25 research outputs found

    Exceptional eruptive CO2 emissions from intra-plate alkaline magmatism in the Canary volcanic archipelago

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    Alkaline mafic magmas forming intra-plate oceanic islands are believed to be strongly enriched in CO2 due to low-degree partial melting of enriched mantle sources. However, until now, such CO2 enhancement has not been verified by measuring CO2 degassing during a subaerial eruption. Here, we provide evidence of highly CO2-rich gas emissions during the 86-day 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma Island, in the Canary archipelago. Our results reveal sustained high plume CO2/SO2 ratios, which, when combined with SO2 fluxes, melt inclusion volatile contents and magma production rates at explosive and effusive vents, imply a magmatic CO2 content of 4.5 ± 1.5 wt%. The amount of CO2 released during the 2021 eruptive activity was 28 ± 14 Mt CO2. Extrapolating to the volume of alkaline mafic magmas forming La Palma alone (estimated as 4000 km3 erupted over 11 Ma), we infer a maximum CO2 emission into the ocean and atmosphere of 1016 moles of CO2, equivalent to 20% of the eruptive CO2 emissions from a large igneous province eruption, suggesting that the formation of the Canary volcanic archipelago produced a CO2 emission of similar magnitude as a large igneous province

    La Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (SENPE) ante las administraciones públicas The Spanish Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SENPE) and its relation with healthcare authorities

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    Está muy bien documentado en la literatura médica que la desnutrición es un problema común en todos los niveles de atención sanitaria, desde atención primaria a especializada y en centros de atención geriátrica. Este problema no se limita a países con pocos recursos económicos o con limitado desarrollo social y económico. También es un problema universal en Europa. La desnutrición aumenta las cifras de morbilidad, mortalidad, ingresos hospitalarios y duración de la estancia. Estas cifras más elevadas suponen lógicamente un aumento del uso de recursos sanitarios. A pesar de esto, el problema de la desnutrición a menudo puede pasar desapercibido y el paciente no recibir el tratamiento necesario. Este problema requiere la cooperación de múltiples agentes tales como los Gobiernos de los Estados, los profesionales de la salud y los mismos ciudadanos. El VIII Foro de Debate concluye con la necesidad de establecer un claro plan de actuación (a semejanza de la European Alliance for Health Nutrition) y la creación de una plataforma (coalición) que reúna las voces de asociaciones de profesionales sanitarios, instituciones, colegios profesionales, asociaciones de pacientes, industria y entidades aseguradoras. Los fines de esta plataforma consistirán en informar de la extensión del problema, identificar y potenciar líderes que transmitan los fines de esta iniciativa ante las autoridades autonómicas y nacionales, propuesta de soluciones y colaboración en su puesta en marcha y finalmente, evaluación/control de las acciones desarrolladas.It has been well documented in medical literature that hyponutrition is a common issue at all healthcare levels, from primary to specialized health care, as well as geriatric healthcare facilities. This problem is not limited to countries with scarce economic resources or limited social development; it is also a universal issue in Europe. Hyponutrition increases the rates of morbidity, mortality, hospital admissions, and hospital stay. These higher figures also represent a higher use of healthcare resources. In spite of this, hyponutrition may often go undetected and the patient may not receive the necessary treatment. This problem requires the cooperation of multiple agents such as the Governments, the healthcare professionals, and the citizens themselves. The VIII Discussion Forum concludes on the need to establish a clear-cut plant for action (similar to the European Alliance for Health Nutrition) and the creation of a platform (coalition) encompassing the voices of healthcare professionals associations, institutions, professional colleges, patients associations, the pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies. The goals of this platform will be to inform about the extent of this issue, to identity and promote leaders that will convey the aims of this initiative to regional and national healthcare authorities, to present solutions and to collaborate in their implementation, and finally to assess/control the actions taken