9 research outputs found


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    In this study were performed investigations about the ACTH implications in initiation and development of milk production in ewes and sows, and its relation with the milk production. In order to emphasize the impact of the ACTH on the tissues involved in lactopoiesis, we have chosen to evaluate the effects of Cortrosyn (commercial product containing Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) in these two species. Experimental investigations of ACTH were performed, through serially administration, beginning with the first day after farrowing to 2 week after farrowing. Milk production was monitored after the treatment, through the lambs and piglets weight.After the treatment with Cortrosyn, the average weight of the lambs and pigletsraised in comparison with the control group and also regarding the milk production, it was recorded a constant elevation of the main milk constitutions, especially of the lactose


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    It is well – known the fact that the honey is a very important product, obtained from the bees. In literature there are many publications that highlight the high level of lead contamination of the vegetation located in the close proximity of roads with intense car traffic, which sometimes reach several tens of mg/kg of product.The main sources of the honey`s contamination are the residuum resulted from non – ferrous industry, but also from the industry that uses or transforms lead and its derivatives.But the widest contamination is the result of the utilization of auto vehicles.In order to reduce the detonating effect into the explosion engine and to increase the efficiency of the combustible, it is used to add lead tetraethyl to gas. After such a "useful" action, this chemical compound of lead and exhaust gases are simultaneously eliminated, contaminating the entire area and, inherently, the honey

    Study Regarding the Importance of Water Intake in The Treatment of Bladder Lithiasis

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    Urolithiasis represents the formation of mineral, organic or inorganic deposits in the kidneys, pelvis or bladder. Lithiasis can be formed at any level of the urinary tract (upper and lower) as a result of a dysmetabolism, urinary obstruction (anatomical or pathological) or an infection (cause or effect). The study approaches in all its complexity the urinary lithiasis, in felines and humans, comparing the etiopathogenetic induced context and the consequent therapeutic approaches, in veterinary medicine, following the protocols recommended and applied in human medicine. Lithiasis elements with urinary localization due to their irritative and/or obstructive effects constitute a challenge in the non-surgical treatment of such uro-nephrological disorders, with an appreciable incidence in the pathology of the urinary tract in pets, especially in felines, dissolution and/or lithotripsy allowing the treatment of such disorders (especially involving the lower urinary tract)

    Studies regarding the clinical management optimization in babesiosis in dogs

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    The diagnosis of canine babesiosis is based, most of the times, on the patients’ clinical signs, correlated with the ticks’ parasitism, the emergence season, but the most important clue is performing the laboratory exams.The manifestations of the disease had, in most of the studied individuals, as a characteristic, the well- known clinical tetrad: fever, icterus, anemia and hemoglobinuria, mentioning that for the diagnosis confirmation it was necessary to perform the blood smear microscopic examination and to detect the intracellular parasites or the damaged erythrocytes.In the group of dogs with babesiosis, the haematological examination revealed a distinctly significant (p0.05) of the creatinine’s mean value, compared with those of the control group. Thus, a major role in the pathogenesis of the renal function impairment in dogs with babesiosis can be attributed to the septic-toxic state induced by the intraerythrocytic parasites. The mean value of the bilirubin in the group of dogs with babesiosis was distinctly significant higher (p<0.01) compared to the control group, a sign of massive erythrocytes’ degradation, which stands at the basis of the haemolytic anemia diagnosis and thus the liver function decrease, translated by the significant increase (p<0.05) of the hepatocellular injury specific enzymes activity (ALT). Another biochemical change was hypoglycaemia. In this context, the association between severe anemia and hypoglycaemia may be explained by the effect of hypoxia on the glycolysis and by the fact that the severity of the anemia is closely related to the disease severity and the inflammatory response intensity, which may lead to an intensification of metabolic processes and, consequently, to an excessive glucose consumption

    Social and Environmental Issues in Corporative Management: A Romanian Story

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    The complex process of monitoring entities environmental impact entails ability, respect for the environment and reduction of the ecological footprint. This research defines Romanian trends as regards the effects and actions to adapt to climate change and characterizes corporate management in terms of compliance with environmental management systems requirements. The main objective is to assess the current state of environmental management implementation and identifies relevant social and environmental issues that companies use to include in corporate management. The current agenda would allow developing a framework for environmental management implementation in Romanian entities, in order to assume the corporate social responsibility

    "Incidence of some intoxications evolution in Romania in Apis mellifera carpathica bees monitored in a bee disease prevention program in the active beekeeping season of 2019"

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    The aim of this paper consisted in evaluating the intoxication cases and their dynamics during the active beekeeping season of 2019 for Apis mellifera carpathica bees monitored in a program for the prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases. Following the corroboration of the anamnestic data with the morphoclinical data, suspicion of intoxication with toxic feed (pollen), chemicals (pesticides) and medicinal products (antiparasitic products) was established, excluding other causes of illness. During the period of the study, 113 apiaries from different geographic areas of Romania were monitored; counting a number of 7007 bee families, and was identified a number of 18 apiaries (16%) with susceptibility of intoxication, including a number of 1582 bee families (22.57%). The percentage dynamics of the intoxication cases in the studied bee families was the following: 34.07% intoxication with toxic food, 59.6% intoxication with chemical substances and 6.33% intoxication with drugs. We mention that this proportion of the intoxication was on the background of an active beekeeping season in 2019 with many rainfall and extreme weather phenomena