1 research outputs found

    Epidémie du Covid 19 en Belgique francophone : regard sur les patients dialysés en techniques ambulatoires

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    In the French-speaking part of Belgium, between march and end of may 2020, 284 patients have suffered a Covid-19 infection, 7,9% of the prevalent dialysis population. Some of them have been  diagnosed through rt-PCT as they were symptomatic, others, asymptomatic,  being diagnosed by swab viral culture. Fifty two patients died (18% of the positive patients). The vast majority of them were patients on hemodialysis, only ten cases have been observed in patients on home dialysis techniques. Primary renal disease were diabetes or renal hypertensive disease in more than 50% of the patients and the most important comorbidities were cardiac ischemic or congestive disease, autonomy problems, cancer and smoking habits.En Belgique francophone, pendant la pĂ©riode mars Ă  fin  mai 2020, 284 patients en dialyse ont contractĂ© le Covid-19, soit 7,9% de la population prĂ©valente, qu’ils aient Ă©tĂ© diagnostiques par rt-PCT parce que symptomatiques ou dĂ©pistĂ©s par culture virale systĂ©matique alors qu’asymptomatiques. Cinquante-deux dĂ©cès ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s soit 18% de la population atteinte. La toute grand majoritĂ© de ces patients (274) Ă©taient traitĂ©s par hĂ©modialyse en centre, seuls 10 patients Ă©taient en traitement Ă  domicile. Leurs maladies rĂ©nales primitives Ă©taient Ă  plus de 50% des diabète et pathologies vasculaires hypertensives et leurs comorbiditĂ©s essentielles, les pathologies cardiovasculaires ischĂ©miques et congestives, les problèmes d’autonomie, les nĂ©oplasies et le tabagisme