12 research outputs found

    Carcass Quality and Hematological Alterations Associated with Lung Lesions in Slaughter Pigs

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    The aim of this study was to examine effects of lung lesions on carcass quality and hematological parameters of slaughter pigs. The group of pigs with lung lesion score 2 had significantly lower live weight, hot carcass weight and cold carcass weight compared to the group of pigs with lung lesion score 0 (P0.05). The total number of red blood cells, concentrations of hemoglobin and hematocrit showed significantly lower mean values in the group of pigs with lung lesions score 2 (P0.05). In conclusion, the results showed that lung lesions in fattening pigs had negative impact on carcass quality and hematological parameters

    Odnos između odabranih pokazatelja kompjutorski potpomognute analize sperme i plodnosti bikova

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    Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA) represents an objective, reproducible and reliable method of sperm quality assessment, however, not many reports exist that correlate its accuracy with bull semen fertility. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between selected CASA motility parameters of cryopreserved bull semen and fertility. The total spermatozoa motility (SM %), the progressive spermatozoa motility (PSM %) as well as the percentage of spermatozoa with rapid movement (RAP %) were measured through CASA. All 12 ejaculates were collected from one Holstein Friesian bull. A total of 816 Holstein Friesian cows were used for artificial insemination (AI) and the evaluation of fertility. The fertility success was assessed by pregnancy rates per cycle (PRC %), 90 days after AI of the cows. The sperm variables that were associated with an increase in the PRC were the SM (R2 = 0. 6722), the PSM (R2 = 0. 6520) and the RAP (R2 = 0. 7103). RAP had a greater influence (P<0.001) on fertility (PRC), than SM and PSM (P<0.01). The increase of sperm motility parameters (SM, PSM and RAP) led to increased PRC, i.e. to increased fertility.Kompjutorski potpomognuta analiza sperme (CASA) predstavlja objektivan, ponovljiv i pouzdan način procjene kvalitete spermija. No, malo je izvjeŔća u kojima se provjerava odnos između njezine točnosti i plodnosti sjemena bikova. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti povezanost odabranih pokazatelja kompjutorski potpomognute analize pokretljivosti spermija iz zamrznute sperme bikova s njihovom plodnoŔću. Ukupna pokretljivost spermija (%), progresivna pokretljivost spermija (%), kao i postotak spermija s brzim kretanjem (%) procijenjeni su kompjutorski potpomognutom analizom sperme. Svih 12 ejakulata prikupljeni su od jednog holÅ”tajnsko-frizijskog bika. Ukupno je 816 holÅ”tajsnko-frizijskih krava koriÅ”teno za umjetno osjemenjivanje (UO) i procjenu plodnosti. Uspjeh plodnosti procijenjen je stopom gravidnosti po ciklusu (%), 90. dana nakon UO krava. Varijable spermija koje su povezane s povećanjem stope gravidnosti po ciklusu su pokretljivost spermija (R2 = 0,6722), progresivna pokretljivost spermija (R2 = 0, 6520) i stopa spermija s brzim kretanjem (R2 = 0, 7103). Spermiji s brzim kretanjem imali su veći utjecaj (P<0,001) na plodnost (PRC), od ukupne pokretljivosti spermija i progresivne pokretljivosti spermija (P<0,01). Povećanje vrijednosti pokazatelja pokretljivosti spermija (SM, PSM i RAP) dovelo je do povećane stope gravidnosti po ciklusu, tj. povećane plodnosti

    Hronični mastitis krava uzrokovan Streptococcus dysgalactiae - prikaz slučaja

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    Mastitis in dairy cows is an economically important disease because it makes up 38% of all diseases that occur in intensive cattle breeding. Mastitis affects milk production, either temporarily or permanently, depending on the course of infection and type of pathogen agent. Regular and timely therapy of mastitis based on the application antimicrobials, apart from prophylaxis, is very important for good health of breeding stock. This paper presents the case of repeated mastitis in a cow, Holstein-Friesian breed, 5 years old, which did not respond to antibiotic therapy. Milk samples from each separate quarter of the udder were collected under aseptic conditions and sent to the laboratory for further bacteriological tests, for isolation and identification of pathogens, as well as to test pathogen resistance to some antibiotics. On the basis of bacteriological examinations, there was confirmed the presence of Streptococcus dysgalactiae, which showed sensitivity to ampicillin, cloxacillin and augmentin, intermediate resistance to tetracycline and resisĀ­tance to kotrimeksazol.(cotrimoxazole-proveriti).Mastitis goveda predstavlja oboljenje koje izaziva najveće ekonomske gubitke kod mlečnih krava i čini 38% od svih oboljenja koja se javljaju u intezivnom uzgoju mlečnih krava. Mastitisi utiču na proizvodnju mleka, privremeno ili stalno u zavisnosti od toka infekcije i vrste uzročnika. Pravilna i pravovremena terapija supkliničkih mastitisa, zasnovana je na primeni antimikrobnih lekova i pored profilakse je ključna za dobro zdravstveno stanje zapata. U ovom radu je prikazan slučaj hroničnog mastitisa krave holÅ”tajn frizijske rase, starosti 5 godina, koja nije reagovala na antibiotsku terapiju. Uzorci mleka su uzeti u aseptičnim uslovima, iz svake četvrti pojedinačno, i poslati u laboratoriju radi izolacije i identifikacije uzročnika i ispitivanja osetljivosti uzročnika na antibiotike. Na osnovu detaljnih bakterioloÅ”kih ispitivanja potvrđeno je prisustvo Streptococcus dysgalactiae (Strep. dysgalactiae) koji je pokazivao osetljivost na ampicilin, kloksacilin i augmentin, intermedijarnu osetljivost na tetraciklin, i rezistenciju na kotrimoksazol

    Meat quality of autochthonous Sjenica Zackel sheep - Basis for sustainable production of genetic resource on the Sjenica-Pester plateau

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    Sjenica sheep is the largest type of autochthonous Zackel sheep reared in Serbia. It is well adapted to harsh climatic and environmental conditions, which exist on the High Nature Value Sjenica-Pester plateau of the mountain regions of south-west Serbia. The Sjenica sheep is considered as vulnerable due to increasing dilution of the populations under the influence of meliorators, such as Wurttemberg sheep. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake protective measures, such as in vivo conservation, with special attention to advanced phenotypic characterization of adaptive and productive breed traits, as a strategy for a rational utilization of sheep resources. The objective of the study was to perform and evaluate the advanced phenotypic characterization of Sjenica sheep, especially its productive potential and meat quality traits. In this paper the evaluation of sensory characteristics (odour intensity, flavour intensity, flavour quality and overall acceptability) and the fatty acid composition of meat (M. longissimus dorsi) samples of Sjenica sheep were done. The results indicated desirable sensory characteristics of tested lamb meat, with high overall acceptability score (6.12 ). Furthermore, favourable fatty acid composition has been found in the meat samples of Sjenica sheep. The CLA content was at a high level (4.12 , also the n-6:n-3 ratio was desirable (1.88 ), which can partly be explained by the influence of the traditional habitat, such as specific floristic composition in which animals are reared.Proceeding

    Species diversity, host preference and arbovirus detection of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in south-eastern Serbia

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    BackgroundCulicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) is a genus of small biting midges (also known as no-see ums) that currently includes 1368 described species. They are proven or suspected vectors for important pathogens affecting animals such as bluetongue virus (BTV) and Schmallenberg virus (SBV). Currently little information is available on the species of Culicoides present in Serbia. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine species diversity, host preference and the presence of BTV and SBV RNA in Culicoides from the Stara Planina Nature Park in south-eastern Serbia.ResultsIn total 19,887 individual Culicoides were collected during three nights of trapping at two farm sites and pooled into six groups (Obsoletus group, Pulicaris group, Others group and further each group according to the blood-feeding status to freshly engorged and non-engorged). Species identification was done on subsamples of 592 individual Culicoides specimens by morphological and molecular methods (MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and PCR/sequencing). At least 22 Culicoides species were detected. Four animal species (cow, sheep, goat and common blackbird) as well as humans were identified as hosts of Culicoides biting midges. The screening of 8291 Culicoides specimens in 99 pools for the presence of BTV and SBV RNA by reverse-transcription quantitative PCR were negative.ConclusionsThe biodiversity of Culicoides species in the natural reserve Stara Planina was high with at least 22 species present. The presence of C. imicola Kieffer was not recorded in this area. Culicoides showed opportunistic feeding behaviour as determined by host preference. The absence of SBV and BTV viral RNA correlates with the absence of clinical disease in the field during the time of sampling. These data are the direct outcome of a training programme within the Institutional Partnership Project AMSAR: Arbovirus monitoring, research and surveillance-capacity building on mosquitoes and biting midges funded by the programme SCOPES of the Swiss National Science Foundation

    The possibility of organizing an organic sheep breeding in the municipality of Zagubica

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    Žagubica Municipality, in Eastern Serbia, is one of the most undeveloped municipalities in Serbia. It accounts for only 0.067% of the total GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the Republic of Serbia. A large number of people migrated from this area to big cities or countries of the EU, mainly because of the economic underdevelopment and the lack of production and processing capacities. Nowadays agriculture has a major role in the economy of Žagubica, contributing to the total value created with 59.33%, which clearly speaks of its dominance, while far behind it is the manufacturing industry with 8.23% and commerce with 6.93%. Geographical position of the Žagubica Municipality, the Homolje territory, is an important natural resource of great potential, with specific characteristics of HNV (High Nature Value) region. Region of Homolje has a long tradition of sheep breeding and the quality of products has become well-known. However, depopulation of villages caused a decline in the production and closure of a number of processing facilities. The development of organic farming is one of the possible ways to revitalize the village and the development of this region rich in natural resources. This paper analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) in the organization of organic sheep production in order to apply the necessary measures on the field for the organization of a new production system. The significant "advantages" of Žagubica Municipality are its herbal resources and the fact that the arable agricultural land makes 48.5% of the municipality area (42.9% of meadows and 26% of pastures) which is a good basis for the organization of the production. The issue of animal genetic resources is particularly analyzed and discussed. Under the "possibility" the attention is focused on various aspects of education in this field and its significance

    Testing constitution and reproductive potential of Svrljig zackel sheep for organic production in East Serbia

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    Eastern Serbia region, especially Homolje territory is an important natural resource of a great potential for organic sheep production. Its long tradition of sheep breeding and the quality of lamb meat and dairy products has become well-known. Svrljig type of Zackel sheep is traditionally reared in the hilly - mountain region of Eastern Serbia. It is well adapted to environmental conditions and sustainable breeding systems. Bearing in mind that autochthonous breeds are preferable for organic production due to the fact that they are well adapted to habitat and due to their genetic tolerance to diseases, the autochthonous Svrljig sheep population reared in Homolje territory was chosen for this research. Examination of health status, body score condition, reproductive traits in a population of 342 ewes and growth traits of 412 lambs reared in sustainable livestock farming was performed. Reproductive and lamb growth traits, litter size at weaning (LSW), total litter weight at birth (TLWB), total litter weight at one-month (1TLMW) and total litter weight at weaning (TLWW) were analyzed. Results of health status, basic ewe reproductive traits and lamb growth performance show that autochthonous Svrljig type of Zackel sheep has robust constitution and potential to be the breed of choice for organic production in the hilly - mountain region of Eastern SerbiaBook of proceeding

    Selection criteria in organic cattle breeding

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    The central issue in process of organizing organic cattle breeding is the knowledge about specificities of this kind of production, good knowledge of breed characteristics (body composition, immune tolerance, expressed predisposition towards some diseases, production properties). Research centres, in collaboration with producers, have defined the essential features on which the selection programmes in organic cattle breeding are based on. Of the greatest importance for veterinary service is the fact that selection programmes in organic cattle breeding are in the first place based on giving priority to healthy animals, with strong immune system, good reproductive characteristics, which can be in production system for a long period. Additional important selective criteria is specific body resistance and adaptability of autochtonous breeds to environmental conditions. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TP 31085

    Transabdominal and transrectal ultrasonography of fetuses in Wurttemberg ewes: Correlation with gestational age

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    It is useful to determine the gestational age in sheep to provide essential information for effective flock management practices. The aims of this study were to evaluate the efficacy and practical aspects for using two ultrasound techniques, transabdominal and transrectal, in determining the gestational age in Wurttemberg ewes. Monitoring of embryo and fetus developmental stages during the ewes gestation was carried out with real time ultrasound using a transabdominal convex probe, frequency 3.5 MHz, and a transrectal linear probe, frequency 7.5 MHz. The size of the embryonic vesicle during the period from the 23rd to the 38th day of gestation can be used as a confirmational indicator of gestational age when the transrectal probe is used. The occipital nasal diameter correlated with the gestational age with both transabdominal (P < 0.05) and transrectal probes (P < 0.01) from the 46th to the 63rd day of gestation. The biparietal diameter of the fetal head measured by transabdominal probe during the period from the 46th to the 63rd day of gestation correlates with gestation age (P < 0.05). The diameter of the fetal eye orbit monitored by transrectal probe from the 46th to the 63rd day of gestation also correlated well with gestational age (P < 0.05)