442 research outputs found

    Students Watching Stars Evolve

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    We describe a study of period changes in 59 RR Lyrae stars, using times of maximum brightness from the GEOS database. The work was carried out by outstanding senior high school students in the University of Toronto Mentorship Program. This paper is written in such a way that high school or undergraduate physics and astronomy students could use it as a guide and template for carrying out original research, by studying period changes in these and other types of variable stars

    Yucca Mountain Saturated Zone Carbon-14

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    This Scientific Investigation Plan (SIP) provides an overview of the work described in “Yucca Mountain Saturated Zone Carbon-14”, a proposal funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Repository Development under the UCCSN/YMP Co-op in support of the Science and Technology Initiatives. The objective of this work is to provide improved estimates of the time required for ground water to travel from the site of the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, to the accessible environment

    Groundwater Flow and Thermal Modeling to Support a Preferred Conceptual Model for the Large Hydraulic Gradient North of Yucca Mountain

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    This task will create a two-dimensional, saturated zone, vertical cross-section model of groundwater flow and thermal transport through the large hydraulic gradient (LHG). This model is referenced herein as the thermal model. The scope of this study is limited to presenting a postulated hydrogeologic configuration of the LHG. The conceptualization will include the use of postulated hydrogeologic structures and material properties. The thermal model will be spatially limited to the area immediately upgradient and downgradient of the LHG and will not reproduce the many hydrogeologic features of the existing regional and site-scale models. The thermal model will be orientated north to south, approximately along a saturated zone streamline. The results of the thermal modeling will be compared to temperature data reported for site wells by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and in peer-reviewed journals. Most, if not all, of this reported data is non- qualified. This task will not qualify the reported data and the reported data will be used only as a basis of comparison for the model simulations

    How should we interpret the two transport relaxation times in the cuprates ?

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    We observe that the appearance of two transport relaxation times in the various transport coefficients of cuprate metals may be understood in terms of scattering processes that discriminate between currents that are even, or odd under the charge conjugation operator. We develop a transport equation that illustrates these ideas and discuss its experimental and theoretical consequences.Comment: 19 pages, RevTeX with 8 postscript figures included. To appear in ``Non Fermi Liquid Physics'', J. Phys:Cond. Matt. (1997

    Chemical Analyses for Alcove 8/Niche 3 Tracer Studies

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    The objective of this task “Analytical Support For Tracer Studies in Alcove 8 / Niche 3” is to provide chemical analyses for the tracer studies at Alcove 8 / Niche 3 in the Exploratory Studies Facilities (ESF). This analytical support includes developing procedures for measuring tracer concentrations and then performing the tracer (and other background constituent) analyses for the water samples generated from each Alcove 8 / Niche 3 tracer test. These tracer tests are part of the Flow and Seepage Testing in Alcove 8/Niche 3 (TWP-NBS-HS-000004 REV 00). The overall goal of this study is to quantify large scale infiltration and seepage processes in the unsaturated zone at the ESF at Yucca Mountain

    Bomb-pulse chlorine-36 at the proposed yucca mountain repository horizon: an investigation of previous conflicting results and collection of new data

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    Previous studies by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) quantified 36Cl/Cl to test for the presence of fast pathways at the proposed Yucca Mountain high-level nuclear waste repository. The goal of these studies was to determine whether or not fluids containing bomb-pulse 36Cl/Cl traveled along fast travel pathways and reached the repository horizon, however, the two groups followed somewhat different procedures and produced conflicting results. The objective of this study is to attempt to determine the cause of the conflicting results and to obtain additional data to determine whether or not there are bomb-pulse isotopes at the repository horizon

    Chemical Analyses in Support of Yucca Mountain Studies

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    The objective of this task “Chemical Analyses in Support of Yucca Mountain Studies” is to provide the Department of Energy (DOE) with data and reports from comprehensive chemical analyses of waters sampled from the wells of the Nye County Early Warning Drilling Program (NCEWDP), the Inyo County’s Drilling Program, and the Nye county Tracer Test. In addition, this task will be used to provide other laboratory support needs as they arise within the Yucca Mountain Project. This support is provided by the Harry Reid Center for Environmental Studies (HRC) at University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), which is part of the University and Community College System of Nevada (UCCSN)

    Ground Water Level Measurements in Selected Boreholes Near the Site of the Proposed Repository

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    The objective of this task is to provide ground water level measurements of known accuracy and precision using manual and electronic methods. The HRC will use field-proven protocols and established implementing procedures for all aspects of data collection, analysis, management, and reporting. The water level measurements produced by this program will yield quality-assured data that can be reliably used for a variety of purposes including: continued site characterization, refinement of the local potentiometric surface, inputs to the Death Valley Regional Flow Model and related hydrologic characterization, to fulfill permit conditions issued by the State of Nevada, to monitor seismically-induced ground water fluctuations, and to support a proposed repository licensing application

    A Long Baseline Laser Strainmeter for the Exploratory Studies Facility at Yucca Mountain

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    This Scientific Investigation Plan (SIP), for work under the second Department of Energy/University and Community College System of Nevada (DOE/UCCSN) Cooperative Agreement (10/01/03), DEFC28- 04RW12232, is intended to cover the laser strainmeter operation and monitoring task being conducted by the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), under the oversight of the Nevada Seismological Laboratory of the University of Nevada-Reno (NSL/UNR). UCSD has carried out the design, engineering, and installation of the east-west laser strainmeter (LSM) currently in place in the Exploratory Studies Facility (ESF) at Yucca Mountain

    Precipitation Monitoring at Yucca Mountain

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    This work will be conducted under Task ORD-FY04-007, “Precipitation Monitoring at Yucca Mountain”. The objective of this task is to measure, with known accuracy, the accumulation and timing of precipitation around Yucca Mountain using tipping bucket rain gauges. The data are used as part of the overall work supporting the net infiltration modeling Analysis Model Report, Simulation of Net Infiltration for Modern and Potential Future Climates, and the Performance Confirmation Plan. This work is subject to UCCSN QA program requirements. This SIP presents an independent confirmatory study supporting previously gathered information