1,802 research outputs found

    Most nuclear systemic autoantigens are extremely disordered proteins: implications for the etiology of systemic autoimmunity

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    Patients with systemic autoimmune diseases usually produce high levels of antibodies to self-antigens (autoantigens). The repertoire of common autoantigens is remarkably limited, yet no readily understandable shared thread links these apparently diverse proteins. Using computer prediction algorithms, we have found that most nuclear systemic autoantigens are predicted to contain long regions of extreme structural disorder. Such disordered regions would generally make poor B cell epitopes and are predicted to be under-represented as potential T cell epitopes. Consideration of the potential role of protein disorder may give novel insights into the possible role of molecular mimicry in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity. The recognition of extreme autoantigen protein disorder has led us to an explicit model of epitope spreading that explains many of the paradoxical aspects of autoimmunity – in particular, the difficulty in identifying autoantigen-specific helper T cells that might collaborate with the B cells activated in systemic autoimmunity. The model also explains the experimentally observed breakdown of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class specificity in peptides associated with the MHC II proteins of activated autoimmune B cells, and sheds light on the selection of particular T cell epitopes in autoimmunity. Finally, the model helps to rationalize the relative rarity of clinically significant autoimmunity despite the prevalence of low specificity/low avidity autoantibodies in normal individuals

    Disturbances of apoptotic cell clearance in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus is a multifactorial autoimmune disease with an as yet unknown etiopathogenesis. It is widely thought that self-immunization in systemic lupus is driven by defective clearance of dead and dying cells. In lupus patients, large numbers of apoptotic cells accumulate in various tissues including germinal centers. In the present review, we discuss the danger signals released by apoptotic cells, their triggering of inflammatory responses, and the breakdown of B-cell tolerance. We also review the pathogenic role of apoptotic cell clearance in systemic lupus erythematosus

    (Field) Symmetrization Selection Rules

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    QCD and QED exhibit an infinite set of three-point Green's functions that contain only OZI rule violating contributions, and (for QCD) are subleading in the large N_c expansion. The Green's functions describe the ``decay'' of a J^{PC}={1,3,5 ...}^{-+} exotic hybrid meson current to two J=0 (hybrid) meson currents with identical P and C. We prove that the QCD amplitude for a neutral hybrid {1,3,5 ...}^{-+} exotic current to create eta pi0 only comes from OZI rule violating contributions under certain conditions, and is subleading in N_c.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX. Two postscript figures. Final published versio

    The lpr gene causes an intrinsic T cell abnormality that is required for hyperproliferation

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    The lpr gene induces marked lymphoproliferation characterized by the massive accumulation of T cells of an unusual phenotype and concomitant autoimmune disease. To clarify the mechanism of the lpr effect, bone marrow cells from B6-lpr/lpr (Ly-1.2) and B6-+/+ (Ly-1.1) mice were transferred into lethally irradiated B6-lpr/lpr mice. As has been previously reported, recipients of the B6-lpr/lpr bone marrow showed the typical lpr phenotype with marked lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly and increased levels of autoantibodies; while the recipients of B6-+/+ bone marrow had normal sized lymph nodes and spleen and no autoantibodies. A third group of mice received an equal mixture of bone marrow cells from the B6-lpr/lpr and B6-+/+ donors. These mice showed both lymphadenopathy and autoantibody production comparable to that of recipients of the B6-lpr/lpr marrow alone. Immunofluorocytometric analysis of the lymphoid populations in these mixed bone marrow recipients established that the T cells from the lpr/lpr and +/+ donors were equivalently represented in the peripheral blood and thymus. In striking contrast, the T cells that accumulated in abnormally large numbers in the lymph nodes were almost entirely from the lpr donor. Their surface phenotype was Thy-1+(dull), Ly-1.2+(dull), Lyt-2-, L3T4-, 9F3+, and 3A1+, which is consistent with that found in intact lpr mice. These results indicate that the lpr gene causes an intrinsic defect directly within the T cells that accumulate in large numbers in lpr mice. In addition, the presence of the +/+ T cells cannot prevent the expression of the lpr abnormalities

    The Opioid Epidemic Has Disrupted Children’s Living Arrangements

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    The contemporary drug overdose crisis has had profound impacts on children and families in the United States. This brief summarizes how children’s living arrangements have changed during the opioid epidemic. The authors find that opioid overdose deaths are associated with decreasing shares of children living with two married parents and increases in shares of children living with unmarried but cohabiting parents, single fathers, and adults other than their parents. These changes have been most pronounced among White children

    Oral rivaroxaban versus standard therapy for the treatment of symptomatic venous thromboembolism : a pooled analysis of the EINSTEIN-DVT and PE randomized studies

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    Background: Standard treatment for venous thromboembolism (VTE) consists of a heparin combined with vitamin K antagonists. Direct oral anticoagulants have been investigated for acute and extended treatment of symptomatic VTE; their use could avoid parenteral treatment and/or laboratory monitoring of anticoagulant effects. Methods: A prespecified pooled analysis of the EINSTEIN-DVT and EINSTEIN-PE studies compared the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban (15 mg twice-daily for 21 days, followed by 20 mg once-daily) with standard-therapy (enoxaparin 1.0 mg/kg twice-daily and warfarin or acenocoumarol). Patients were treated for 3, 6, or 12 months and followed for suspected recurrent VTE and bleeding. The prespecified noninferiority margin was 1.75. Results: 8282 patients were enrolled. 4151 received rivaroxaban and 4131 received standard-therapy. The primary efficacy outcome occurred in 86 rivaroxaban-treated patients (2.1%) compared with 95 (2.3%) standard-therapy-treated patients (hazard ratio, 0.89; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.66-1.19; pnoninferiority<0.001). Major bleeding was observed in 40 (1.0%) and 72 (1.7%) patients in the rivaroxaban and standard-therapy groups, respectively (hazard ratio, 0.54; 95% CI, 0.37-0.79; p=0.002). In key subgroups, including fragile patients, cancer patients, patients presenting with large clots and those with a history of recurrent VTE, the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban was similar compared with standard-therapy. Conclusion: The single-drug approach with rivaroxaban resulted in similar efficacy to standard-therapy and was associated with a significantly lower rate of major bleeding. Efficacy and safety results were consistent among key patient subgroups

    Understanding Schools and Schooling. (Book Review)

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    A review of a book written by Clive Chitty (2002 with a useful focus on issues of equity and social justice, including prejudice, discrimination and bullying in secondary schools. Education policy makers need to explore the extent to which it is important to produce interested, motivated and socially balanced young adults. It is well researched and documented