76 research outputs found

    Peruvian Fishing App

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    App for monitoring the activity of Peruvian hake fishers Licence: The MIT Licens


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    Android app for use in the DYNAMICOPERU research project. It is designed to allow fishers to record details of their fishing activity

    Settlement preferences of the European oyster Ostrea edulis (thesis data)

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    The settlement preferences of the European oyster Ostrea edulis were analysed in laboratory experiments. Larvae were presented with following treatments: conspecific spat (FSW-SP), biofilm stones (B-ST), control stones (ST), food (FSW-F), filtered seawater (FSW), unfiltered seawater (USW), shell in filtered seawater (FSW-SU), shell in unfiltered seawater (USW-SU). Settlement of larvae and larval behaviour were observed over 72h at regular time intervals (~2.5h). The dataset is stored in a relational database in MS Access

    Vertical distribution, swimmings speeds and larval behaviour of the European oyster Ostrea edulis (thesis data)

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    The dataset covers vertical distribution, swimming speeds and larval behaviour of the European oyster throughout its larval ontogeny, and under the influence of light/ darkness, food/ no food and two contrasting temperatures. The data was obtained in laboratory experiments, and it is stored in a relational database (MS Access)