47 research outputs found

    Nonremovable sets for H\"older continuous quasiregular mappings in the plane

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    We show that for any dimension t>2(1+alpha K)/(1+K) there exists a compact set E of dimension t and a function alpha-Holder continuous on the plane, which is K-quasiregular only outside of E. To do this, we construct an explicit K-quasiconformal mapping that gives, by one side, extremal dimension distortion on a Cantor-type set, and by the other, more Holder continuity than the usual 1/K.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Removable singularities for H\"older continuous quasiregular mappings in the plane

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    We give necessary conditions for a set E to be removable for Holder continuous quasiregular mappings in the plane. We also obtain some removability results for Holder continuous mappings of finite distortion.Comment: 8 page

    Weighted estimates for Beltrami equations

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    We obtain a priori estimates in Lp(ω)L^p(\omega) for the generalized Beltrami equation, provided that the coefficients are compactly supported VMOVMO functions with the expected ellipticity condition, and the weight ω\omega lies in the Muckenhoupt class ApA_p. As an application, we obtain improved regularity for the jacobian of certain quasiconformal mappings.Comment: 25 page

    Sharp nonremovability examples for H\"older continuous quasiregular mappings in the plane

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    Let α(0,1)\alpha\in(0,1), K1K\geq 1, and d=21+αK1+Kd=2\frac{1+\alpha K}{1+K}. Given a compact set E\subset\C, it is known that if \H^d(E)=0 then EE is removable for α\alpha-H\"older continuous KK-quasiregular mappings in the plane. The sharpness of the index dd is shown with the construction, for any t>dt>d, of a set EE of Hausdorff dimension dim(E)=t\dim(E)=t which is not removable. In this paper, we improve this result and construct compact nonremovable sets EE such that 0<\H^d(E)<\infty. For the proof, we give a precise planar KK-quasiconformal mapping whose H\"older exponent is strictly bigger than 1K\frac{1}{K}, and that exhibits extremal distortion properties.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Linear transport equations for vector fields with subexponentially integrable divergence

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    We face the well-posedness of linear transport Cauchy problems {ut+bu+cu=f(0,T)×Rnu(0,)=u0LRn\begin{cases}\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial t} + b\cdot\nabla u + c\,u = f&(0,T)\times{\mathbb R}^n\\u(0,\cdot)=u_0\in L^\infty&{\mathbb R}^n\end{cases} under borderline integrability assumptions on the divergence of the velocity field bb. For Wloc1,1W^{1,1}_{loc} vector fields bb satisfying b(x,t)1+xL1(0,T;L1)+L1(0,T;L)\frac{|b(x,t)|}{1+|x|}\in L^1(0,T; L^1)+L^1(0,T; L^\infty) and divbL1(0,T;L)+L1(0,T;Exp(LlogL)),\operatorname{div} b\in L^1(0,T;L^\infty) + L^1\left(0,T; \operatorname{Exp}\left(\frac{L}{\log L}\right)\right), we prove existence and uniqueness of weak solutions. Moreover, optimality is shown in the following way: for every γ>1\gamma>1, we construct an example of a bounded autonomous velocity field bb with divbExp(LlogγL),\operatorname{div} b\in \operatorname{Exp}\left(\frac{L}{\log^\gamma L}\right) , for which the associate Cauchy problem for the transport equation admits infinitely many solutions. Stability questions and further extensions to the BVBV setting are also addressed

    A Note on Transport Equation in Quasiconformally Invariant Spaces

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    In this note, we study the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for the transport equation in the BMO space and certain Triebel-Lizorkin spaces.Comment: 14 page

    Manifolds of quasiconformal mappings and the nonlinear Beltrami equation

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    In this paper we show that the homeomorphic solutions to each nonlinear Beltrami equation zˉf=H(z,zf)\partial_{\bar{z}} f = \mathcal{H}(z, \partial_{z} f) generate a two-dimensional manifold of quasiconformal mappings FHWloc1,2(C)\mathcal{F}_{\mathcal{H}} \subset W^{1,2}_{\mathrm{loc}}(\mathbb{C}). Moreover, we show that under regularity assumptions on H\mathcal{H}, the manifold FH\mathcal{F}_{\mathcal{H}} defines the structure function H\mathcal{H} uniquely.Comment: 26 pages, Proposition 2.2 is improved and the proofs of Schauder estimates and the lower bound for the Jacobian are moved to arXiv:1511.0837

    Flows for non-smooth vector fields with subexponentially integrable divergence

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    In this paper, we study flows associated to Sobolev vector fields with subexponentially integrable divergence. Our approach is based on the transport equation following DiPerna-Lions [DPL89]. A key ingredient is to use a quantitative estimate of solutions to the Cauchy problem of transport equation to obtain the regularity of density functions.Comment: 24 pages, revise

    Nonlinear transport equations and quasiconformal maps

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    We prove existence of solutions to a nonlinear transport equation in the plane, for which the velocity field is obtained as the convolution of the classical Cauchy Kernel with the unknown. Even though the initial datum is bounded and compactly supported, the velocity field may have unbounded divergence. The proof is based on the compactness property of quasiconformal mappings

    Pointwise descriptions of nearly incompressible vector fields with bounded curl

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    Among those nearly incompressible vector fields v:RnRn{\bf{v}}:{\mathbb{R}}^n\to{\mathbb{R}}^n with xlogx|x|\log|x| growth at infinity, we give a pointwise characterization of the ones for which curlv=DvDtv\operatorname{curl}{\bf{v}}= D{\bf{v}}-D^t{\bf{v}} belongs to LL^\infty. When n=2n=2 we can go further and describe, still in pointwise terms, the vector fields v:R2R2{\bf{v}}:{\mathbb{R}}^2\to{\mathbb{R}}^2 for which divv+curlvL|\operatorname{div}{\bf{v}}|+|\operatorname{curl}{\bf{v}}|\in L^\infty