78,017 research outputs found

    Monophyly of brachiopods and phoronids: reconciliation of molecular evidence with Linnaean classification (the subphylum Phoroniformea nov.)

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    Molecular phylogenetic analyses of aligned 18S rDNA gene sequences from articulate and inarticulate brachiopods representing all major extant lineages, an enhanced set of phoronids and several unrelated protostome taxa, confirm previous indications that in such data, brachiopod and phoronids form a well-supported clade that (on previous evidence) is unambiguously affiliated with protostomes rather than deuterostomes. Within the brachiopod-phoronid clade, an association between phoronids and inarticulate brachiopods is moderately well supported, whilst a close relationship between phoronids and craniid inarticulates is weakly indicated. Brachiopod-phoronid monophyly is reconciled with the most recent Linnaean classification of brachiopods by abolition of the phylum Phoronida and rediagnosis of the phylum Brachiopoda to include tubiculous, shell-less forms. Recognition that brachiopods and phoronids are close genealogical allies of protostome phyla such as molluscs and annelids, but are much more distantly related to deuterostome phyla such as echinoderms and chordates, implies either (or both) that the morphology and ontogeny of blastopore, mesoderm and coelom formation have been widely misreported or misinterpreted, or that these characters have been subject to extensive homoplasy. This inference, if true, undermines virtually all morphology-based reconstructions of phylogeny made during the past century or more

    Absorption and emission spectroscopies of homogeneous and inhomogeneously broadened multilevel systems in strong light fields

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    A method is introduced to calc., for a model set of mol. levels, the spectral line shapes expected for a variety of conventional laser expts. including absorption, hole burning, fluorescence line narrowing, and Raman scattering. The method allows the incident laser field to have arbitrary intensity. Furthermore, the effects of model gaussian or lorenzian inhomogeneous distributions are readily incorporated. Earlier results for a 2-level system are easily obtained and new results are presented for inhomogeneously broadened 2- and 3-level systems, and for the effects of pure dephasing on the strong field spectra. The differences between fluorescence and Raman in strong fields, and the effect of strong fields on the spontaneous emission of inhomogeneously broadened transitions were described. Some predictions are made regarding line narrowing expts. in the strong-field limit

    The MICZ-Kepler Problems in All Dimensions

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    The Kepler problem is a physical problem about two bodies which attract each other by a force proportional to the inverse square of the distance. The MICZ-Kepler problems are its natural cousins and have been previously generalized from dimension three to dimension five. In this paper, we construct and analyze the (quantum) MICZ-Kepler problems in all dimensions higher than two.Comment: A minor technical error in section 5.2 (see footnote 6) is correcte

    Measurement of the ac Stark shift with a guided matter-wave interferometer

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    We demonstrate the effectiveness of a guided-wave Bose-Einstein condensate interferometer for practical measurements. Taking advantage of the large arm separations obtainable in our interferometer, the energy levels of the 87Rb atoms in one arm of the interferometer are shifted by a calibrated laser beam. The resulting phase shifts are used to determine the ac polarizability at a range of frequencies near and at the atomic resonance. The measured values are in good agreement with theoretical expectations. However, we observe a broadening of the transition near the resonance, an indication of collective light scattering effects. This nonlinearity may prove useful for the production and control of squeezed quantum states.Comment: 5 pages, three figure

    ac Stark shift and multiphoton-like resonances in low-frequency driven optical lattices

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    We suggest that Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices subjected to ac forcing with a smooth envelope may provide detailed experimental access to multiphoton-like transitions between ac-Stark-shifted Bloch bands. Such transitions correspond to resonances described theoretically by avoided quasienergy crossings. We show that the width of such anticrossings can be inferred from measurements involving asymmetric pulses. We also introduce a pulse tracking strategy for locating the particular driving amplitudes for which resonances occur. Our numerical calculations refer to a currently existing experimental set-up [Haller et al., PRL 104, 200403 (2010)].Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Observation of the dielectric-waveguide mode of light propagation in p-n junctions

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    Theoretical considerations of the propagation of electromagnetic energy near a p-n junction (1) show that the “sandwich” formed by having a depletion layer bounded by the p and n regions can act as a dielectric waveguide. (1,2

    Tree-level electron-photon interactions in graphene

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    Graphene's low-energy electronic excitations obey a 2+1 dimensional Dirac Hamiltonian. After extending this Hamiltonian to include interactions with a quantized electromagnetic field, we calculate the amplitude associated with the simplest, tree-level Feynman diagram: the vertex connecting a photon with two electrons. This amplitude leads to analytic expressions for the 3D angular dependence of photon emission, the photon-mediated electron-hole recombination rate, and corrections to graphene's opacity πα\pi \alpha and dynamic conductivity πe2/2h\pi e^2/2 h for situations away from thermal equilibrium, as would occur in a graphene laser. We find that Ohmic dissipation in perfect graphene can be attributed to spontaneous emission.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Dressed States of a two component Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    A condensate with two internal states coupled by external electromagnetic radiation, is described by coupled Gross Pitaevskii equations, whose eigenstates are analogous to the dressed states of quantum optics. We solve for these eigenstates numerically in the case of one spatial dimension, and explore their properties as a function of system parameters. In contrast to the quantum optical case, the condensate dressed states exhibit spatial behaviour which depends on the system parameters, and can be manipulated by changing the cw external field.Comment: 6 pages, including 6 figures. This paper was presented at ACOLS98, and is submitted to a special issue of J. Opt.