36 research outputs found

    Initial Optical Results for the ChaMPlane Survey

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    We provide a brief description of the optical survey being conducted under the NOAO Long Term Surveys program in support of the Chandra Multiwavelength Plane (ChaMPlane) Survey (see paper by Grindlay et al. in this Volume). A representative photometry result is shown, along with spectroscopic followup.Comment: 1 page, 2 figures (in 3 files). Astronomische Nachrichten, in press (Feb 2003). Proceedings of "X-ray Surveys, in the Light of New Observatories", 4-6 September, Santander, Spai

    Identification of Faint Chandra X-ray Sources in the Core-Collapsed Globular Cluster NGC 6752

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    We have searched for optical identifications for 39 Chandra X-ray sources that lie within the 1.9 arcmin half-mass radius of the nearby (d = 4.0 kpc), core-collapsed globular cluster, NGC 6752, using deep Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC imaging in B435, R625, and H alpha. Photometry of these images allows us to classify candidate counterparts based primarily on color-magnitude and color-color diagram location. The color-color diagram is particularly useful for quantifying the H alpha line equivalent width. In addition to recovering 11 previously detected optical counterparts, we propose 20 new optical IDs. In total, there are 16 likely or less certain cataclysmic variables (CVs), nine likely or less certain chromospherically active binaries, three galaxies, and three active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The latter three sources, which had been identified as likely CVs by previous investigations, now appear to be extragalactic objects based on their proper motions. As we previously found for NGC 6397, the CV candidates in NGC 6752 fall into a bright group that is centrally concentrated relative to the turnoff-mass stars and a faint group that has a spatial distribution that is more similar to that of the turnoff-mass stars. This is consistent with an evolutionary scenario in which CVs are produced by dynamical interactions near the cluster center and diffuse to larger radius orbits as they age.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figure

    Exploration of faint X-ray and radio sources in the massive globular cluster M14: A UV-bright counterpart to Nova Ophiuchus 1938

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    Using a 12 ks archival Chandra X-ray Observatory ACIS-S observation on the massive globular cluster (GC) M14, we detect a total of 7 faint X-ray sources within its half-light radius at a 0.5-7 keV depth of 2.5×1031erg s12.5\times 10^{31}\,\mathrm{erg~s^{-1}}. We cross-match the X-ray source positions with a catalogue of the Very Large Array radio point sources and a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) UV/optical/near-IR photometry catalogue, revealing radio counterparts to 2 and HST counterparts to 6 of the X-ray sources. In addition, we also identify a radio source with the recently discovered millisecond pulsar PSR 1737-0314A. The brightest X-ray source, CX1, appears to be consistent with the nominal position of the classic nova Ophiuchi 1938 (Oph 1938), and both Oph 1938 and CX1 are consistent with a UV-bright variable HST counterpart, which we argue to be the source of the nova eruption in 1938. This makes Oph 1938 the second classic nova recovered in a Galactic GC since Nova T Scorpii in M80. CX2 is consistent with the steep-spectrum radio source VLA8, which unambiguously matches a faint blue source; the steepness of VLA8 is suggestive of a pulsar nature, possibly a transitional millisecond pulsar with a late K dwarf companion, though an active galactic nucleus (AGN) cannot be ruled out. The other counterparts to the X-ray sources are all suggestive of chromospherically active binaries or background AGNs, so their nature requires further membership information.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Chandra X-ray Sources in the Collapsed-Core Globular Cluster M30 (NGC 7099)

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    We report the detection of six discrete, low-luminosity (Lx < 10^33 erg/s) X-ray sources, located within 12 arcsec of the center of the collapsed-core globular cluster M30 (NGC 7099), and a total of 13 sources within the half-mass radius, from a 50 ksec Chandra ACIS-S exposure. Three sources lie within the very small upper limit of 1.9 arcsec on the core radius. The brightest of the three core sources has a luminosity of Lx (0.5-6 keV) = 6x10^32 erg/s and a blackbody-like soft X-ray spectrum, which are both consistent with it being a quiescent low-mass X-ray binary (qLMXB). We have identified optical counterparts to four of the six central sources and a number of the outlying sources, using deep Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based imaging. While the two proposed counterparts that lie within the core may represent chance superpositions, the two identified central sources that lie outside of the core have X-ray and optical properties consistent with being CVs. Two additional sources outside of the core have possible active binary counterparts. We discuss the X-ray source population of M30 in light of its collapsed-core status.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures (8 color), resubmitted to ApJ after incorporating referee comment

    Exotica in the Globular Cluster M4, Studied with Chandra, HST, and the VLA

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    Using the Hubble Ultraviolet Globular Cluster Survey (HUGS) and additional HST archival data, we have carried out a search for optical counterparts to the low-luminosity Chandra X-ray sources in the globular cluster M4 (NGC 6121). We have also searched for optical or X-ray counterparts to radio sources detected by the VLA. We find 24 new confident optical counterparts to Chandra sources for a total of 40, including the 16 previously identified. Of the 24 new identifications, 18 are stellar coronal X-ray sources (active binaries, ABs), the majority located along the binary sequence in a V-I colour-magnitude diagram and generally showing an H-alpha excess. In addition to confirming the previously detected cataclysmic variable (CV, CX4), we identify one confident new CV (CX76), and two candidates (CX81 and CX101). One MSP is known in M4 (CX12), and another strong candidate has been suggested (CX1); we identify some possible MSP candidates among optical and radio sources, such as VLA20, which appears to have a white dwarf counterpart. One X-ray source with a sub-subgiant optical counterpart and a flat radio spectrum (CX8, VLA31) is particularly mysterious. The radial distribution of X-ray sources suggests a relaxed population of average mass ~ 1.2 - 1.5 Msun. Comparing the numbers of ABs, MSPs, and CVs in M4 with other clusters indicates that AB numbers are proportional to cluster mass (primordial population), MSPs to stellar encounter rate (dynamically formed population), while CVs seem to be produced both primordially and dynamically.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures, 2 pages of supplementary material containing finding chart

    Chandra Multi-wavelength Plane (ChaMPlane) Survey: Design and Initial Results

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    The Chandra Multiwavength Plane (ChaMPlane) Survey of the galactic plane incorporates serendipitous sources from selected Chandra pointings in or near the galactic plane (b 20 ksec; lack of bright diffuse or point sources) to measure or constrain the luminosity function of low-luminosity accretion sources in the Galaxy. The primary goal is to detect and identify accreting white dwarfs (cataclysmic variables, with space density still uncertain by a factor of >10-100), neutron stars and black holes (quiescent low mass X-ray binaries) to constrain their space densities and thus origin and evolution. Secondary objectives are to identify Be stars in high mass X-ray binaries and constrain their space densities, and to survey the H-R diagram for stellar coronal sources. A parallel optical imaging under the NOAO Long Term Survey program provides deep optical images using the Mosaic imager on the CTIO and KPNO 4-m telescopes. The 36arcmin X 36arcmin optical images (Halpha, R, V and I) cover ~5X the area of each enclosed Chandra ACIS FOV, providing an extended survey of emission line objects for comparison with Chandra. Spectroscopic followup of optical counterparts is then conducted, thus far with WIYN and Magellan. The X-ray preliminary results from both the Chandra and optical surveys will be presented, including logN-logS vs. galactic position (l,b) and optical idenifications.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures (in 8 files), Astronomishe Nachrichten, in press (Feb 2003). Proceedings of "X-ray Surveys, in the Light of New Observatories", 4-6 September, Santander, Spain. Higher resolution figures available at: http://hea-www.harvard.edu/ChaMPlane/papers/champlane-santander.pd