55 research outputs found

    BJIHS continues to increase its H index on Google Scholar.

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    Google Scholar is a Google search tool that allows you to search academic papers, school literature, university newspapers and various articles. Launched in November 2004, it started offering searches in Portuguese on January 10, 2006 [1]. Currently, the Google Scholar H index has become a CAPES evaluation criterion for classifying and ranking journals on the sucupira platform, through the Qualis note [2]. The BJIHS in just one year achieved the feat of having the H 6 index. This means that the newspaper has 6 articles with at least 6 citations within the Google Scholar database. We are very grateful to the authors of these articles who help to boost the BJIHS metrics and make the newspaper each edition more relevant within the scientific community.Google Scholar is a Google search tool that allows you to search academic papers, school literature, university newspapers and various articles. Launched in November 2004, it started offering searches in Portuguese on January 10, 2006 [1]. Currently, the Google Scholar H index has become a CAPES evaluation criterion for classifying and ranking journals on the sucupira platform, through the Qualis note [2]. The BJIHS in just one year achieved the feat of having the H 6 index. This means that the newspaper has 6 articles with at least 6 citations within the Google Scholar database. We are very grateful to the authors of these articles who help to boost the BJIHS metrics and make the newspaper each edition more relevant within the scientific community

    Indexing at Latindex and article very well received by the scientific community.

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      Dear readers and collaborators of BJIHS, it was with great joy that we received the news of the indexing of our newspaper in the largest and most important database in Latin America, Latindex. Although it does not require presentations, Latindex (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal) initially called the Latin American Index of Serial Scientific Publications, is an academic, non-profit and consultation information system free of charge, specialized in scientific journals produced in Ibero-American countries, as a result of cooperation between different institutions in 23 countries; it also offers information on thematic journals on Latin America published outside the region. Another good news was the metric scope of the article “COVID-19, health system disaster in the present and economic tragedy in the very near future. ”¹ by authors Pedro Lemos, Naomar Almeida-Filho and Josélia Firmo [1]. The article in question in just one month already has 4 citations in Google Scholar and we believe that very soon it will be responsible for raising our H index to 6. We are very grateful to all the authors who publish with us and make each issue this journal much more relevant within the academic community of health sciences.Dear readers and collaborators of BJIHS, it was with great joy that we received the news of the indexing of our newspaper in the largest and most important database in Latin America, Latindex. Although it does not require presentations, Latindex (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal) initially called the Latin American Index of Serial Scientific Publications, is an academic, non-profit and consultation information system free of charge, specialized in scientific journals produced in Ibero-American countries, as a result of cooperation between different institutions in 23 countries; it also offers information on thematic journals on Latin America published outside the region. Another good news was the metric scope of the article “COVID-19, health system disaster in the present and economic tragedy in the very near future. ”¹ by authors Pedro Lemos, Naomar Almeida-Filho and Josélia Firmo [1]. The article in question in just one month already has 4 citations in Google Scholar and we believe that very soon it will be responsible for raising our H index to 6. We are very grateful to all the authors who publish with us and make each issue this journal much more relevant within the academic community of health sciences.   &nbsp

    Informação importante sobre o artigo “ A relação direta entre vitamina D e insuficiência cardíaca: Uma revisão sistemática”.

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    Dear readers of the BJIHS, it was with great surprise that we were informed by the co-author of the article entitled "The direct relationship between vitamin D and heart failure: A systematic review", Prof. Dr. Alanderson Alves Ramalho, published in the December 2019 edition, that he was not aware of this article and that he had not sent anything to the journal BJIHS. As we did not get any kind of response in the email informed by the corresponding author, we understand that the refusal of the noble Prof. Dr. must prevail in this situation. We formally apologize to the authors Flavia Santos Batista Dias, Priscila Oliveira de Miranda and Alanderson Alves Ramalho for this unusual situation. The article was removed from this newspaper and for now they still follow the negotiations to find out what really happened, and even the publication fee of R 295.00waspaid.IamgratefulforthecompressionofallthoseinvolvedandIaskthatthearticleinquestionnotbeusedasareferenceinanystudy,withthepenaltyofnotrecognizingthisnewspaperaboutsuchpublication.CarosleitoresdoBJIHS,foicommuitasurpresaquefomosinformadospelocoautordoartigointituladoArelac\ca~odiretaentrevitaminaDeinsuficie^nciacardıˊaca:Umarevisa~osistemaˊtica,Prof.Dr.AlandersonAlvesRamalho,publicadonaedic\ca~odedezembrode2019,queomesmona~otinhaconhecimentodesteartigoequena~ohaviaenviadonadaaoperioˊdicoBJIHS.Comona~oconseguimosnenhumtipoderespostanoemailinformadopeloautorcorrespondente,entendemosqueanegativadonobreProf.Dr.devaprevalecernestasituac\ca~o.PedimosformalmentedesculpasaosautoresFlaviaSantosBatistaDias,PriscilaOliveiradeMirandaeAlandersonAlvesRamalhoporestasituac\ca~oinusitada.Oartigofoiremovidodestejornaleporhoraaindaseguemastratativasparadescobriroquerealmenteaconteceu,sendoqueateˊataxadepublicac\ca~odeR 295.00 was paid. I am grateful for the compression of all those involved and I ask that the article in question not be used as a reference in any study, with the penalty of not recognizing this newspaper about such publication.Caros leitores do BJIHS, foi com muita surpresa que fomos informados pelo coautor do artigo intitulado “ A relação direta entre vitamina D e insuficiência cardíaca: Uma revisão sistemática”, Prof. Dr. Alanderson Alves Ramalho, publicado na edição de dezembro de 2019, que o mesmo não tinha conhecimento deste artigo e que não havia enviado nada ao periódico BJIHS. Como não conseguimos nenhum tipo de resposta no email informado pelo autor correspondente, entendemos que a negativa do nobre Prof. Dr. deva prevalecer nesta situação. Pedimos formalmente desculpas aos autores Flavia Santos Batista Dias, Priscila Oliveira de Miranda e Alanderson Alves Ramalho por esta situação inusitada. O artigo foi removido deste jornal e por hora ainda seguem as tratativas para descobrir o que realmente aconteceu, sendo que até a taxa de publicação de R 295,00 foi paga. Agradeço a compressão de todos os envolvidos e peço que o artigo em questão não seja utilizado como referência em nenhum estudo, tendo como pena o não reconhecimento deste jornal sobre tal publicação

    Basic periodontitis manual: what it is, symptoms and treatments.

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    Periodontitis is an inflammation and chronic infection in the gum, caused by the accumulation of plaque or tartar between the teeth and the gum, and excessive proliferation of bacteria, which over time, results in the destruction of the tissue that supports the tooth, which may affect a or more teeth. Periodontitis can be noticed by swelling in the gum, which can also be red and bleed during brushing and eating. Also, when you observe that your teeth are becoming crooked or gradually separated, it may be a sign that the supporting tissues of your teeth are weakened. It is important to consult the dentist whenever symptoms of periodontitis appear so that the diagnosis is made and the most appropriate treatment is indicated, which can be done with removal of bacterial plaque and tartar, use of antibiotics or surgery.   Image 1: Teeth with generalized periodontitis. Symptoms of periodontitis The main symptoms of periodontitis are:   - Bad breath; - Very red gums; - Swollen gums; - Gum bleeding after brushing your teeth or eating; - Red and swollen gums; - Crooked teeth; - Teeth softening; - Increased tooth sensitivity; - Loss of teeth; - Increased space between teeth; - Waking up with blood on the pillow.   Periodontitis can be localized, affecting only one or the other tooth, or generalized, when it affects all teeth at the same time. The change in the appearance of the teeth is what most attracts the attention of the person, or people close to them.   Most people suffer from an episode of gum inflammation at least once in their lives, being particularly common in women during pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, but not everyone will have periodontitis, which despite having gingivitis as a symptom, is a more serious condition, which may even require deep scaling of the gums and dental surgery.   How to confirm the diagnosis The diagnosis of periodontitis can be made by the dentist by observing the person's teeth and gums, and assessing the health history, to identify lifestyle habits or use of medicines that may be leading to the emergence of symptoms. In addition, to confirm periodontitis, the dentist should request an image exam, such as a panoramic X-ray, in order to assess the bone loss in the affected region. Learn how the panoramic X-ray is done.   Possible causes The main cause of periodontitis is the formation of bacterial plaque and tartar on the teeth and between the teeth and the gums, causing chronic inflammation in the gums, and the development of pockets containing bacteria, plaques and tartar, between the gums and the teeth, which can lead to deep infections and loss of bone tissue.   Some factors can increase the risk of developing periodontitis, such as:   - Poor oral hygiene; - Habit of smoking or chewing tobacco; - Hormonal changes in pregnancy or menopause; - Electronic cigarette or VAPE use; - Vitamin C deficiency; - Type 2 diabetes; - Obesity; - Rheumatoid arthritis; - Crohn's disease; - Use of oral contraceptives; - Use of drugs that reduce saliva production, such as antihistamines, antidepressants or antihypertensives.   In addition, genetic factors or diseases that affect the immune system, such as HIV infection or leukemia, can also increase the risk of developing periodontitis.   Treatment of periodontitis Treatment to end periodontitis involves scraping the root of the tooth, in the office and under anesthesia, to remove tartar plaque and bacteria that are destroying the bone structure that supports the tooth. The use of antibiotics may be part of the treatment in some cases. Maintenance at the dentist periodically decreases the evolution of this inflammation and helps to control the disease, reducing bone loss and preventing tooth loss. In addition, not smoking, brushing your teeth daily and flossing are ways to control and cure periodontitis


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    The editorial board of BJIHS informs its readers that there has been a change in the presentation cover of the articles in PDF, available for download in each publication. As of this third edition, the newspaper's logo will be added in the upper left corner, where previously there was only the acronym BJIHS. There was a change in the formatting of the presentation cover of articles in PDF, for a better aesthetic of publications. These changes in no way alter the submission process of articles and changes in the cover lyout.O conselho editorial do BJIHS informa aos seus leitores que houve uma mudança na capa de apresentação dos artigos em PDF, disponíveis para download em cada publicação. A partir desta terceira edição será acrescentado a logo do jornal no canto superior esquerdo, onde antes havia apenas a sigla BJIHS. Houve uma mudança na formatação da capa de apresentação dos artigos em PDF, para uma melhor estética das publicações. Estas mudanças em nada alteram o processo de submissão dos artigos e as mudanças no lyout da capa

    BJIHS nas métricas do Google Scholar.

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    It is with great joy that we inform the scientific community that the BJIHS is ranked in the Google Scholar metrics. With the new update in July 2021, the Google Scholar h5 index shows the BJIHS with an h index of 11 and median of 20.¹ Image for BJIHS ranking in Google Scholar metrics.¹É com muita alegria que informamos a comunidade científica que o BJIHS está classificado nas métricas do Google Scholar. Com a nova atualização em julho de 2021, o índicie h5 do Google Scholar mostra o BJIHS com um índice h 11 e mediana 20.¹ Imagem referente a classificação do BJIHS nas métricas do Google Scholar.


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    Dear authors, I inform you that the new value of the publication fee at BJIHS is R350.00forBrazilianauthorsandU350.00 for Brazilian authors and U100.00 for foreign authors. We count on everyone's understanding. Yours sincerelyProf. Dr. Éber Coelho ParaguassuBJIHS Editor-in-ChiefWhatsApp 96 981460116https://bjihs.emnuvens.com.br/bjihs       Prezados autores, informo que o novo valor da taxa de publicação no BJIHS é de R350,00paraautoresbrasileirosedeU 350,00 para autores brasileiros e de U 100,00 para autores estrangeiros.          Contamos com a compreenção de todos.   Atenciosamente Prof. Dr. Éber Coelho Paraguassu Editor Chefe do BJIHS WhatsApp 96 981460116 https://bjihs.emnuvens.com.br/bjih

    Indexação regularizada no Google Acadêmico.

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    After almost a year of problems with indexing in Google Scholar, I inform all authors and readers of BJIHS that the journal has all its articles indexed on the platform again and everything is back to normal.This return was only possible thanks to the lawsuit filed by this newspaper against Google, which recognizes the error in court the correction.Após quase um ano de probelmas com indexação no Google Acadêmico, informo a todos os autores e leitores do BJIHS que o periódico voltou a ter todos seus artigos indexados na plataforma e tudo esta de volta ao normal. Este retorno só foi possivel graças a ação judicial impetrada por este jornal contra a Google, que reconhecendo o erro em juizo o corrigio

    COVID-19, a relação direta entre o capital, solidariedade e as vidas.

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    COVID-19 is imposing a radical change on humanity in the way of living and socializing. It is not little. It does not compare to other epidemics recently faced. No one in our generation or the generation of our parents or children had ever experienced a similar situation. We are confined. We are terrified of a virus, whose feats are not completely known.In Macapá, and certainly in other cities as well, sound cars circulate with messages that resemble films about dystopian futures: “stay at home, don't get contaminated, don't go out on the streets”. Images multiply of policemen forcing people to return home or of homeless people approaching passersby to plead for help.The streets are the public place par excellence. The space in which the recognition of the other becomes real, in which we see people who live realities different from ours, we practice empathy, we exercise our humanity. It is also the space where most of us put our bodies and souls for sale, in exchange for the remuneration that allows them to eat, dress and live. But public space is prohibited.In some cities in the south of the country, stone barricades prevent cars from accessing some places. The logic of the internal enemy, irresponsibly supported by the press and our leaders in recent years, is now enhanced by the concrete threat of the pandemic.There is something of hysteria and detachment from reality, be it in the terrorist speeches that lead people to stock up on food, buy medicine that does not fight the virus or make barricades, and in those inhabited by magical thoughts, for which nothing bad can happen. We are not facing a “little flu” as our dear president of the republic referred, but we are also far from facing a disease with a high virulent burden or high lethality.A COVID-19 está impondo à humanidade uma mudança radical na forma de viver e conviver socialmente. Não é pouco. Não se compara a outras epidemias enfrentadas recentemente. Ninguém da nossa geração ou da geração de nossos pais ou filhos havia vivenciado situação similar. Estamos confinados. Estamos apavorados diante de um vírus, cujos feitos não são completamente conhecidos. Em Macapá, e certamente em outras cidades também, carros de som circulam com mensagens que lembram filmes sobre futuros distópicos: “fiquem em casa, não se contaminem, não saiam às ruas”. Multiplicam-se imagens de policiais obrigando as pessoas a voltarem para a casa ou de moradores de rua abordando os passantes para suplicar auxílio. As ruas constituem o local público por excelência. O espaço em que o reconhecimento do outro se faz real, em que enxergamos pessoas que vivem realidades diversas da nossa, praticamos empatia, exercemos nossa humanidade. É também o espaço em que a maioria de nós coloca seu corpo e sua alma à venda, em troca da remuneração que lhes permite comer, vestir e morar. Mas o espaço público está proibido. Em algumas cidades do sul do país barricadas de pedras impedem o acesso dos carros a alguns locais. A lógica do inimigo interno, sustentada de modo irresponsável por parte da imprensa e de nossos governantes nos últimos anos, hoje é potencializada diante da ameaça concreta da pandemia. Há um tanto de histeria e de descolamento da realidade, seja nos discursos terroristas que levam pessoas a estocar alimentos, comprar remédios que não combatem o vírus ou fazer barricadas, quanto naqueles habitados por pensamentos mágicos, para os quais nada de mal pode acontecer. Não estamos enfrentando uma “gripezinha” como referiu-se nosso querido presidente da república, mas também estamos longe de estarmos enfrentando uma doença com alta carga virulenta e alta ou moderada letalidade

    O manejo da doença periodontal e peri-implantar.

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    Periodontal disease is the most prevalent preventable disease in the world and can have serious consequences for health and impact on quality of life and productivity. In recent years, the installation of dental implants has become more frequent in order to treat aesthetic and functional problems due to the natural loss of teeth. When considering the restoration of dentition, minimally invasive dentistry favors adjacent teeth, remaining intact in terms of functionality and aesthetics, restoring function and quality of life that were previously lost. It is important for the patient to understand that after a rehabilitation with dental implants, the care with gingival and peri-implant health around that implant is as or more important than the care with the prosthesis itself, as it is the peri-implant tissues that will keep the prosthesis in function in the medium and long term. I endeavored to provide an informative and interesting, thought-provoking article, limited to the non-surgical treatment of peri-implant disease, its presentation and clinical and oral hygiene protocols.A doença periodontal é a doença evitável mais prevalente no mundo e pode ter sérias consequências para a saúde e impacto na qualidade de vida e produtividade. Nos últimos anos, a instalação de implantes dentários tornou-se mais frequente, a fim de tratar problemas estéticos e funcionais devido à perda natural de dentes. Ao considerar a restauração da dentição, a odontologia minimamente invasiva favorece os dentes adjacentes, permanecendo intactos em termos de funcionalidade e estética, devolvendo na integralidade função e qualidade de vida, outrora perdidas. É importante o paciente entender que depois de uma reabilitação com implantes dentários, o cuidado com a saúde gengival e peri-implantar ao redor desse implante é tão ou mais importante que o cuidado com a prótese em si, pois são os tecidos peri-implantes que manterão a prótese em função a médio e longo prazo.   Esforcei-me por fornecer um artigo informativo e interessante, instigante, limitado ao tratamento não cirúrgico da doença peri-implantar, sua apresentação e protocolos de higiene clínica e oral