3 research outputs found

    Pico meter metrology for the GAIA mission

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    To measure the relative motions of GAIA's telescopes, the angle between the telescopes is monitored by an all Silicon Carbide Basic Angle Monitoring subsystem (BAM OMA). TNO is developing this metrology system. The stability requirements for this metrology system go into the pico meter and pico radian range. Such accuracies require extreme measures and extreme stability. Specific topics addressed are mountings of opto-mechanical components, gravity deformation, materials and tests that were necessary to prove that the requirements are feasible. Especially mounting glass components on Silicon Carbide and mastering the Silicon Carbide material proved to be a challenge. © 2009 SPIE


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    We report here the growth and characterization of non linear single crystals β BaB2O4 (BBO) which is an interesting material for second harmonic generation. Single crystals were grown from Na2O-B2O3 solutions using the top seeded solution growth method. The experimental set up included a Nd:YAG, Q switched, focalised with a cylindrical lens on the samples. Efficiency up to 40 % were obtained using 6 mm long crystal

    Gaia basic angle monitoring system

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    The Gaia mission will create an extraordinarily precise three-dimensional map of more than one billion stars in our Galaxy. The Gaia spacecraft2, built by EADS Astrium, is part of ESA's Cosmic Vision programme and scheduled for launch in 2013. Gaia measures the position, distance and motion of stars with an accuracy of 24 micro-arcsec using two telescopes at a fixed mutual angle of 106.5°, named the ‘Basic Angle’, at an operational temperature of 100 K. This accuracy requires ultra-high stability at cryogenic conditions, which can only be achieved by using Silicon Carbide for both the optical bench and the telescopes. TNO has developed, built and space qualified the Silicon carbide Basic Angle Monitoring (BAM) on-board metrology system3 for this mission, measuring the relative motion of Gaia’s telescopes with accuracies in the range of 0.5 micro-arcsec. This is achieved by a system of two laser interferometers able to detect Optical Path Differences (OPD) as small as 1.5 picometer rms. Following a general introduction on Gaia and the use of Silicon Carbide as base material this paper addresses the specific challenges towards the cryogenic application of the Gaia BAM including design, integration and verification/qualification by testing