3,356 research outputs found

    (Anti-)self-dual homogeneous vacuum gluon field as an origin of confinement and SUL(NF)×SUR(NF)SU_L(N_F)\times SU_R(N_F) symmetry breaking in QCD

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    It is shown that an (anti-)self-dual homogeneous vacuum gluon field appears in a natural way within the problem of calculation of the QCD partition function in the form of Euclidean functional integral with periodic boundary conditions. There is no violation of cluster property within this formulation, nor are parity, color and rotational symmetries broken explicitly. The massless limit of the product of the quark masses and condensates, mfψˉfψfm_f \langle \bar\psi_f \psi_f \rangle, is calculated to all loop orders. This quantity does not vanish and is proportional to the gluon condensate appearing due to the nonzero strength of the vacuum gluon field. We conclude that the gluon condensate can be considered as an order parameter both for confinement and chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Black Hole Pair Creation and the Entropy Factor

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    It is shown that in the instanton approximation the rate of creation of black holes is always enhanced by a factor of the exponential of the black hole entropy relative to the rate of creation of compact matter distributions (stars). This result holds for any generally covariant theory of gravitational and matter fields that can be expressed in Hamiltonian form. It generalizes the result obtained previously for the pair creation of magnetically charged black holes by a magnetic field in Einstein--Maxwell theory. The particular example of pair creation of electrically charged black holes by an electric field in Einstein--Maxwell theory is discussed in detail.Comment: (12 pages, ReVTeX) Revised version of "Pair Creation of Electrically Charged Black Holes". New section shows that the BH pair creation rate is enhanced by a factor exp(BHentropy)\exp(BH entropy) for any Hamiltonian gravity + matter theor

    The Microcanonical Functional Integral. I. The Gravitational Field

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    The gravitational field in a spatially finite region is described as a microcanonical system. The density of states ν\nu is expressed formally as a functional integral over Lorentzian metrics and is a functional of the geometrical boundary data that are fixed in the corresponding action. These boundary data are the thermodynamical extensive variables, including the energy and angular momentum of the system. When the boundary data are chosen such that the system is described semiclassically by {\it any} real stationary axisymmetric black hole, then in this same approximation lnν\ln\nu is shown to equal 1/4 the area of the black hole event horizon. The canonical and grand canonical partition functions are obtained by integral transforms of ν\nu that lead to "imaginary time" functional integrals. A general form of the first law of thermodynamics for stationary black holes is derived. For the simpler case of nonrelativistic mechanics, the density of states is expressed as a real-time functional integral and then used to deduce Feynman's imaginary-time functional integral for the canonical partition function.Comment: 29 pages, plain Te

    Fractons in Twisted Multiflavor Schwinger Model

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    We consider two-dimensional QED with several fermion flavors on a finite spatial circle. A modified version of the model with {\em flavor-dependent} boundary conditions ψp(L)=e2πip/Nψp(0)\psi_p(L) = e^{2\pi ip/ N} \psi_p(0), p=1,,Np = 1, \ldots , N is discussed (NN is the number of flavors). In this case a non-contactable contour in the space of the gauge fields is {\em not} determined by large gauge transformations. The Euclidean path integral acquires the contribution from the gauge field configurations with fractional topological charge. The configuration with ν=1/N\nu = 1/N is responsible for the formation of the fermion condensate ψˉpψp0\langle\bar{\psi}_p \psi_p\rangle_0. The condensate dies out as a power of L1L^{-1} when the length LL of the spatial box is sent to infinity. Implications of this result for non-abelian gauge field theories are discussed in brief.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures available upon request, Report TPI-MINN-94-24-T Plain LATE

    Test of CPT and Lorentz invariance from muonium spectroscopy

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    Following a suggestion of Kostelecky et al. we have evaluated a test of CPT and Lorentz invariance from the microwave spectroscopy of muonium. Hamiltonian terms beyond the standard model violating CPT and Lorentz invariance would contribute frequency shifts δν12\delta\nu_{12} and δν34\delta\nu_{34} to ν12\nu_{12} and ν34\nu_{34}, the two transitions involving muon spin flip, which were precisely measured in ground state muonium in a strong magnetic field of 1.7 T. The shifts would be indicated by anti-correlated oscillations in ν12\nu_{12} and ν34\nu_{34} at the earth's sidereal frequency. No time dependence was found in ν12\nu_{12} or ν34\nu_{34} at the level of 20 Hz, limiting the size of some CPT and Lorentz violating parameters at the level of 2×10232\times10^{-23} GeV, representing Planck scale sensitivity and an order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity over previous limits for the muon.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, uses REVTeX and epsf, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Casimir energy and variational methods in AdS spacetime

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    Following the subtraction procedure for manifolds with boundaries, we calculate by variational methods, the Schwarzschild-Anti-de Sitter and the Anti-de Sitter space energy difference. By computing the one loop approximation for TT tensors we discover the existence of an unstable mode at zero temperature, which can be stabilized by the boundary reduction method. Implications on a foam-like space are discussed.Comment: Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Instantons and fermion condensate in adjoint QCD_2

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    We show that QCD2QCD_2 with adjoint fermions involves instantons due to nontrivial π1[SU(N)/ZN] = ZN\pi_1[SU(N)/Z_N]~=~Z_N. At high temperatures, quasiclassical approximation works and the action and the form of effective (with account of quantum corrections) instanton solution can be evaluated. Instanton presents a localized configuration with the size g1\propto g^{-1}. At N=2N=2, it involves exactly 2 zero fermion modes and gives rise to fermion condensate T_T which falls off exp{π3/2T/g}\propto \exp\{-\pi^{3/2} T/g\} at high TT but remains finite. At low temperatures, both instanton and bosonization arguments also exhibit the appearance of fermion condensate T=0  g_{T=0} ~\sim ~g. For N>2N>2, the situation is paradoxical. There are 2(N1)2(N-1) fermion zero modes in the instanton background which implies the absence of the condensate in the massless limit. From the other hand, bosonization arguments suggest the appearance of the condensate for any NN. Possible ways to resolve this paradox (which occurs also in some 4-dim gauge theories) are discussed.Comment: TPI-MINN-94/6-T. 37 p., 3 fig. Fig.3 and discussion around it are rectified. Bibliography update

    Deconstruction and Holography

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    It was recently pointed out that the physics of a single discrete gravitational extra dimension exhibits a peculiar UV/IR connection relating the UV scale to the radius of the effective extra dimension. Here we note that this non-locality is a manifestation of holography, encoding the correct scaling of the number of fundamental degrees of freedom of the UV theory. This in turn relates the Wilsonian RG flow in the UV theory to the effective gravitational dynamics in the extra dimension. The relevant holographic c-function is determined by the expression for the holographic bound. Holography in this context is a result of the requirements of unitarity and diffeomorphism invariance. We comment on the relevance of this observation for the cosmological constant problem.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Higgs Search : Present and Future

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    In this talk I review theoretical bounds on mass of the Higgs scalar in the Standard Model(SM) and then summarise current experimental limits from the LEP experiments. Following this I discuss the search strategies for the SM Higgs at LEP 200 and the TeV energy \eplem\ colliders which are under discussion. This will be followed by a summary of the Higgs search potential of the pp supercolliders such as SSC/LHC. I then close with a brief discussion of a `Dark Higgs' whose dominant decay modes are into invisible channels.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, available on request. Latex, needs equation.sty, added at the end of manuscript. BU-TH-93/