200 research outputs found

    Modified f(R) gravity from scalar-tensor theory and inhomogeneous EoS dark energy

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    The reconstruction of f(R)-gravity is showed by using an auxiliary scalar field in the context of cosmological evolution, this development provide a way of reconstruct the form of the function f (R) for a given evolution of the Hubble parameter. In analogy, f(R)-gravity may be expressed by a perfect fluid with an inhomogeneous equation of state that depends on the Hubble parameter and its derivatives. This mathematical equivalence that may confuse about the origin of the mechanism that produces the current acceleration, and possibly the whole evolution of the Hubble parameter, is shown here.Comment: 8 page

    Euclidean Approach to the Entropy for a Scalar Field in Rindler-like Space-Times

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    The off-shell entropy for a massless scalar field in a D-dimensional Rindler-like space-time is investigated within the conical Euclidean approach in the manifold C_\be\times\M^N, C_\be being the 2-dimensional cone, making use of the zeta-function regularisation. Due to the presence of conical singularities, it is shown that the relation between the zeta-function and the heat kernel is non trivial and, as first pointed out by Cheeger, requires a separation between small and large eigenvalues of the Laplace operator. As a consequence, in the massless case, the (naive) non existence of the Mellin transform is by-passed by the Cheeger's analytical continuation of the zeta-function on manifold with conical singularities. Furthermore, the continuous spectrum leads to the introduction of smeared traces. In general, it is pointed out that the presence of the divergences may depend on the smearing function and they arise in removing the smearing cutoff. With a simple choice of the smearing function, horizon divergences in the thermodynamical quantities are recovered and these are similar to the divergences found by means of off-shell methods like the brick wall model, the optical conformal transformation techniques or the canonical path integral method.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex. A sign error corrected and few comments adde

    One-loop quantum cosmological correction to the gravitational constant using the kink solution in de Sitter universe

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    In this paper, we show the equivalence between a classical static scalar field theory and the (closed) de Sitter cosmological model whose potential represents shape invariance property. Based on this equivalence, we calculate the one-loop quantum cosmological correction to the ground state energy of the kink-like solution in the (closed) de Sitter cosmological model in which the fluctuation potential VV^{\prime\prime} has a shape invariance property. It is shown that this type of correction, which yields a renormalized mass in the case of scalar field theory, may be {\it interpreted} as a renormalized gravitational constant in the case of (closed) de Sitter cosmological model. Keywords: One-loop correction; kink energy; shape invariance; zeta function regularization; de Sitter universe.Comment: 18 page

    Casimir Effect for Spherical Shell in de Sitter Space

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    The Casimir stress on a spherical shell in de Sitter background for massless scalar field satisfying Dirichlet boundary conditions on the shell is calculated. The metric is written in conformally flat form. Although the metric is time dependent no particles are created. The Casimir stress is calculated for inside and outside of the shell with different backgrounds corresponding to different cosmological constants. The detail dynamics of the bubble depends on different parameter of the model. Specifically, bubbles with true vacuum inside expand if the difference in the vacuum energies is small, otherwise they collapse.Comment: 9 pages, submitted to Class. Quantum Gra

    Effective Finite Temperature Partition Function for Fields on Non-Commutative Flat Manifolds

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    The first quantum correction to the finite temperature partition function for a self-interacting massless scalar field on a DD-dimensional flat manifold with pp non-commutative extra dimensions is evaluated by means of dimensional regularization, suplemented with zeta-function techniques. It is found that the zeta function associated with the effective one-loop operator may be nonregular at the origin. The important issue of the determination of the regularized vacuum energy, namely the first quantum correction to the energy in such case is discussed.Comment: amslatex, 14 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Bulk versus brane running couplings

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    A simplified higher dimensional Randall-Sundrum-like model in 6 dimensions is considered. It has been observed previously by Goldberger and Wise that in such a self-interacting scalar theory on the bulk with a conical singularity there is mixing of renormalization of 4d brane couplings with that of the bulk couplings. We study the influence of the running bulk couplings on the running of the 4d brane couplings. We find that bulk quantum effects may completely alter the running of brane couplings. In particular, the structure of the Landau pole may be drastically altered and non-asymptotically free running may turn into asymptotically safe (or free) behavior.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, REVTeX

    Thermal partition function of photons and gravitons in a Rindler wedge

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    The thermal partition function of photons in any covariant gauge and gravitons in the harmonic gauge, propagating in a Rindler wedge, are computed using a local ζ\zeta-function regularization approach. The correct Planckian leading order temperature dependence T4T^4 is obtained in both cases. For the photons, the existence of a surface term giving a negative contribution to the entropy is confirmed, as earlier obtained by Kabat, but this term is shown to be gauge dependent in the four-dimensional case and, therefore is discarded. It is argued that similar terms could appear dealing with any integer spin s1s\geq 1 in the massless case and in more general manifolds. Our conjecture is checked in the case of a graviton in the harmonic gauge, where different surface terms also appear, and physically consistent results arise dropping these terms. The results are discussed in relation to the quantum corrections to the black hole entropy.Comment: 29 pages, RevTeX, no figures. Minor errors corrected and a few comments changed since first submission. To be published on Phys.Rev.

    Hawking Radiation Entropy and Horizon Divergences

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    We review the problem of divergences in one--loop thermodynamical quantities for matter fields in thermal equilibrium on a black hole background. We discuss a number of results obtained for various thermodynamical quantities. Then we discuss the ansatz called ``literal interpretation" of zeroth law of black hole mechanics and try to explain the diseases of the conical defect procedure in light of this ansatz. Finally, an analysis of the consequences implied by our ansatz on the calculation of the partition function is made.Comment: 32 pages, uses Phyzz