23 research outputs found

    Uma visão da produção científica internacional sobre a classificação internacional para a prática de enfermagem

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    A Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem (CIPE®) é um sistema classificatório que visa padronizaruma linguagem universal para Enfermagem. Este artigo propõe identificar os estudos desenvolvidos noâmbito mundial abordando a CIPE®, categorizando-os segundo suas finalidades. Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura,em base de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, pelo o termo “ICNP”, com abrangência até 2009. Foramencontrados 124 artigos; 65 analisados, cujo conteúdo foi agrupado em nove categorias: abordagens gerais;aplicabilidade à prática; avaliação de classificações; experiências com recursos computacionais; desenvolvimento einclusão de termos; abordagem sobre sistemas classificatórios; uso para ancorar a construção de declarações deenfermagem; traduções; e outros. Verificou-se que poucos trabalhos apresentam projetos ou avaliam resultados deaplicações práticas da CIPE®; a maioria aborda aspectos conceituais ou realiza comparações com outras classificações.Diversos trabalhos concluem sobre a adequação e relevância da CIPE®, mas apontam a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento

    A third generation vaccine for human visceral leishmaniasis and post kala azar dermal leishmaniasis : First-in-human trial of ChAd63-KH

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    BACKGROUND: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL or kala azar) is the most serious form of human leishmaniasis, responsible for over 20,000 deaths annually, and post kala azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) is a stigmatizing skin condition that often occurs in patients after successful treatment for VL. Lack of effective or appropriately targeted cell mediated immunity, including CD8+ T cell responses, underlies the progression of VL and progression to PKDL, and can limit the therapeutic efficacy of anti-leishmanial drugs. Hence, in addition to the need for prophylactic vaccines against leishmaniasis, the development of therapeutic vaccines for use alone or in combined immuno-chemotherapy has been identified as an unmet clinical need. Here, we report the first clinical trial of a third-generation leishmaniasis vaccine, developed intentionally to induce Leishmania-specific CD8+ T cells. METHODS: We conducted a first-in-human dose escalation Phase I trial in 20 healthy volunteers to assess the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of a prime-only adenoviral vaccine for human VL and PKDL. ChAd63-KH is a replication defective simian adenovirus expressing a novel synthetic gene (KH) encoding two Leishmania proteins KMP-11 and HASPB. Uniquely, the latter was engineered to reflect repeat domain polymorphisms and arrangements identified from clinical isolates. We monitored innate immune responses by whole blood RNA-Seq and antigen specific CD8+ T cell responses by IFNγ ELISPOT and intracellular flow cytometry. FINDINGS: ChAd63-KH was safe at intramuscular doses of 1x1010 and 7.5x1010 vp. Whole blood transcriptomic profiling indicated that ChAd63-KH induced innate immune responses characterized by an interferon signature and the presence of activated dendritic cells. Broad and quantitatively robust CD8+ T cell responses were induced by vaccination in 100% (20/20) of vaccinated subjects. CONCLUSION: The results of this study support the further development of ChAd63-KH as a novel third generation vaccine for VL and PKDL. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This clinical trial (LEISH1) was registered at EudraCT (2012-005596-14) and ISRCTN (07766359)

    Recent updates and perspectives on approaches for the development of vaccines against visceral leishmaniasis

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    All rights reserved. Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is one of the most important tropical diseases worldwide. Although chemotherapy has been widely used to treat this disease, problems related to the development of parasite resistance and side effects associated with the compounds used have been noted. Hence, alternative approaches for VL control are desirable. Some methods, such as vector control and culling of infected dogs, are insufficiently effective, with the latter not ethically recommended. The development of vaccines to prevent VL is a feasible and desirable measure for disease control, for example, some vaccines designed to protect dogs against VL have recently been brought to market. These vaccines are based on the combination of parasite fractions or recombinant proteins with adjuvants that are able to induce cellular immune responses, however, their partial efficacy and the absence of a vaccine to protect against human leishmaniasis underline the need for characterization of new vaccine candidates. This review presents recent advances in control measures for VL based on vaccine development, describing extensively studied antigens, as well as new antigenic proteins recently identified using immuno-proteomic techniquesThis work was supported by grants from Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Nano-Biofarmacêutica, Rede Nanobiotec/Brasil-Universidade Federal de Uberlândia/CAPES, PRONEX-FAPEMIG (APQ-01019-09), FAPEMIG (CBB-APQ-00819-12 and CBB-APQ-01778-2014), and CNPq (APQ-482976/2012-8, APQ-488237/2013-0, and APQ-467640/2014-9). EAFC and LRG are recipients of the grant from CNPq. MACF is the recipient of grants from FAPEMIG/CAPE

    Validação da nomenclatura diagnóstica de enfermagem direcionada ao pré-natal: base CIPESC® em Curitiba - PR Validación de la nomenclatura diagnóstica de enfermería direccionada al periodo de embarazo: base CIPESC® en Curitiba - PR Validating the nomenclature diagnosis of pre-natal nursing: base CIPESC® in Curitiba

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    É de fundamental importância uma linguagem específica da profissão e a CIPESC® -Classificação Internacional para as Práticas de Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva tem como um dos objetivos desvelar a atuação dos enfermeiros na saúde coletiva. No Brasil, a ABEn, responsável pela classificação, encontrou na Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de Curitiba - PR aliada para efetiva implantação. O objetivo deste artigo foi validar a nomenclatura dos 52 diagnósticos de enfermagem do pré-natal - base CIPESC® - Curitiba. É um estudo exploratório-descritivo, desenvolvido com enfermeiras assistenciais e com experts na área de gineco-obstetrícia e terminologia. Os resultados foram apresentados pelo Índice de Concordância por meio de freqüência absoluta, todas as definições foram validadas, porém necessitam de adequações à linguagem cotidiana. As enfermeiras apresentam dificuldades para inter-pretar intervenção de enfermagem na promoção do bem-estar, sendo premente a discussão do conceito de promoção à saúde e o processo saúde-doença na saúde coletiva.<br>Es de fundamental importancia un lenguaje específico de la profesión y la CIPESC® -Clasificación Internacional para las Prácticas de Enfermería en Salud Colectiva que tiene como uno de los objetivos desvedar la actuación de los enfermeros en la salud colectiva. En Brasil, la ABEn, responsable por la clasificación, encontró como aliada para realizar la efectiva implantación la Secretaria Municipal de la Salud de Curitiba - PR. El objetivo de este artículo fue validar la nomenclatura de los 52 diagnósticos de enfermería del periodo de embarazo - base CIPESC® - Curitiba. Es un estudio exploratorio-descriptivo, desarrollado con enfermeras asistenciales y con experts en el sector de ginecología-obstetricia y terminología. Los resultados fueron presentados por el Índice de Concordancia por medio de la frecuencia absoluta, todas las definiciones fueron validadas, sin embargo, necesitan de adecuaciones para el lenguaje cotidiano. Las enfermeras presentan dificultades para interpretar la intervención de enfermería en la promoción del bienestar, siendo apremiante la discusión del concepto de promoción a la salud y el proceso salud-enfermedad en la salud colectiva.<br>The existence of a specific language for the profession is essential, and the International Nursing Practice Classification in Collective Health (CIPESC, in the Portuguese-language acronym) has as one of its goals the classification of the work of nurses in collective health. In Brazil, the Brazilian Nursing Association (ABEn, in the Portuguese-language acronym), responsible for the classification, found in the Municipal Secretary of Health of Curitiba, in the State of Paraná, an ally for its effective implantation. The purpose of this article was to validate the nomenclature of the 52 diagnoses of pre-natal Nursing - CIPESC base - in Curitiba. It is an exploratory-descriptive study developed with assisting nurses and experts in the area of gynecology obstetrics and terminology. The results were presented through the Consonance Index through absolute frequency. All the definitions were validated, but they need to be adjusted to the daily language. The nurses show difficulty in interpret nursing intervention in the promotion of well-being, and it is urgent to discuss the concept of health promotion and the health-illness process in collective health