1,627 research outputs found

    Particle Pair Production in Cosmological General Relativity

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    The Cosmological General Relativity (CGR) of Carmeli, a 5-dimensional (5-D) theory of time, space and velocity, predicts the existence of an acceleration a_0 = c / tau due to the expansion of the universe, where c is the speed of light in vacuum, tau = 1 / h is the Hubble-Carmeli time constant, where h is the Hubble constant at zero distance and no gravity. The Carmeli force on a particle of mass m is F_c = m a_0, a fifth force in nature. In CGR, the effective mass density rho_eff = rho - rho_c, where rho is the matter density and rho_c is the critical mass density which we identify with the vacuum mass density rho_vac = -rho_c. The fields resulting from the weak field solution of the Einstein field equations in 5-D CGR and the Carmeli force are used to hypothesize the production of a pair of particles. The mass of each particle is found to be m = tau c^3 / 4 G, where G is Newton's constant. The vacuum mass density derived from the physics is rho_vac = -rho_c = -3 / (8 pi G tau^2). The cosmic microwave background (CMB) black body radiation at the temperature T_o = 2.72548 K which fills that volume is found to have a relationship to the ionization energy of the Hydrogen atom. Define the radiation energy epsilon_gamma = (1 - g) m c^2 / N_gamma, where (1-g) is the fraction of the initial energy m c^2 which converts to photons, g is a function of the baryon density parameter Omega_b and N_gamma is the total number of photons in the CMB radiation field. We make the connection with the ionization energy of the first quantum level of the Hydrogen atom by the hypothesis epsilon_gamma = [(1 - g) m c^2] / N_gamma = alpha^2 mu c^2 / 2, where alpha is the fine-structure constant and mu = m_p f / (1 + f), where f= m_e / m_p with m_e the electron mass and m_p the proton mass.Comment: 14 pages, 0 figures. The final publication is available at springerlink.co

    Young star clusters in M31

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    In our study of M31's globular cluster system with MMT/Hectospec, we have obtained high-quality spectra of 85 clusters with ages less than 1 Gyr. With the exception of Hubble V, the young cluster in NGC 205, we find that these young clusters have kinematics and spatial distribution consistent with membership in M31's young disk. Preliminary estimates of the cluster masses and structural parameters, using spectroscopically derived ages and HST imaging, confirms earlier suggestions that M31 has clusters similar to the LMC's young populous clusters.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, contributed talk at "Galaxies in the Local Volume" conference in Sydney, July 200

    The Impact of Interorganizational Imitation on New Venture International Entry and Performance

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    We examine the impact of interorganizational imitation on new venture international entry and subsequent performance. Using a sample of 150 U.S.-based publicly held new ventures, we find that new venture international entry is in part an imitative response to the internationalization of other firms in the venture\u27s home country industry and/or subsets of firms with certain traits or outcomes. We also find that interorganizational imitation moderates the relationship between new venture international entry and profitability, but not the relationship between new venture international entry and sales growth. These findings contribute to the growing body of literature on new venture internationalization

    Charge, geometry, and effective mass in the Kerr-Newman solution to the Einstein field equations

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    It has been shown that for the Reissner-Nordstrom solution to the vacuum Einstein field equations charge, like mass, has a unique space-time signature [Found. Phys. 38, 293-300 (2008)]. The presence of charge results in a negative curvature. This work, which includes a discussion of effective mass, is extended here to the Kerr-Newman solution.Comment: To appear in Foundations of Physics. Misprints have been corrected. 14 pages, 4 figure

    Understanding person acquisition using an interactive activation and competition network

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    Face perception is one of the most developed visual skills that humans display, and recent work has attempted to examine the mechanisms involved in face perception through noting how neural networks achieve the same performance. The purpose of the present paper is to extend this approach to look not just at human face recognition, but also at human face acquisition. Experiment 1 presents empirical data to describe the acquisition over time of appropriate representations for newly encountered faces. These results are compared with those of Simulation 1, in which a modified IAC network capable of modelling the acquisition process is generated. Experiment 2 and Simulation 2 explore the mechanisms of learning further, and it is demonstrated that the acquisition of a set of associated new facts is easier than the acquisition of individual facts in isolation of one another. This is explained in terms of the advantage gained from additional inputs and mutual reinforcement of developing links within an interactive neural network system. <br/

    Constraints from TcT_c and the isotope effect for MgB2_2

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    With the constraint that Tc=39T_c = 39 K, as observed for MgB2_2, we use the Eliashberg equations to compute possible allowed values of the isotope coefficient, β\beta. We find that while the observed value β=0.32\beta= 0.32 can be obtained in principle, it is difficult to reconcile a recently calculated spectral function with such a low observed value

    Supersymmetric Deformations of Type IIB Matrix Model as Matrix Regularization of N=4 SYM

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    We construct a Q=1\mathcal{Q}=1 supersymmetry and U(1)5U(1)^5 global symmetry preserving deformation of the type IIB matrix model. This model, without orbifold projection, serves as a nonperturbative regularization for N=4\mathcal{N}=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four Euclidean dimensions. Upon deformation, the eigenvalues of the bosonic matrices are forced to reside on the surface of a hypertorus. We explicitly show the relation between the noncommutative moduli space of the deformed matrix theory and the Brillouin zone of the emergent lattice theory. This observation makes the transmutation of the moduli space into the base space of target field theory clearer. The lattice theory is slightly nonlocal, however the nonlocality is suppressed by the lattice spacing. In the classical continuum limit, we recover the N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM theory. We also discuss the result in terms of D-branes and interpret it as collective excitations of D(-1) branes forming D3 branes.Comment: Version 2: Extended discussion of moduli space, added a referenc

    Initiation, discontinuation, and restarting HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: ongoing implementation strategies

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    When used appropriately, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) substantially reduces the risk of HIV acquisition. Early implementation outcomes often suggest poor PrEP adherence and persistence; however, this intervention is time-limited and the need for PrEP fluctuates as risk behaviours change. In this Viewpoint we examine the current guidelines and early programmatic outcomes after starting, stopping, and restarting PrEP, and we review the implications of PrEP in relation to HIV testing algorithms. Guidelines suggest to discontinue PrEP when a person is no longer at risk for HIV, but effectively implementing this strategy requires support tools to make the decision of stopping and restarting PrEP that considers the complex relationship between risk perceptions and risk behaviours. Safely discontinuing PrEP also requires greater understanding of the daily dosing duration that is needed to protect the person after their last HIV exposure. Additionally, clear strategies are needed to re-engage a person as their HIV exposure risk changes over time
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