5 research outputs found

    Diseño de malla de perforación para mejorar la productividad en el crucero 8946, en minera Coriwayra – 2022

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    El nivel de productividad de las empresas mineras gira en entorno a la perforación y voladura para extraer el mineral, de ello dependen las demás operaciones, por ello el objetivo general de este estudio es elaborar un diseño adecuado de malla para mejorar la productividad en el CX8946, CONSTRUCTORA S & MT SAC – 2022. Este estudio es cuasi experimental y está enfocado en recolectar datos numéricos utilizando instrumentos como una ficha de control de datos para los parámetros de perforación y voladura, y un formato de capacitación para el personal de operación mina. Durante esta investigación se realizó un diagnóstico del diseño de malla existente y las fallas en los procesos unitarios de perforación y voladura; luego se diseñó adecuadamente la malla de perforación y voladura considerando la evaluación geo mecánica de la roca, así como la técnica de voladura del recorte, así como un programa de capacitación y plan de supervisión basados en las causas raíz identificadas. Finalmente se determinó que el diseño de malla redujo los costos e incrementó los avances en la exploración para cortar las vetas auríferas, dando como resultado una mejor productividad, reduciendo los costos en un 8% y obteniendo un ahorro de 2115.29 mensuales.The level of productivity of mining companies revolves around drilling and blasting to extract the mineral, the other operations depend on it, therefore the general objective of this study is to develop an adequate mesh design to improve productivity in the CX8946, CONSTRUCTORA S & MT SAC – 2022. This study is quasi-experimental and is focused on collecting numerical data using instruments such as a data control sheet for drilling and blasting parameters, and a training format for mine operation personnel. During this investigation, a diagnosis was made of the existing mesh design and the failures in the unitary drilling and blasting processes; then the drilling and blasting grid was adequately designed considering the geomechanical evaluation of the rock, as well as the cutting blasting technique, as well as a training program and supervision plan based on the identified root causes. Finally, it was determined that the mesh design reduced costs and increased exploration advances to cut gold veins, resulting in better productivity, reducing costs by 8% and obtaining savings of 2115.29 monthly

    Análisis de pavimento flexible empleando geomallas biaxiales para reforzar la avenida 12 noviembre, San Juan De Miraflores, 2023

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    La presente investigación titulada: “Análisis de pavimento flexible empleando geomallas biaxiales para reforzar la Avenida 12 noviembre, San Juan de Miraflores, 2023” tiene como objetivo principal determinar la capacidad de carga del pavimento flexible en la base al incorporar geomallas biaxiales para reforzar la av. 12 de noviembre de San Juan de Miraflores, 2023. Presentando una metodología de tipo aplicada, con enfoque cuantitativo, diseño experimental y nivel explicativo. La población es la Av. 12 de noviembre ubicada en SJM 0+000 a 2+000 Km. Como muestra se sacó de la población que es la Av. 12 de noviembre de la progresiva 0+000 a 1+500 km. Como resultado se determinó que el empleo de geomallas biaxiales influye positivamente en la base del suelo comparando del suelo sin empleo de geomallas biaxiales siendo un material adecuado para reforzar la base del pavimento flexible. Como conclusión se tiene el emplear las geomallas biaxiales reduce los espesores del pavimento y costos para el requerimiento del material reduciría 243 m3 de material en la capa de la base, 81 m3 de la sub base y para la carpeta asfaltica 54 m3 para el tramo de 1+500 Km


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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cómo la buena implementación del Corredor de Estadía solucionará la falta de equipamiento profesional, promoverá e integrará las diferentes necesidades culturales del Distrito de Zaña. Por ser un atractivo turístico, tiene un patrimonio suficiente para atraer a un gran número de turistas nacionales y extranjeros. Buscar mejorar las condiciones de la infraestructura turística y otras labores de promoción turística. El método aplicado es descriptivo y explicativo, y no es un tipo de diseño experimental de correlación transversal / causal. En 2018, la muestra se dirigió a 357 habitantes del Distrito de Zaña. La principal herramienta utilizada es la encuesta, que se realiza en el software SPSS (22). Como resultado final, el total de vecinos de Zaña; el 85% piensa que debería tener una mejor planificación; el 70% debe tener equipo especial; el 97% piensa que los monumentos históricos se pueden exhibir mejor. Inferir la riqueza de Zaña requiere un fuerte impulso para viajar. Ante este problema, se recomienda que el gobierno municipal de Zaña diseñe una infraestructura para reactivar y promover el turismo restaurando sus ruinas y difundiendo sus costumbres; de acuerdo con las necesidades de la población y los planes nacionales

    Advances in non-invasive biosensing measures to monitor wound healing progression

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    Impaired wound healing is a significant financial and medical burden. The synthesis and deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) in a new wound is a dynamic process that is constantly changing and adapting to the biochemical and biomechanical signaling from the extracellular microenvironments of the wound. This drives either a regenerative or fibrotic and scar-forming healing outcome. Disruptions in ECM deposition, structure, and composition lead to impaired healing in diseased states, such as in diabetes. Valid measures of the principal determinants of successful ECM deposition and wound healing include lack of bacterial contamination, good tissue perfusion, and reduced mechanical injury and strain. These measures are used by wound-care providers to intervene upon the healing wound to steer healing toward a more functional phenotype with improved structural integrity and healing outcomes and to prevent adverse wound developments. In this review, we discuss bioengineering advances in 1) non-invasive detection of biologic and physiologic factors of the healing wound, 2) visualizing and modeling the ECM, and 3) computational tools that efficiently evaluate the complex data acquired from the wounds based on basic science, preclinical, translational and clinical studies, that would allow us to prognosticate healing outcomes and intervene effectively. We focus on bioelectronics and biologic interfaces of the sensors and actuators for real time biosensing and actuation of the tissues. We also discuss high-resolution, advanced imaging techniques, which go beyond traditional confocal and fluorescence microscopy to visualize microscopic details of the composition of the wound matrix, linearity of collagen, and live tracking of components within the wound microenvironment. Computational modeling of the wound matrix, including partial differential equation datasets as well as machine learning models that can serve as powerful tools for physicians to guide their decision-making process are discussed

    Advances in non-invasive biosensing measures to monitor wound healing progression

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    Impaired wound healing is a significant financial and medical burden. The synthesis and deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) in a new wound is a dynamic process that is constantly changing and adapting to the biochemical and biomechanical signaling from the extracellular microenvironments of the wound. This drives either a regenerative or fibrotic and scar-forming healing outcome. Disruptions in ECM deposition, structure, and composition lead to impaired healing in diseased states, such as in diabetes. Valid measures of the principal determinants of successful ECM deposition and wound healing include lack of bacterial contamination, good tissue perfusion, and reduced mechanical injury and strain. These measures are used by wound-care providers to intervene upon the healing wound to steer healing toward a more functional phenotype with improved structural integrity and healing outcomes and to prevent adverse wound developments. In this review, we discuss bioengineering advances in 1) non-invasive detection of biologic and physiologic factors of the healing wound, 2) visualizing and modeling the ECM, and 3) computational tools that efficiently evaluate the complex data acquired from the wounds based on basic science, preclinical, translational and clinical studies, that would allow us to prognosticate healing outcomes and intervene effectively. We focus on bioelectronics and biologic interfaces of the sensors and actuators for real time biosensing and actuation of the tissues. We also discuss high-resolution, advanced imaging techniques, which go beyond traditional confocal and fluorescence microscopy to visualize microscopic details of the composition of the wound matrix, linearity of collagen, and live tracking of components within the wound microenvironment. Computational modeling of the wound matrix, including partial differential equation datasets as well as machine learning models that can serve as powerful tools for physicians to guide their decision-making process are discussed