146 research outputs found

    Influence of the Rib Radius on the Maximum Stress and Deformations of a Corner Bracket

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    The influence of the radius of circular ribs on the maximum stresses and deformations of a corner bracket was analyzed. The results were obtained using simulations based on finite element method. Two geometries were studied: with one and two ribs. For each of these two geometries the radius of the ribs was ranged between 3 mm and 9 mm. The parts were subjected to bending. The simulations show that the increase of the ribs radius generates a substantial decrease of the maximum stresses and the maximum deformations

    Influence of Thread Root Radius on Maximum Local Stresses at Large Diameter Bolts under Axial Loading

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    In the thread root area of the threaded bolts submitted to axial loading occur local stresses, higher that nominal stresses calculated for the bolts. These local stresses can generate failure and can reduce the fatigue life of the parts. The paper is focused on the study of the influence of the thread root radius on the maximum local stresses. A large diameter trapezoidal bolt was subjected to a static analysis (axial loading) using finite element simulation

    The Geometry Optimisation of a Triple Branch Pipe Using Finite Element Method

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    The paper presents the geometrical optimization of a triple branch pipesubmitted to an internal pressure. The goal of the optimization was todetermine the optimum thickness of piping and branch pipe ribs, in thecondition of reaching admissible values of the stress and displacement.The resistance calculus was realized with Cosmos DesignStar softwareand the geometry was modeled with Microstation Modeler software

    Influence of Working Environment on Fatigue Life Time Duration for Runner Blades of Kaplan Turbines

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    The paper present an analytical analyzes refer to influence of working environment on life time duration in service of runner blades of Kaplan turbines. The study are made using only analytical method, the entry dates being obtained from measurements made in situ for a Kaplan turbine. To calculate the maximum number of stress cycles whereupon the runner blades work without any damage it was used an analytical relation known in specialized literatures under the name of Morrow’s relation. To estimate fatigue life time duration will be used a formula obtained from one of most common cumulative damage methodology taking in consideration the real exploitation conditions of a specified Kaplan turbine

    Numerical Analysis of Flow in Kaplan Turbine Runner Blades Anticavitation Lip with Modified Hydro-dynamic Profile

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    In order to increase the lifetime of runner blades of Kaplan turbines damaged by cavitation erosion, an anticavitation lip is attached to the periphery of the runner blades on the suction side. The anticavitation lip overtakes the cavitation pitting which appears between the runner blades and the runner chamber. A blade with the original anticavitation lip was modeled using CAE. The numerical simulations showed the tip vortex position and the source of the cavitation erosion. Using these data, a modified profile of the anticavitation lip was designed

    Static and Fatigue Analysis of the Hydraulic Cylinder and Tensile Device from an Uniaxial Testing System

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    The paper presents the static analysis and the fatigue behavior analysis of the components of a tensile test equipment (hydraulic cylinder and tensile device), designed for didactic applications. The stress and the displacements that occur in the limit-loading approaches are calculated using static FEM analysis. It is also investigated the possibility of using the hydraulic cylinder and the tensile device in a redesigned equipment used for fatigue tests

    Contribuţii în tratamentul ulcerului atonic plantar (Caz clinic)

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    Autorul prezintă un caz de tratament al unui pacient cu un ulcer atonic plantar pe fon de diabet zaharat.Tratamentul s-a accentuat prin debridare chirurgicală într-o singură sesiune cu provocarea unei hemoragii locale prin efectuarea osteoperforaţiei. Plaga a cicatrizat secundar. Rezultatul la distanţa de 5 ani este satisfăcător. Pe parcursul tratamentului s-a utilizat pansamente produse de Paul Hartman AG

    Cavitation Erosion Tests Performed by Indirect Vibratory Method on Stainless Steel Welded Samples with Hardened Surface

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    The paper presents the results of cavitation erosion tests performed on two types of samples. The materials of the samples are frequently used for manufacturing and repairs of the hydro turbines components submitted to cavitation. The first sample was made by welding of an austenitic stainless steel on austenito-feritic base material. The second sample was made similarly with the first but with a martensitic base material. After the welding processes, on both samples was applied a hardening treatment by surface peening. The cavitation erosion tests were performed on vibratory equipment using the indirect method with stationary specimen. The results show a good cavitation erosion resistance on both samples

    Some Aspects on Technological Design of a Cam Type Workpiece Using CATIA Software

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    The paper presents the geometrical models of cam and of semi-finished piece, obtained with CATIA software. Two cam technological routes are shown and the optimal route is chosen. From the technological route, rough milling operation is simulated with CATIA software. By using different milling parameters, various machining time values are obtained