111 research outputs found

    CAD-CAE methods to support restoration and museum exhibition of bronze statues: the “Principe Ellenistico”

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    Ancient bronze statues mainly require material integrity assessment and restoration. Restoration may include also the update of the museum exhibition, defining new structural frames and fragment re-composition to preserve the statue and improve the interpretation of the original aspect. This paper proves how engineering methods (such as Finite Element Analysis, Computer Aided Design modelling, Reverse Engineering) may assist cultural heritage experts and restorers in these tasks. It presents the activities made together with the Museo Nazionale Romano and the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro, on the so-called “Principe Ellenistico” (Hellenistic Prince). This bronze was found in pieces (body, left arm and right leg), at the end of 19th century during an excavation made in Rome. No visual or reference sources can say its origin and its final posture was defined by restorers at the end of the 19th century according to their hypothesis and studies. In the 20th century, a further restoration was made on the critical areas of the surface, together with some structural improvement of the inner frame. Nowadays, after a review of its position inside the Museum, new experimental and numerical analyses have been carried out to better understand surface weakness and correct left arm positionin

    Jung and ethics: A conceptual exploration

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    Despite Jung’s frequent claims that one’s moral and ethical stance play an important role both in the development and in the cure of neurosis, Jung’s ethical position had not been subjected to a critical assessment and the main sources of his ethical outlook had not been investigated. I take my point of departure in Jung’s definition of ethics as involving both consciousness and the unconscious. In the first chapter, Kant’s argument for the primacy of practical reason is shown to ground Jung’s conviction of the decisive freedom of the ego. Jung’s insistence on the importance of the moral development of both patient and therapist is also related to Kant’s call for moral independence. Having elucidated Jung’s understanding of conflicts of duty – the existence of which was denied by Kant – I discuss Jung’s Nietzschean legacy. I argue that Jung derives the crucial distinction between ethics and morality from Nietzsche, as well as the idea that ethics must consider the irrational and unintentional side of the Self; I also consider how Jung’s application of the ‘health criterion’ to ethics differs from Nietzsche’s utilisation of the same device. In Chapter 3, I highlight the critical convergence between Aristotle’s approach to ethics and Jung’s psycho-ethical paradigm: while both stress the importance of acquiring a balance between reason and the passions and place wisdom at centre stage, Jung adds that psychotherapy can successfully integrate ‘unconscious vice’. In the fourth chapter, I examine the (heterodox) Christian side of Jung’s ethics. Here I assess the role played by the psychologically ‘heavy’ notion of evil in Jung’s model and analyse the often-misunderstood link between evil and the Shadow. In Jung’s psychology, the individuated subject is the ethical subject, so depth psychology and ethics converge towards the same goal and can be mutually supportive endeavours

    I nostri figli, le nostre scuole, il nostro futuro: la scuola del futuro parte dall’Aquila

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    Policy paper La scuola ù luogo di cittadinanza, soprattutto in una città che ha bisogno di cittadini “nuovi”, consapevoli del passato e portatori di futuro. Le nuove generazioni hanno il diritto di formarsi in spazi sicuri e ben organizzati, che consentano lo sviluppo dei migliori processi di apprendimento ed insegnamento, di partecipazione, di socializzazione e di acquisizione di sensibilità, valori da spendere positivamente nella costruzione della città futura

    Studio del fenomeno di invasione dei fanghi di perforazione in formazioni poroso-permeabili: ricostruzione dei profili radiali di saturazione al fine di supportare metodologie innovative di interpretazione dei log convenzionali di resistitivita'

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    Dottorato di ricerca in ingegneria dei materiali, delle materie prime e metallurgia. 10. ciclo. Tutore Ugo Biliardo. Cotutori Claudio Alimonti e Mauro Gonfalini. Coordinatore Liliana Rampazzo.Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    The Lament of the Maidens (Pianto Delli Zitelle)

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    Una nuova defixio latina dalla via Ostiense

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    In uno scavo d'emergenza nei pressi della via Ostiense Ú stata rinvenuta una lunga iscrizione latina su una laminetta di piombo, incisa su ambedue le facce per trentacinque linee. Si tratta di una defixio nei confronti di una donna il cui nome, Caecilia Prima, ricorre trentaquattro volte nel testo. L'iscrizione consiste in una preghiera indirizzata a Plutone e a Proserpina e a un gruppo di quattordici entità divine e figure infernali, Canes Orcini. Chimaera, Sphinx, Geryones, Circe and Seirenes, affinché colpiscano e conducano alla morte la donna, macchiatasi di turpidines. L'originale testo, che contiene una ricca lista delle parti anatomiche, Ú databile alla seconda metà del I secolo a. C., sulla base del formulario, la paleografia e i dati archeologici

    Sedimentary evolution of a Telhyan Jurassic Platform Margin during rifting and drifting stages

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    Colacicchi Roberto, Bigozzi A. Sedimentary evolution of a Telhyan Jurassic Platform Margin during rifting and drifting stages. In: GĂ©ologie MĂ©diterranĂ©enne. Tome 21, numĂ©ro 3-4, 1994. Perimediterranean carbonate platforms. First International Meeting. Marseille – France (5-8 septembre 1994) sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Masse. pp. 41-44
