238 research outputs found
Non anomalous U(1)_H gauge model of flavor
A non anomalous horizontal gauge symmetry can be responsible for the
fermion mass hierarchies of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Imposing
the consistency conditions for the absence of gauge anomalies yields the
following results: i) unification of leptons and down-type quarks Yukawa
couplings is allowed at most for two generations. ii) The term is
necessarily somewhat below the supersymmetry breaking scale. iii) The
determinant of the quark mass matrix vanishes, and there is no strong
problem. iv) The superpotential has accidental and symmetries. The
prediction allows for an unambiguous test of the model at low
energy.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex. Title changed, minor modifications. Final version to
appear in Phys. Rev.
Direct CP violation in charm and flavor mixing beyond the SM
We analyze possible interpretations of the recent LHCb evidence for CP
violation in D meson decays in terms of physics beyond the Standard Model. On
general grounds, models in which the primary source of flavor violation is
linked to the breaking of chiral symmetry (left-right flavor mixing) are
natural candidates to explain this effect, via enhanced chromomagnetic
operators. In the case of supersymmetric models, we identify two motivated
scenarios: disoriented A-terms and split families. These structures predict
other non-standard signals, such as nuclear EDMs close to their present bounds
and, possibly, tiny but visible deviations in K and B physics, or even sizable
flavor-violating processes involving the top quark or the stops. Some of these
connections, especially the one with nuclear EDMs, hold beyond supersymmetry,
as illustrated with the help of prototype non-supersymmetric models.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure
Fermion Masses and Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking from a Single U(1)
We present a supersymmetric model of flavor. A single U(1) gauge group is
responsible for both generating the flavor spectrum and communicating
supersymmetry breaking to the visible sector. The problem of Flavor Changing
Neutral Currents is overcome, in part using an `Effective Supersymmetry'
spectrum among the squarks, with the first two generations very heavy. All
masses are generated dynamically and the theory is completely renormalizable.
The model contains a simple Froggatt-Nielsen sector and communicates
supersymmetry breaking via gauge mediation without requiring a separate
messenger sector. By forcing the theory to be consistent with SU(5) Grand
Unification, the model predicts a large tan beta and a massless up quark. While
respecting the experimental bounds on CP violation in the K-system, the model
leads to a large enhancement of CP violation in B-(B bar) mixing as well as in
B decay amplitudes.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 8 figure
Horizontal, Anomalous U(1) Symmetry for the More Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
We construct explicit examples with a horizontal, ``anomalous'' gauge
group, which, in a supersymmetric extension of the standard model, reproduce
qualitative features of the fermion spectrum and CKM matrix, and suppress FCNC
and proton decay rates without the imposition of global symmetries. We review
the motivation for such ``more'' minimal supersymmetric standard models and
their predictions for the sparticle spectrum. There is a mass hierarchy in the
scalar sector which is the inverse of the fermion mass hierarchy. We show in
detail why DeltaS = 2 FCNC are suppressed when compared with naive estimates
for nondegenerate squarks.Comment: Revised version clarifies calculation of FCNC amplitudes and rules
out one model considered previousl
Dynamical solution to the problem at TeV scale
We introduce a new confining force (\mu-color) at TeV scale to dynamically
generate a supersymmetry preserving mass scale which would replace the \mu
parameter in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). We discuss the
Higgs phenomenology and also the pattern of soft supersymmetry breaking
parameters allowing the correct electroweak symmetry breaking within the
\mu-color model, which have quite distinctive features from the MSSM and also
from other generalizations of the MSSM.Comment: 12 pages, REVte
Constraining Models of New Physics in Light of Recent Experimental Results on
We study extensions of the Standard Model where the charged current weak
interactions are governed by the CKM matrix and where all tree-level decays are
dominated by their Standard Model contribution. We constrain both analytically
and numerically the ratio and the phase difference between the New Physics and
the Standard Model contributions to the mixing amplitude of the neutral
system using the experimental results on , ,
and . We present new results concerning models with minimal
flavor violation and update the relevant parameter space. We also study the
left-right symmetric model with spontaneously broken CP, probing the viability
of this model in view of the recent results for and other
observables.Comment: 32 pages, including 9 figures, typos and error in fig. 1 corrected,
minor modificiation in the text, conclusions unchanged, to appear in PR
Atmospheric and Solar Neutrino Masses from Horizontal U(1) Symmetry
We study the neutrino mass matrix in supersymmetric models in which the quark
and charged lepton mass hierarchies and also the suppression of baryon or
lepton number violating couplings are all explained by horizontal
symmetry. It is found that the neutrino masses and mixing angles suggested by
recent atmospheric and solar neutrino experiments arise naturally in this
framework which fits in best with gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking with
large . This framework highly favors the small angle MSW oscillation
of solar neutrinos, and determine the order of magnitudes of all the neutrino
mixing angles and mass hierarchies.Comment: No figures. 14 pages, revte
Maximal Neutrino Mixing from a Minimal Flavor Symmetry
We study a number of models, based on a non-Abelian discrete group, that
successfully reproduce the simple and predictive Yukawa textures usually
associated with U(2) theories of flavor. These models allow for solutions to
the solar and atmospheric neutrino problems that do not require altering
successful predictions for the charged fermions or introducing sterile
neutrinos. Although Yukawa matrices are hierarchical in the models we consider,
the mixing between second- and third-generation neutrinos is naturally large.
We first present a quantitative analysis of a minimal model proposed in earlier
work, consisting of a global fit to fermion masses and mixing angles, including
the most important renormalization group effects. We then propose two new
variant models: The first reproduces all important features of the SU(5)xU(2)
unified theory with neither SU(5) nor U(2). The second demonstrates that
discrete subgroups of SU(2) can be used in constructing viable supersymmetric
theories of flavor without scalar universality even though SU(2) by itself
cannot.Comment: 34 pages LaTeX, 1 eps figure, minor revisions and references adde
Signatures of multi-TeV scale particles in supersymmetric theories
Supersymmetric particles at the multi-TeV scale will escape direct detection
at planned future colliders. However, such particles induce non-decoupling
corrections in processes involving the accessible superparticles through
violations of the supersymmetric equivalence between gauge boson and gaugino
couplings. In a previous study, we parametrized these violations in terms of
super-oblique parameters and found significant deviations in well-motivated
models. Here, we systematically classify the possible experimental probes of
such deviations, and present detailed investigations of representative
observables available at a future linear collider. In some scenarios, the
option and adjustable beam energy are exploited to achieve high
precision. It is shown that precision measurements are possible for each of the
three coupling relations, leading to significant bounds on the masses and
properties of heavy superparticles and possible exotic sectors.Comment: 37 pages including 17 figures, REVTe
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