts, in addition to the introduction, methodology, and discussion chapters. Chapter two presents a scoping review that explores pre-existing research addressing factors, including demographic, emotional, behavioral, diagnostic, and environmental, which influence the occupational engagement of older adults with ARVL. Chapter four provides a rationale for expanding the application of a critical sensibility to existing conceptualizations of the environment in an effort to expand the field of environmental gerontology beyond a micro-and meso-level approach towards a holistic view of the environment. Chapter five explores how a critical disability theory approach could lead to new research foci in the study of ARVL. Key findings of the critical ethnography are presented in chapters six and seven. Chapter six focuses on exploring those attributes that older adults with ARVL perceive as being the markers of a \u27good old age\u27 and how their negotiations of everyday occupation occur in relation to these markers. Chapter seven aims to highlight how experiences of disability for the informants are shaped through interactions with environmental features, thereby highlighting the socio-political production of disability. This work points to novel empirical, methodological, and theoretical insights relevant to the ARVL field. This work also has implications for persons with vision loss, vision rehabilitation professionals, and researchers as well as for the development of vision-friendly environments and inclusive social policy

    A Protocol Paper on the Preservation of Identity: Understanding the Technology Adoption Patterns of Older Adults With Age-Related Vision Loss (ARVL)

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    There are a growing number of older adults with age-related vision loss (ARVL) for whom technology holds promise in supporting their engagement in daily activities. Despite the growing presence of technologies intended to support older adults with ARVL, there remains high rates of abandonment. This phenomenon of technology abandonment may be partly explained by the concept of self-image, meaning that older adults with ARVL avoid the use of particular technologies due to an underlying fear that use of such technologies may mark them as objects of pity, ridicule, and/or stigmatization. In response to this, the proposed study aims to understand how the decision-making processes of older adults with ARVL, as it relates to technology adoption, are influenced by the negotiation of identity. The study protocol will justify the need for this critical ethnographic study; unpack the theoretical underpinnings of this work; detail the sampling/recruitment strategy; and describe the methods which included a home tour, go-along, and semistructured in-depth interview, as well as the collective approach taken to analyze the data. The protocol concludes by examining the ethical tensions associated with this study, including a focus on the methods adopted as well as the ethical challenges inherent when working with an older adult population experiencing vision loss

    Working Towards the Promise of Participatory Action Research: Learning From Ageing Research Exemplars

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    Within research addressing issues of social justice, there is a growing uptake of participatory action research (PAR) approaches that are ideally committed to equitable participation of community members in all phases of the research process in order to collaboratively enact social transformation. However, the utilization of such approaches has not always matched the ideal, with inconsistencies in how participation and action are incorporated. ā€œParticipationā€ within various research processes is displayed differently, with the involvement of community members varying from full participation to their involvement as simply participants for data collection. Similarly, ā€œactionā€ is varyingly enacted from researchers proposing research implications for policy and practice to the meaningful involvement of community members in facilitating social change. This inconsistency in how PAR is utilized, despite widespread publications outlining key principles and central tenets, suggests there are challenges preventing researchers from fully embracing and enacting the central tenets of equitable participation and social transformation. This article intends to provide one way forward, for scholars intending to more fully enact the central tenets of PAR, through critically discussing how, and to what extent, the principles of PAR were enacted within 14 key exemplars of PAR conducted with older adults. More specifically, we display and discuss key principles for enacting the full commitment of PAR, highlight a critical appraisal guide, critically analyze exemplars, and share strategies that researchers have used to address these commitments. The critical appraisal guide and associated research findings provide useful directions for researchers who desire to more fully embrace commitments and practices commensurate with enacting the promise of PAR for equitable collaboration and social transformation