40 research outputs found

    Our Dark Matter Stopping in the Earth

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    We have worked for some time on a model for dark matter, in which dark matter consists of small bubbles of a new speculated type of vacuum, which are pumped up by some ordinary matter such as diamond, so as to resist the pressure of the domain wall separating the two vacua. Here we put forward thoughts on, how such macroscopic pearls would have their surrounding dust cleaned off passing through the atmosphere and the Earth, and what their distribution would be as a function of the depth of their stopping point and the distribution of the radiation emitted from them. In our model we assume that they radiate 3.5 keV electrons and photons, after having been excited during their passage into the Earth. The purpose of such an estimation of the radiation distribution is to explain the truly mysterious fact that, among all the underground experiments seeking dark matter colliding with the Earth material, only the DAMA-LIBRA experiment has seen any evidence of dark matter. This is an experiment based on solid NaI scintillators and is rather deep at 1400 m. It is our point that we can arrange the main radiation to appear in the relatively deep DAMA- LIBRA site, and explain that the dark matter pearls cannot stop in a fluid, such as xenon in the xenon based experiments.Comment: 26th Work Shop " What comes beyond the Standard Models'' in Bled. July 10. to 1

    Domain Walls of Low Tension in Cosmology

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    In the present article we put up for discussion the idea of there existing several versions, phases, of the vacuum, in the spirit in which we have long worked on this idea, namely the Multiple Point Criticality Principle, which also says that these different vacuum phases have the same energy density. We mention that we indeed predicted the Higgs mass to be 135 plus minus 10 GeV, which when measured turned out to be 125 GeV, using the assumption of this Multiple Point Criticality Principle. We consider the possibility that there is one type of vacuum in the galaxy clusters (the usual vacuum) and another type of vacuum in the voids. The hope that there could indeed be such a low tension S of the domain wall between these two phases, that it would not totally upset cosmology is based on our dark matter model. In this model dark matter consists of pearls or bubbles of a new vacuum phase, with ordinary matter inside it under very high pressure. The order of magnitude of cubic root S of order MeV or 100 MeV could make such domain walls astronomically viable. We successfully estimate the order of magnitude of the variations in the fine structure constant in different places astronomically, but the similar variations in proton mass over electron mass should have been much bigger than seen experimentally in our model. The Universe s surprisingly early galaxies seen by JWST, James Webb telescope, may agree well with our model. Replacing the usual cosmological constant by domain walls in the standard cosmological model would lead to a cubic root of the tension being cubic root of S of order 30 MeV.Comment: This article is the proceedings contribution for talk by H.B. Nielsen in "Tensions in Cosmology'' in Corfu in 202

    Implementation of the Multiple Point Principle in the Two-Higgs Doublet Model of type II

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    The multiple point principle (MPP) is applied to the non--supersymmetric two-Higgs doublet extension of the Standard Model (SM). The existence of a large set of degenerate vacua at some high energy scale caused by the MPP results in a few relations between Higgs self-coupling constants which can be examined at future colliders. The numerical analysis reveals that these MPP conditions constrain the mass of the SM--like Higgs boson to lie below 180 GeV for a wide set of MPP scales Λ\Lambda and tanβ\tan\beta.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, some minor changes to the tex