374 research outputs found

    Evidence for the generation of juvenile granitic crust during continental extension, Mineral Mountains Batholith, Utah

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    Field, chemical and isotopic data are consistent with the batholith being derived through differentiation of material recently separated from the lithospheric mantle, with little involvement of pre-Oligocene crust. The batholith ranges in composition and texture from diabase and gabbro to high-silica rhyolite and granite and is distinctly calcalkaline in nature. Field evidence for anatexis of intermediate-composition Oligocene crust and magma mixing suggest that fractional melting and mixing were important processes during the evolution of the batholith. Major oxide and rare earth element data for the batholith are consistent with chemical evolution of the magma system being controlled by fractionation of hornblende, plagioclase and sphene during partial melting, and mixing between gabbro and granite. Isotopic data indicate a lithospheric mantle source for mafic rocks in the study area and, on the basis of field data and their similarity in isotopic compositions, granitic rocks are interpreted to be derived indirectly from the same source during Basin and Range extension

    Shrimp-RG-U-Pb zircon geochronology of mesoproterozoic metamorphism and plutonism in the southwesternmost United States

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    Mesoproterozoic intrusive and granulite-grade metamorphic rocks in southern California have been inferred to be exotic to North America on the basis of perceived chronologic incompatibility with autochthonous cratonal rocks. Ion microprobe geochronology indicates that zircons in granulite-grade gneisses, dated at 1.4 Ga using conventional methods, are composed of 1.68-1.80-Ga cores and 1.19-Ga rims. These Early Proterozoic gneisses were metamorphosed at extremely high temperatures and moderate pressures during emplacement of the 1.19-Ga San Gabriel anorthosite complex. The lack of a 1.4-Ga metamorphic event suggests that Proterozoic rocks in this region, rather than being exotic to North America, may in fact be a midcrustal window into Mesoproterozoic crustal evolutionary processes in southwestern North America

    Re-evaluating genetic models for porphyry Mo mineralization at Questa, New Mexico: Implications for ore deposition following silicic ignimbrite eruption

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    The Questa porphyry Mo deposit in New Mexico provides a unique opportunity to study the relationship between pluton assembly and mineralization in a long-lived volcanic field. Magmatism along the caldera margin initiated at ∼ 25.20 Ma and continued for ∼ 770 ka. During this time, the emplacement of mineralizing intrusions progressed westward and culminated in the assembly of the Questa Mo deposit between 24.76 Ma and 24.50 Ma. Molybdenite Re/Os geochronology shows that mineralization occurred in multiple pulses without thermal resetting of the chronometer. Because most of the molybdenite samples used in this study are from previous fluid inclusion studies, we treat Re/Os molybdenite as a new thermochronometer. Molybdenite Re/Os ages are integrated with zircon U/Pb ages to evaluate the cooling histories within the Mo deposit. This study suggests that individual cycles of magma emplacement and mineralization cooled rapidly. In contrast to prior genetic models for the Questa Mo deposit, these data show that the mineralizing intrusions were generated via rapid melt generation, separation, and intrusion into the shallow crust without involvement in a long-lived magma chamber. It is proposed that the anomalously high magma flux event associated with ignimbrite eruption transferred materials (Mo, volatiles) from the upper mantle necessary for immediately subsequent mineralization. Partial melting and scavenging within a deep-crustal hybridized zone generated Mo-rich magma that ascended to form the Questa deposit. Moreover, this hypothesis predicts an important connection between caldera-forming systems and porphyry-style mineralization that could be incorporated into future exploration models

    Zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Mount Givens Granodiorite: Implications for the genesis of large volumes of eruptible magma

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    The Mount Givens Granodiorite, a large pluton in the central Sierra Nevada batholith, California, is similar in area to zoned intrusive suites yet is comparatively chemically and texturally homogenous. New zircon U-Pb geochronology indicates that the pluton was constructed over at least 7 Ma from 97.92 ± 0.06 Ma to 90.87 ± 0.05 Ma. Combining the new geochronology with the exposed volume of the pluton yields an estimated magma flux of <0.001 km3/a. The geochronologic data are at odds with the previously speculated links between plutons such as the Mount Givens Granodiorite and large-volume homogeneous ignimbrites (often termed monotonous intermediates). Existing data indicate that large plutons accumulate at rates of ≤0.001 km3/a, 1-2 orders of magnitude less than fluxes calculated for dated monotonous intermediates. If monotonous intermediates are remobilized, erupted plutons accumulated at rates comparable to dated examples, they should preserve a record of zircon growth of up to 10 Ma. Alternatively, the long history of zircon growth recorded in plutons may be erased during the processes of reheating and remobilization that precede supervolcano eruption. However, zircon dissolution modeling, based on hypothetical temperature-time histories for preeruptive monotonous intermediates, indicates that rejuvenation events would not sufficiently dissolve zircon. We suggest that eruptions of monotonous intermediates occur during high magmatic flux events, leaving little behind in the intrusive rock record, whereas low fluxes favor pluton accumulation

    Intrusive history of the Oligocene Questa porphyry molybdenum deposit, New Mexico

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    Subsurface mapping and core analyses of upper crustal intrusions and mineralization at the Questa porphyry molybdenum deposit, New Mexico, reveal that Mo-mineralization occurred through episodic emplacement of at least six intrusive units. The structure of intrusions associated with the Questa deposit is documented in a series of detailed cross sections and visualized with a 3D animation. Mineralizing intrusions are underlain by two post-mineralization intrusions and cut by late-stage barren dikes. The plutonic complex was structurally focused along a system of preexisting flat-lying faults and their associated fractures. Mineralization is spatially associated with specific intrusive units in the subsurface, and the highest Mo ore grades within established ore blocks are structurally associated with the smallest intrusions. Existing U/Pb thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) zircon geochronology in conjunction with new relative chronology presented herein indicate that mineralization began before 24.91 Ma. We present three new chemical abrasion U/Pb TIMS zircon ages-one from an amphibole-bearing intrusion associated with high-grade mineralization (dark-matrix porphyry, 24.74 ± 0.37 Ma), a rhyolite dike that cuts ore-grade rocks (24.50 ± 0.02 Ma), and an equigranular granite discovered during deep drilling (23.67 ± 0.02 Ma). The dark-matrix porphyry contains clasts of an earlier amphibole-free intrusion that is spatially associated with low-grade mineralization. Thus, mineralizing intrusions were, in part, intruded into slightly older porphyries, confirming that episodic mineralization continued after 24.91 Ma. The age of the barren dike (24.50 ± 0.02 Ma) is indistinguishable from that of a previously dated granite porphyry that is associated with low-grade mineralization (< 0.05 wt% MoS2; Questa granite porphyry). These data suggest that mineralization waned by 24.5 Ma and that ore deposition occurred over ~500 ka. The new 23.67 Ma age of the deep equigranular granite, which underlies the Questa granite porphyry, further suggests that intrusions underlying the deposit were not related to mineralization. Detailed subsurface mapping and exploratory drilling indicate that intrusions associated with mineralization were small in volume and cooled rapidly, as evidenced by multiple internal contacts within sheets and rebrecciation textures. On the basis of observed cross-section reconstructions, petrology, alteration, and mineralization, the porphyritic rhyolite intrusions associated with mineralization in one of the largest orebodies in the deposit (the deep northeast) are less than 20-m-thick sheets that are separated by andesite wall rock. Thus, there is no evidence that this orebody formed above a cylindrical magma conduit that facilitated rapid convection, as is often modeled in these systems. We hypothesize that a set of similarly small-volume intrusions were responsible for the bulk of the ore in the southwest ore zone. Our interpretation that the mineralizing intrusions are small, thin, and subhorizontal distinguishes the Questa deposit from other Climax-type molybdenum deposits

    Dike intrusion and deformation during growth of the Half Dome pluton, Yosemite National Park, California

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    Meter-scale mapping of the Late Cretaceous Half Dome Granodiorite of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite (TIS) near Tenaya Lake, Yosemite National Park, defines an intricate internal structure that reflects a combination of incremental pluton growth by diking and internal deformation as the pluton grew. At least four ages of dikes of layered granodiorite are defined by crosscutting relations. Because dikes thicker than 1 m invariably contain multiple cycles of layering that field relations indicate record multiple intrusive increments, dozens of discrete intrusive events are likely. The kinematic pattern of dilation across dikes, offset lithologic markers across dikes, shearing of mafic enclaves and magmatic layering, and folding of dikes defines a synintrusive bulk strain field characterized by E-W extension and N-S contraction, with net volume increase in the extension direction. The geometric and kinematic pattern of the deformation are consistent with current understanding of Late Cretaceous Cordilleran tectonics and suggest that regional tectonic dilation played a significant role in making upper-crustal space for the growing pluton. Narrow shear zones offset lithologic markers and produced extreme strains, yet no rock fabric is preserved in the zones. This indicates that late-magmatic to subsolidus recrystallization, previously inferred in the TIS based on textural and mineralogical observations, greatly modified rock textures and obscured both the intricate internal structure of the pluton and the importance of synemplacement deformation

    A more informative way to name plutonic rocks

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    The International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) system for rock classification, introduced more than 40 years ago, has served geologists well but suffers from the problem of dividing a continuum of rock compositions into arbitrary bins. As a result, closely related rocks can be given unrelated names (e.g., granodiorite and tonalite), and the names themselves, which were generally derived from the names of places or people, rarely contribute to understanding the processes that generate the diversity of igneous rocks. Here we propose a quantitative modification to the IUGS system that reduces the number of distinct names but more effectively communicates the inherent variability of plutonic rocks. The system recognizes that mapped plutonic rock units are characterized by recognizable textures and mineral assemblages, but that mineral proportions within those units can be highly variable. Adding quantitative data to rock names is an important step toward moving geologic field observations into quantitative digital form and preparing them for advanced data mining and analysis

    Provenance of the upper Eocene Castle Rock Conglomerate, south Denver Basin, Colorado, U.S.A.

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    The Castle Rock Conglomerate contains distinctive clasts from the Colorado Front Range, and when combined with detrital zircon ages, the unit can be subdivided into two lithofacies. Precambrian quartzites and stretched-pebble conglomerates from Coal Creek Canyon (to the northwest of the Castle Rock Conglomerate outcrop belt) and detrital zircons from Precambrian and Tertiary igneous rocks identify a northern provenance with detritus derived from tens of kilometers northwest of Denver, Colorado. A second source, composed of mainly granite from the Pikes Peak batholith, lies in the southern Front Range west of the Castle Rock Conglomerate outcrop belt. Both the north and west lithofacies can be mapped in the Castle Rock Conglomerate outcrop belt by using the presence (north) and absence (west) of Coal Creek Canyon quartzite clasts. This distinction is confirmed by detrital zircon ages. The north lithofacies dominates the present-day, northernmost outcrops, but dilution and interbedding with west lithofacies increase as the southeast-flowing basin axial paleodrainage meets piedmont tributaries that carried Pikes Peak batholith detritus from the west and southwest. The basin axial drainage transported coarse conglomerate southward about 120 km during Castle Rock Conglomerate deposition (36.7-34.0 Ma). The Precambrian quartzite exposed in Coal Creek Canyon is interpreted to be an important point source that can be useful in provenance studies of sediments shed from the Colorado Front Range. Additionally, detrital zircons from Laramide-age igneous rocks show potential for improved stratigraphic resolution in Paleogene strata of the Denver Basin

    The pace of plutonism

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    Beneath volcanoes are magmas that never erupt but that become frozen into feldspar- and quartz-rich rocks broadly called granite. Where the crystallized magmas form bodies with distinctive textures, they are grouped into named units-plutons. The rate (pace) at which magmas accumulate into plutons is fundamental to understanding both how room is made for the magmas and how unerupted and erupted magmas are connected. Dating plutonic rocks suggests that plutons accumulate slowly. Although the pace of magma accumulation does not preclude direct connections between plutons and small volcanic eruptions, it appears to be far too slow to support connections between most plutons and supereruptions

    Geochronology of the proterozoic basement of southwesternmost North America, and the origin and evolution of the Mojave crustal province

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    The Proterozoic Baldwin gneiss in the central Transverse Ranges of southern California, a part of the Mojave crustal province, is composed of quartzofeldspathic gneiss and schist, augen and granitic gneiss, trondhjemite gneiss, and minor quartzite, amphibolite, metagabbro, and metapyroxenite. Sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) data indicate that augen and granitic gneisses comprise a magmatic arc intrusive suite emplaced between 1783 ± 12 and 1675 ± 19 Ma, adjacent to or through thinned Archean crust. High U/Th rims on zircons in most samples suggest an early metamorphic event at ∼1741 Ma, but peak amphibolite facies metamorphism and penetrative, west vergent deformation occurred after 1675 Ma. The Baldwin gneiss is part of a regional allochthon emplaced by west vergent deformation over a Proterozoic shelf-slope sequence (Joshua Tree terrane). We hypothesize that emplacement of this regional allochthon occurred during a late Early or Middle Proterozoic arc-continent collision along the western margin of Laurentia
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