6 research outputs found

    CoCREATE: Collaborative Curriculum Reimagining and Enhancement Aiming to Transform Education

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    The establishment of TU Dublin in January 2019 provided a unique opportunity to create a bespoke curriculum framework for students, staff and stakeholders of TU Dublin, produced by the students, staff and stakeholders of TU Dublin. A curriculum framework is a set of guiding values that inform the design of teaching and learning activities within TU Dublin. A Teaching Fellowship Team, comprising eighteen teaching academics from across the three TU Dublin campuses and supported extensively by the Learning Teaching and Technology Centre (LTTC), was formed to collaboratively craft, in partnership with all stakeholders, a curriculum framework for TU Dublin. Working collaboratively under the project name CoCREATE (Collaborative Curriculum Reimagining and Enhancement Aiming to Transform Education) the Teaching Fellowship Team developed TU Dublin’s CoCREATED Curriculum Framework over eighteen months. The design and development of the CoCREATED Curriculum Framework was informed by consultation with all key stakeholders across all campuses, examination and synthesis of local, national and international best practice and policy, as well as relevant scholarly literature. The framework is underpinned by the core values and mission of TU Dublin, as well as local and national strategic plans. It provides a distinctive but tangible learning philosophy for all at TU Dublin. The framework is both considered, flexible and progressive so as to adapt to the diversity within TU Dublin, including accredited programmes, and is inclusive of all learners across the university. The four curriculum values of the TU Dublin CoCREATED Curriculum Framework are: Step forward and try new things Use all of our talents; everyone has something to learn and something to teach Make our learning experience active, useful and related to the world Create the space and time to do work that matters This new, dynamic and evolving TU Dublin CoCREATED Curriculum Framework characterises an innovative, responsive and caring learning environment for the diversity of our university’s student population across all programme levels. Simultaneously, it developed a synergy between staff, students, professional bodies, industry and community partners through a collaborative design process. It is as inspiring, distinctive and pioneering as Ireland’s first Technological University. The CoCREATED Curriculum Framework will support staff and students to develop a unique approach to teaching and learning, which will characterise a TU Dublin teaching and learning experience, and ultimately a TU Dublin graduate, in a competitive national and international higher education space. Going forward, the TU Dublin CoCREATED Curriculum Framework will empower the judicious creation of rich and diverse curricula across all disciplines and levels within TU Dublin, from apprenticeship, through undergraduate, to structured PhD

    How Will Students Deal With Public Transport and Covid-19 Risks?

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    There are nearly a quarter of a million students in the Irish third level system and about half of them are in the greater Dublin area. Extensive work is underway to accommodate as many as possible as frequently as possible in the upcoming semester, particularly first years who have not yet had a college experience. The planning involves looking at numbers, rooms, buildings and spaces on an institution by institution basis

    How Digital Hubs Could Replace Working From Home - And The Office

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    Our world of work has been changed forever by Covid-19. 80% of us now favour a hybrid model, working remotely for a portion of the week and on-site for the rest, and many will never go back to the way things were before March 2020

    Why Working From Home Is Good For You (And Everyone Else)

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    Dr Who is a very famous Time Lord who has the ability to be in several places in the galaxy at once. This reminds us all of our busy working and home lives as we wish for more time and the ability to be in several places at once. An increasing number of employees are now taking charge of their commute time and working hours and, with the support of policies from their employers, can work from home. They are able to be in two places at once, home and work, almost like a Time Lord

    All You Need To Know About Working From Home

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    Many companies and individuals are being forced to introduce social distancing to contain the spread of the coronavirus. The result is many people suddenly find themselves working from home at the last minute and many are doing so for the first time. Some may be finding this change a shock and are struggling about where to start

    How Working From Home is Affecting Our Mental Health and Wellbeing

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    This year has seen a baptism of fire for many who\u27ve been conscripted into the largest remote working experiment in history. Industry expert Matt Mullenweg called it the remote work experience no-one asked for . However, as the months have passed, many workers have learned by doing and are now comfortable and established in their home working set-up