2 research outputs found

    Identifying Improved Sites for Heterologous Gene Integration Using ATAC-seq

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    Constructing efficient cellular factories often requires integration of heterologous pathways for synthesis of novel compounds and improved cellular productivity. Few genomic sites are routinely used, however, for efficient integration and expression of heterologous genes, especially in nonmodel hosts. Here, a data-guided framework for informing suitable integration sites for heterologous genes based on ATAC-seq was developed in the nonmodel yeast Komagataella phaffii. Single-copy GFP constructs were integrated using CRISPR/Cas9 into 38 intergenic regions (IGRs) to evaluate the effects of IGR size, intensity of ATAC-seq peaks, and orientation and expression of adjacent genes. Only the intensity of accessibility peaks was observed to have a significant effect, with higher expression observed from IGRs with low- to moderate-intensity peaks than from high-intensity peaks. This effect diminished for tandem, multicopy integrations, suggesting that the additional copies of exogenous sequence buffered the transcriptional unit of the transgene against effects from endogenous sequence context. The approach developed from these results should provide a basis for nominating suitable IGRs in other eukaryotic hosts from an annotated genome and ATAC-seq data

    On-demand manufacturing of clinical-quality biopharmaceuticals

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    Conventional manufacturing of protein biopharmaceuticals in centralized, large-scale, single-product facilities is not well-suited to the agile production of drugs for small patient populations or individuals. Previous solutions for small-scale manufacturing are limited in both process reproducibility and product quality, owing to their complicated means of protein expression and purification. We describe an automated, benchtop, multiproduct manufacturing system, called Integrated Scalable Cyto-Technology (InSCyT), for the end-to-end production of hundreds to thousands of doses of clinical-quality protein biologics in about 3 d. Unlike previous systems, InSCyT includes fully integrated modules for sustained production, efficient purification without the use of affinity tags, and formulation to a final dosage form of recombinant biopharmaceuticals. We demonstrate that InSCyT can accelerate process development from sequence to purified drug in 12 weeks. We used integrated design to produce human growth hormone, interferon α-2b and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor with highly similar processes on this system and show that their purity and potency are comparable to those of marketed reference products