8 research outputs found

    Water Resource Experiment Station

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    Students in this studio were asked to design a Water Resource Experiment Station at a site on the bank of the Missouri River west of Linton and South of Bismarck, North Dakota. The students were given presentations by studio collaborators from the Biology Department and the Department of Civil Engineering concerning the use of constructed wetlands to clean waste water from the laboratory and rain water harvesting from the building’s exterior to add fresh water to the clean waste water for the use of the laboratory. Each design is approximately 20,000 square feet in area, has public parking and public toilets accessible from the exterior and is intended to be open to the public for their use after hours and on the weekends. The voronoi inspired superstructure is a reminder of the collaboration required between natural systems and human planning in the creation of successful constructed wetlands. The undulating envelope is possible due to the flexibility of this system and exploits the potential of the technology used to make it. The design encourages the public and staff to observe the ongoing efforts towards water conservation as well as the natural elements of the bluff and the Missouri River

    Responsive Frameworks: Polyfunctional space for dynamic stimulus

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    This thesis titled “Resonsive Frameworks: Polyfunctional space for dynamic stimulus” investigates the question, “how does a building respond to dynamic stimulus?” Creating polyfunctional space through the use of kinetic components and flexible design solutions is the unifying idea guiding the research. A performing arts center at the Minnetonka Center for Arts campus is the building typology serving as a vehicle to explore the preceding areas of research. This 33,260 sq ft. center, located in Orono, Minnesota will expand the organization’s area of expertise to include the performing arts

    Patto di famiglia

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    Nel nostro ordinamento vige il principio generale di divieto di patto successorio. È nulla, quindi, ogni convenzione con la quale si dispone in via anticipatoria della propria successione, e/o dei diritti spettanti in qualità di erede. Si intuisce, quindi, l'importanza e la portata dell'introduzione nell'ordinamento del patto di famiglia, con il quale per la prima volta viene prevista la possibilità per l'imprenditore di poter pianificare per tempo e di concerto con i propri eredi, il trasferimento del governo e della proprietà della propria impresa