3 research outputs found

    Krpeljska fauna autohtone pramenke u Istočnoj Srbiji

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    Sheep production is an example of a sustainable production fully integrated within the local rural development. One of the main threats on the outdoor breeding of sheep is parasitism. Ticks are nuisances and vectors of several diseases agents. The distribution of ticks appears to be changing, with spread to previously unaffected areas. Tick and tick-borne disease control is one of the major components of animal health program protecting livestock in the developing countries, which reflects impact on the livelihood of resource-poor farming communities. Taking into consideration the negative impact on the health status of the livestock, also the direct and indirect economic losses, it is necessary to examine the tolerance and resistance of certain species against diseases. It is one of the most important elements of the strategy of selection and screening for resistant animals. The aim of this study was to determine the tick species persisting in 45 tested autochthonous Zackel sheep flocks, and examine their seasonal occurrence from March 2010 to January 2011, in the region of South Serbia. The result showed that Ixodes, Dermacentor, Ripicephalus and Haemaphysalis were the most abundant ticks found, affecting 50.40% tested sheep. The result of this study is a survey of tick species from autochthonous Zackel sheep in Serbia and implication of possible preventions measures for diseases caused and transmitted by ticks.Ovčarstvo predstavlja primer održive proizvodnje koja čini sastavni deo ruralnog razvoja. Jedan od glavnih zdravstvenih problema kod ekstenzivnog načina uzgoja ovaca predstavljaju parazitske infekcije. Krpelji su vektori za uzročnike mnogobrojnih oboljenja. Rasprostranjenost krpelja se menja i u novije vreme ih nalazimo i na novim arealima. U zemljama u razvoju, borba protiv krpelja i oboljenja prenosica krpeljima predstavljaju jedan od glavnih strateških tačaka zdravstvenog nadzora nad životinjama i ljudima. Uzimajući u obzir značaj direktnih i indirektnih ekonomskih gubitaka izazvanih krpeljima i oboljenjima čiji su oni uzročnici, posebna pažnja treba da se posveti ispitivanju tolerancije i otpornosti ka parazitskim bolestima pojedinih vrsta i rasa životinja. Potraga za otpornim jedinkama i njihova selekcija treba da bude deo strategije stočarstva. Cilj ovog rada je bio da prikaže rezultate ispitivanja o prisustvu krpeljske faune u 45 zapata ovaca autohtone pramenke. Ispitana je sezonalna distribucija pojave pojedinih krpelja u periodu između marta 2010. i januara 2011. godine, u regionu Istočne Srbije. Kod 50, 40% ispitanih ovaca ustanovljeno je prisustvo krpelja. Rezultati pokazuju da su krpelji iz rodova Ixodes, Dermacentor, Ripicephalus i Haemaphysalis najučestaliji u zapatima ovaca autohtone pramenke

    Tick fauna of the autochthonous Zackel sheep in South Serbia region

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    Sheep production is an example of a sustainable production fully integrated within the local rural development. One of the main threats on the outdoor breeding of sheep is parasitism. Ticks are nuisances and vectors of several diseases agents. The distribution of ticks appears to be changing, with spread to previously unaffected areas. Tick and tick-borne disease control is one of the major components of animal health program protecting livestock in the developing countries, which reflects impact on the livelihood of resource-poor farming communities. Taking into consideration the negative impact on the health status of the livestock, also the direct and indirect economic losses, it is necessary to examine the tolerance and resistance of certain species against diseases. It is one of the most important elements of the strategy of selection and screening for resistant animals. The aim of this study was to determine the tick species persisting in 45 tested autochthonous Zackel sheep flocks, and examine their seasonal occurrence from March 2010 to January 2011, in the region of South Serbia. The result showed that Ixodes, Dermacentor, Ripicephalus and Haemaphysalis were the most abundant ticks found, affecting 50.40% tested sheep. The result of this study is a survey of tick species from autochthonous Zackel sheep in Serbia and implication of possible preventions measures for diseases caused and transmitted by ticks

    Evidence of West Nile virus (WNV) circulation in wild birds and WNV RNA negativity in mosquitoes of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania, 2016

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    West Nile virus (WNV) is a zoonotic flavivirus whose transmission cycle in nature includes wild birds as amplifying hosts and ornithophilic mosquito vectors. Bridge vectors can transmit WNV to mammal species potentially causing West Nile Fever. Wild bird migration is a mode of WNV introduction into new areas. The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) is a major stopover of wild birds migrating between Europe and Africa. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of WNV in the DDBR during the 2016 transmission season in wild birds and mosquitoes. Blood from 68 wild birds (nine different species) trapped at four different locations was analyzed by competitive ELISA and Virus Neutralization Test (VNT), revealing positive results in 8/68 (11.8%) of the wild birds by ELISA of which six samples (three from juvenile birds) were confirmed seropositive by VNT. Mosquitoes (n = 6523, 5 genera) were trapped with CDC Mini Light traps at two locations and in one location resting mosquitoes were caught. The presence of WNV RNA was tested in 134 pools by reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). None of the pools was positive for WNV-specific RNA. Based on the obtained results, WNV was circulating in the DDBR during 2016