2 research outputs found

    Cliques in high-dimensional random geometric graphs

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    International audienceRandom geometric graphs have become now a popular object of research. Defined rather simply, these graphs describe real networks much better than classical Erdős–Rényi graphs due to their ability to produce tightly connected communities. The nn vertices of a random geometric graph are points in dd-dimensional Euclidean space, and two vertices are adjacent if they are close to each other. Many properties of these graphs have been revealed in the case when dd is fixed. However, the case of growing dimension dd is practically unexplored. This regime corresponds to a real-life situation when one has a data set of n observations with a significant number of features, a quite common case in data science today. In this paper, we study the clique structure of random geometric graphs when nn \to \infty, and dd \to \infty, and average vertex degree grows significantly slower than nn. We show that under these conditions, random geometric graphs do not contain cliques of size 4 a.s. if only d>>log1+ϵ(n)d >> \log^{1+\epsilon}(n). As for the cliques of size 3, we present new bounds on the expected number of triangles in the case log2(n)<<d<<log3(n)\log^2(n) << d << \log^3(n) that improve previously known results. In addition, we provide new numerical results showing that the underlying geometry can be detected using the number of triangles even for small nn