15 research outputs found

    Intervencions infermeres en persones diagnosticades de trastorn límit de personalitat

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de l'Escola Universitària d'Infermeria, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-2016, Tutor: Amparo Del Pino GutiérrezIntroducció: La simptomatologia del Trastorn Límit de Personalitat (TLP) resulta restrictiva per a la persona en la seva vida diària, especialment en el rol social. Aquesta revisió té l’objectiu de analitzar quines són, segons l’evidència, les intervencions infermeres més efectives i les activitats que es duen a terme actualment al tenir cura. Metodologia: La cerca s’ha dut a terme en les principals bases de dades (CUIDEN, CUIDATGE, PubMed, COCHRANE, SciELO, CINHAL) del novembre del 2015 al gener del 2016 a partir dels termes “Borderline Personality Disorder” AND Nurs* o “Trastorno de la personalidad” AND “Enfermería”. Resultats: S’han seleccionat 25 articles, a partir dels quals s’ha provat que la Teràpia Dialèctica Comportamental (TDC) condueix a la reducció d’ansietat, d’auto-lesions, de depressió i d’ingressos hospitalaris. Altres teràpies han obtingut igualment resultats positius però amb menor evidència. S’ha observat que en funció de la complexitat del cas les intervencions variaran. Paral·lelament s’ha advertit per part dels usuaris falta d’empatia o de coneixements de l’equip infermer. Conclusions: En funció dels resultats, es recomana l´ús de la TDC, sent aquesta específica per al TLP, rentable i la que més dades empíriques d’eficiència reuneix. És necessària molta investigació amb més validesa sobre aquesta i altres teràpies incorporant alhora la perspectiva infermera. D’altre banda ,és imprescindible el treball en l’equip multidisciplinari. Infermeria ha d’augmentar els coneixements respecte el TLP i ha d’aportar una visió multidimensional, incloent-hi la família i el rol social de la persona. El Procés d’Atenció de Infermeria estimula aquesta atenció holística. Per últim, cal remarcar la necessitat d’involucrar a la persona en la seva pròpia cura

    Developmental trajectories of gambling severity after cognitive-behavioral therapy

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    Aims: To estimate trajectories of the gambling disorder (GD) severity for 12 months following a manualized cognitive-behavior-therapy (CBT) program, and to identify the main variables associated with each trajectory. Methods: Latent Class Growth Analysis examined the longitudinal changes of n = 603 treatment-seeking patients with GD. Results: Five separate empirical trajectories were identified: T1 (n = 383, 63.5%) was characterized by the most highest baseline gambling severity levels and positive progress to recovery during the follow-up period; T2 (n = 154, 25.5%) featured participants with high baseline gambling severity and good progress to recovery; T3 (n = 30, 5.0%) was made up of patients with high gambling baseline severity and slow progress to recovery; T4 (n = 13, 2.2%) and T5 (n = 23, 3.8%) contained participants with high baseline gambling severity and moderate (T4) and poor (T5) progress in GD severity during the follow-up. Psychopathological state and personality traits discriminated between trajectories. Poor compliance with the therapy guidelines and the presence of relapses also differed between the trajectories. Conclusions: Our findings show that patients seeking treatment for GD are heterogeneous and that trends in progress following treatment can be identified considering sociodemographic features, psychopatho- logical state and personality traits. These results could be useful in developing more efficient interventions for GD patients

    Does Confinement Affect Treatment Dropout Rates in Patients With Gambling Disorder? A Nine-Month Observational Study

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    Background and Aims: COVID-19 pandemic and confinement have represented a challenge for patients with gambling disorder (GD). Regarding treatment outcome, dropout may have been influenced by these adverse circumstances. The aims of this study were: (a) to analyze treatment dropout rates in patients with GD throughout two periods: during and after the lockdown and (b) to assess clinical features that could represent vulnerability factors for treatment dropout. Methods: The sample consisted of n=86 adults, mostly men (n=79, 91.9%) and with a mean age of 45years old (SD=16.85). Patients were diagnosed with GD according to DSM-5 criteria and were undergoing therapy at a Behavioral Addiction Unit when confinement started. Clinical data were collected through a semi-structured interview and protocolized psychometric assessment. A brief telephone survey related to COVID-19 concerns was also administered at the beginning of the lockdown. Dropout data were evaluated at two moments throughout a nine-month observational period (T1: during the lockdown, and T2: after the lockdown). Results: The risk of dropout during the complete observational period was R=32/86=0.372 (37.2%), the Incidence Density Rate (IDR) ratio T2/T1 being equal to 0.052/0.033=1.60 (p=0.252). Shorter treatment duration (p=0.007), lower anxiety (p=0.025), depressive symptoms (p=0.045) and lower use of adaptive coping strategies (p=0.046) characterized patients who abandoned treatment during the lockdown. Briefer duration of treatment Baenas et al. Lockdown and GD: Treatment Dropout Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org 2 December 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 761802 (p=0.001) and higher employment concerns (p=0.044) were highlighted in the individuals who dropped out after the lockdown. Treatment duration was a predictor of dropout in both periods (p=0.005 and p<0.001, respectively). Conclusion: The present results suggest an impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on treatment dropout among patients with GD during and after the lockdown, being treatment duration a predictor of dropout. Assessing vulnerability features in GD may help clinicians identify high-risk individuals and enhance prevention and treatment approaches in future similar situations

    Suicidal behavior in patients with gambling disorder and their response to psychological treatment: The roles of gender and gambling preference

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    Suicidal ideation and attempts are prevalent among patients with gambling disorder (GD). However, patients with GD and a history of lifetime suicidal events are not a homogeneous group. The main objective of this study was to compare sociodemographic, clinical, personality, and psychopathological features among different profiles of adults with GD with and without a history of suicidal behavior, taking into account two relevant variables: gender and gambling preference. The second aim was to examine how the different profiles of patients with a history of suicidal events responded to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). A total of 1112 treatment-seeking adults who met the criteria for GD were assessed at a hospital specialized unit for the treatment of behavioral addictions. The participants completed self-reported questionnaires to explore GD, personality traits, and psychopathological symptomatology. The lifetime histories of suicidal ideation and attempts, and gambling preferences, were assessed during semi-structured face-to-face clinical interviews. Of the total sample, 229 patients (26.6%) reported suicidal ideation and 74 patients (6.7%), suicide attempts. The likelihood of presenting suicidal ideation was higher for women than men, but no differences were observed based on gambling preference. Regarding suicide attempts, the odds were higher among women with non-strategic forms of gambling. Suicidal ideation and attempts were associated with higher GD severity, a worse psychopathological state and higher self-transcendence levels. In terms of treatment outcomes, neither gambling preference nor past suicidal behavior had an influence on dropouts and relapses. Nevertheless, female gender and a lack of family support constitute two good predictors of a worse treatment outcome

    The prevalence and features of schizophrenia among individuals with gambling disorder

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    Background-objectives: Few studies have analyzed the comorbid presence of gambling disorder (GD) with schizophrenia, its sociodemographic correlates and clinical implications. This study estimated the prevalence of the dual diagnosis (GD with schizophrenia) and the differences in the profiles of patients with and without the dual condition. Method: The sample included n = 3,754 patients consecutively accepted for treatment for GD. Sociodemographics, gambling-related variables, psychopathological state and personality traits were assessed and compared between the groups. Results: The prevalence of schizophrenia within patients who met clinical criteria for GD was 4.4% (95% confidence interval: 3.8%-5.1%). Variables related to the dual presence of GD with schizophrenia were single marital status, lower education level, inactive working status, socioeconomic disadvantage, younger age, earlier onset of gambling problems, worse global psychopathological state and more dysfunctional personality profile (higher level in harm avoidance and lower level in cooperativeness, reward dependence, persistence and selfdirectedness). Conclusion: The presence of schizophrenia among patients with GD was around 4 times higher than the prevalence rate estimated in the reference general population. The differences in the profiles of GD patients with and without schizophrenia suggest that individuals with the dual diagnosis condition require unique assessment considerations and tailored treatment interventions specifically designed for the clinical and functioning higher risk

    Gambling phenotypes in online sports betting

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    Background and objectives: The Internet provides easy access to multiple types of gambling and has led to changes in betting habits. A severe rise in problematic gambling has been predicted among all sectors of the population, and studies are required to assess the emerging phenotypes related to the new structures of gambling activities. This study aimed to explore the existence of latent classes associated with gambling habits among treatment-seeking gamblers due to Online Sports Betting (OSB). Method: Initial sample included n = 4,516 patients consecutively admitted for treatment in a hospital unit specialized in behavioral addictions. Two-step clustering analysis was used within the subsample of n = 323 patients who reported problems related with OSB, within a set of indicators including sociodemographics, psychopathological distress, personality, and severity of the gambling activity. Results: The prevalence of OSB as a main type of gambling problem in the study was 7.2% (95% confidence interval: 6.4 to 7.9%). Two latent clusters were identified, with differences in sociodemographics and clinical status. Cluster 1 (n = 247, 76.5%) grouped patients that were more affected due to the OSB behaviors, and it was characterized by non-married patients, lower socioeconomic position index, higher comorbidity with other substance related addictions, younger age, and early onset of the gambling activity, as well as higher debts due to the OSB, higher psychopathological distress, and a more dysfunctional personality profile. Cluster 2 (n = 76, 23.5%) grouped patients that were less affected by OSB, mostly married (or living with a stable partner), with higher social position levels, older age and older onset of the gambling activity, as well as a more functional psychopathological and personality profile. Conclusion: The increasing understanding of latent classes underlying OSB phenotypes is essential in guiding the development of reliable screening tools to identify individuals highly vulnerable to addictive behaviors among Internet gamblers, as well as in planning prevention and treatment initiatives focused on the precise profiles of these patients

    Subtyping treatment-seeking gaming disorder patients

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    Background and aims: Gaming Disorder (GD) is characterized by a pattern of persistent and uncontrolled gaming behavior that causes a marked impairment in important areas of functioning. The evolution of the worldwide incidence of this disorder warrants further studies focused on examining the existence of different subtypes within clinical samples, in order to tailor treatment. This study explored the existence of different profiles of patients seeking treatment for GD through a data-driven approach. Methods: The sample included n = 107 patients receiving treatment for GD (92% men and 8% women) ranging between 14 and 60 years old (mean age = 24.1, SD = 10). A two-step clustering analysis approach explored the existence of different underlying GD profiles based on a broad set of indicators, including sociodemographic features, clinical course of the condition (e.g., onset or evolution), psychopathological symptoms, and personality traits. Results: Two GD profiles emerged. The first cluster grouped together patients who presented with a lower psychological impact (n = 72, 66.1%), whereas the second cluster comprised patients with a higher psychological impact (n = 35, 32.7%). Cluster comparisons revealed that those patients presenting the higher impact were older, with a later onset of pathological gaming patterns, and more pronounced psychopathological symptoms and dysfunctional personality profiles. Conclusions: GD severity is influenced by specific demographic, clinical, and psychopathological factors. The identification of two separate profiles provides empirical evidence that contributes to the conceptualization of this disorder, as well as to the development of reliable and valid screening tools and effective intervention plans focused on the precise characteristics of the treatment-seeking patients

    Women and gambling disorder: Assessing dropouts and relapses in cognitive behavioral group therapy

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    Background: Gender-specific literature focused on gambling disorder (GD) is scarce, and women with GD have been understudied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to estimate the short-term effectiveness in women with GD (n = 214) of a group standardized cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and to identify the most relevant predictors of the primary therapy outcomes (dropout and relapse). Methods: The manualized CBT consisted of 16 weekly outpatient group sessions. Women were provided with resources to obtain a better understanding of the GD, to improve self-control and to manage risk situations. Results: The dropout risk was higher for women with lower GD severity and higher psychopathological distress. Among other factors, lower education levels were a significant predictor of the relapse risk and and the frequency of relapses was higher for divorced women with a preference for non-strategic gambling and with substances consumption. Conclusions: Our findings evidence women-specific predictors of the primary therapy outcomes. The results highlight the need to design psychological interventions that address dropout and relapse risk factors in women

    Presence of problematic and disordered gambling in older age and validation of the South Oaks Gambling Scale

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    The use of instruments originally developed for measuring gambling activity in younger populations may not be appropriate in older age individuals. The aim of this study was to examine the presence of problematic and disordered gambling in seniors aged 50 or over, and study the reliability and validity properties of the SOGS (a screening measure to identify gambling related problems). Two independent samples were recruited: a clinical group of n = 47 patients seeking treatment at a Pathological Gambling Outpatient Unit, and a population-based group of n = 361 participants recruited from the same geographical area. Confirmatory factor analysis verified the bifactor structure for the SOGS with two correlated underlying dimensions [measuring the impact of gambling on the self primarily (Cronbach's alpha α = 0.87) or on both the self and others also (α = 0.82)], and a global dimension of gambling severity (also with excellent internal consistency, α = 0.90). The SOG obtained excellent accuracy/validity for identifying gambling severity based on the DSM-5 criteria (area under the ROC curve AUC = 0.97 for discriminating disordered gambling and AUC = 0.91 for discriminating problem gambling), and good convergent validity with external measures of gambling (Pearson's correlation R = 0.91 with the total number of DSM-5 criteria for gambling disorder, and R = 0.55 with the debts accumulated due to gambling) and psychopathology (R = 0.50, 0.43 and 0.44 with the SCL-90R depression, anxiety and GSI scales). The optimal cutoff point for identifying gambling disorder was 4 (sensitivity Se = 92.3% and specificity Sp = 98.6%) and 2 for identifying problem gambling (Se = 78.8% and Sp = 96.7%). This study provides empirical support for the reliability and validity of the SOGS for assessing problem gambling in elders, and identifies two specific factors that could help both research and clinical decision-making, based on the severity and consequences of the gambling activity

    A comparison of DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for gambling disorder in a large clinical sample

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    Background and Aims: gambling-related crimes are known to be associated with gambling disorder (GD). Due to a lack of consensus in the scientific community regarding the relevance of this diagnostic criterion, it was removed from the DSM-5. The primary aim of this study was to investigate through structural equation modeling (SEM) whether higher GD severity in treatment-seeking GD patients with a criminal record is mediated through the illegal acts criterion itself, or whether it can be better explained by other related clinical factors. Methods: an initial sample of 2,081 patients seeking treatment for gambling problems was included in the sample. SEM was used to evaluate the mediational role of the illegal acts criterion between the sex, age and personality traits, gambling severity, and comorbid depression levels. Comparisons between patients with coinciding and divergent DSM criterion for GD diagnosis were carried out. Results: illegal acts mediated the relationship between personality traits and GD severity: younger age, high levels of novelty seeking, and low levels of self-transcendence increased the risk of endorsing the illegal acts criterion. No differences between coincident-divergent groups in terms of DSM-IV and DSM-5 diagnosis were found with regards to sex (p = 0.878), education level (p = 0.387), or civil status (p = 0.792). Discussion and Conclusion: the results obtained in the present study offer new insights into the utility of using a history of illegal acts, their different personality characteristics, and psychopathology to categorize GD patients. Our findings suggest that patients who engage in criminal behavior may require a more comprehensive intervention