3 research outputs found

    Driving Revenue For Organizations Through Multiple Sales Channels

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    This research paper focuses on the sales industry from how sales became a profession to sales as we know it today. Driving revenue is the main goal of a for profit company or organization and how this goal can be achieved using one or more sales channels will be discussed within this research. This research seeks to determine if by utilizing multiple sales channels within an organization to sell its products and services, is that organization more profitable as they have more avenues to be able to reach more potential customers? While there are many sales channels that can be used to drive revenue for an organization, the two most common sales channels used today are direct sales channels and indirect sales channels. The success of the organization, the leadership team, and the sales team will depend on multiple variables discussed within this research such as hiring and keeping the right salespeople within the organization, the traits of great salespeople as well as the benefits and downsides to having multiple sales channels. The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the sales industry as well as the future of the sales industry will also be discussed within this research. Keywords: sales, direct sales, indirect sales, channel sales, sales channel